Name: Loei Airport - VTUL
Coordinates: 17*26.3' N x 101*43.3' E
Frequency: 126.2 approach // 122.5 tower
Runway Heading: 01/19
Length: 2,100 meters
Surface: concrete
Slope: none
Elevation: 829'
Obstructions: n/a
Location: 5km from town
Activities: There are 3 Seven-Eleven shops and one KFC in Loei. See if you can find them. Also, don't miss the chance to climb "Poo-ka-dung" (3-5 hour climb with camping on the top). Don't miss the Oasis Bar and "Robot" (next door) for wild Loei night life.
Resort in Loei -- www.phunacomeresort.com
Place to stay: Sun Palace Hotel, 191/5 Charonrut Road (near the KFC). Tel: 042-815717 / 815545.
Contact Information: 042 812654 // 811521. Fax: 815453. (cost: 350 Baht per night - 800 Baht for VIP).
Other links: For additional information: DOA Aeronautical Information Service, Tung Mahamek, Bangkok 10120, Thailand -- tel: 02 256 0922 // 02 286 0922 // fax: 02 287 4060 // AFTN: VTBAYOYX.
Map of Airstrip: http://www.aisthai.go.th/webais/pdf/AERONAUTICALCHARTS/VTUL.pdf