Day 4
Prince George to Golden via Mackenzie

Yes, we realised that Mackenzie was not on the way to Golden.

We departed Prince George in sunshine,

but as we headed north some clouds developed.

Mackenzie is yet another pulp-town.

Long final for 16 at CYZY

Short final 16. Down safely, as always.

The trip back south to Prince George took us along McLeod Lake and the Crooked River.

Back to Prince George for lunch, re-fuelling and to check the weather for the longer trip south.

Prince George has a pulp mill too. Runway 19 this time.

We got to use all three runways at CYXS (Prince George, BC).

I hope the Master is off. No Pacific Coastal, Westjet now.

The flight down the Fraser River from Prince George to Golden was to prove one of the longest and most beautiful trips of the week.

We took off from 24 and made a big left turn towards the VOR and the Fraser River.

The YXS VOR at Prince George.

The valley itself was fairly clear, but both sides were overcast.

The weather in some of the side valleys (this is Castle Creek, south of McBride) looked pretty bad.

When it spilled into our path, we were treated to rainbows.

The airports at McBride, BC (CAV4) and Valemont, BC (CAH4)


At the half-way point, McNaughton Lake comes into view.

Behind us, highway 16 and the Fraser River stretch back to Prince George.
Ahead, highway 5 and the railway turn west for Kamloops, and the Fraser River has turned east into Jasper National park.

Finally, we reached the airport at Golden.

Unfortunately, we were an hour late because we had crossed a time-zone.

Final for 14 at CYGE (Golden, BC) Looking forward to my rest day.

Jacqueline, barely on the ground and already plotting to ruin my day off.

Created: 26/11/01
All photographs copyrighted by:
Dominic Ryan, ERP 425, (514) 398-6534