I like to call O.P.I Russian Navy my fail safe,
you know the situation when you have minutes to spare and bare nails?
Yep well that is when I whip this out, apply two coats and off I trot!
It is one of those shades that suits any outfit and occasion.

Russian Navy is a deep inky navy shade that is just as classy as a black shade
but not as deep or as flat.
I find it to apply and dry well but it is not the most glossy of shades 
so sometimes I like to apply an extra shiny top coat for a little razzle dazzle!
Typically it wears for around 3 days before chipping.

What is your fail safe nail polish shade?
O.P.I retails for around £10.49 but you can pick this shade up on eBay for just over £7 - link