RUDDY SHELDUCK also known as Brahminy Duck
©al mawash hani

There are very small resident populations of this species in north west Africa but the main breeding area of this species is from south east Europe across central Asia to southeast China. These birds are mostly migratory, wintering in southern Asia.

Although becoming quite rare in southeast Europe and southern Spain, the Ruddy Shelduck is still common across much of its Asian range

It is much browner than pictured, but I like the amped up color in the photo.

In captivity this species is generally aggressive and antisocial and is best housed in pairs unless in a very large area. Then it may mix with other species, although it will still be feisty at breeding time.

The genus name Tadorna comes from Celtic roots and means “pied waterfowl”, essentially the same as the English “shelduck”

It is identified with the Akkadian iṣṣūr ḫurri - I have no idea what that means ;)

In Tibet and Mongolia, Ruddy Shelduck is considered sacred by the Buddhists. It is also a sacred animal in Slavic mythology

In Hindi and Urdu it is called Surkhab

The Ruddy Shelduck is one of the species to which the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (AEWA) applies

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