Southampton Airport (IATA: SOU, ICAO: EGHI)

United Kingdom / England / Eastleigh /

Southampton Airport (IATA: SOU, ICAO: EGHI)

Farthest airport from Southampton: Taieri, New Zealand, NZTI (45°51'36"S 170°21'30"E): 11917 mi.
Nearby cities:
Coordinates:   50°57'1"N   1°21'25"W


  • VERY noisy. Occasionally we get Spitfires flying over, what with Eastleigh Airport (as it should be named) being the home of the Spitfire. They're noisy too, but in a better way than the commercial jets that take off FAR too early in the morning. Useful for domestic flights and flights to europe. thus far, this has been no use in flying further afield, and you still need to make the trek to London.
  • And y exactly should it be eastleigh airport?! its southampton airport because its a name that would be recognisable to people from outside the city should they make the mistake of flying there. however the real reason is tht eastleigh is a shithole
  • Flew to this airport with Suckling Airways (no longer there) with a turboprop commuter plane, followed by taxi to Havant. Cool trip!
This article was last modified 12 years ago