Review – Oblivion Heart by Nazri Noor

Posted April 3, 2020 by Carole in 2020 Audiobook Challenge, Audiobook, Book Reviews / 10 Comments

Oblivion Heart by Nazri Noor
Narrated by Luke Daniels
Series: Darkling Mage #4
Publisher: Nazri Noor
Publication Date: March 16, 2020
Date Read: March 26, 2020
Length: 6 hours 37 minutes
Source: Author

A massacre, a manuscript, and a demonic midnight bargain.

Dustin Graves goes on a rare night out with the boys from the Boneyard, but things go horribly wrong. Over a hundred revelers drop dead at a pop diva’s concert, bleeding from their eyes and their ears. Miraculously, Dustin and his undead associates survive.

But the troubles have just begun. Soon Dust is dealing with a bloodthirsty imp, a grizzled Scion, and a strange man covered in even stranger tattoos. Then Mammon, the demon prince of greed, comes knocking, eager to collect on Dustin’s end of the bargain….

If you like snarky heroes, snappy dialogue, and a bit of grit and gore, you’ll love the fourth book in Nazri Noor’s series of urban fantasy novels. Explore the Darkling Mage universe and discover Oblivion Heart today.

My Review

I really enjoyed this book!  I have really had a good time with this series and have been looking forward to the release of each new audiobook.  This book was just as entertaining as the previous installments in this series.  I am so glad that I discovered this series.

Dustin’s life is never boring.  He goes along with his friends to a pop star’s concert where things go very wrong and almost all of the concert-goers end up dead.  Dustin also has a little deal with a demon to fulfill and must find a very special book that can’t seem to stay in one place.  There was no shortage of excitement in this story and I really enjoyed watching Dustin deal with everything thrown at him.  There were some moments where I wasn’t sure how things would work out but Dustin was able to find a solution even if it required a bit of luck.

I am really enjoying the characters in this series.  Dustin is funny, smart, and good under pressure.  He has a solid group of friends that always seem to have his back.  I enjoyed getting to know a few characters a bit better in this installment and was thrilled to spend some more time with Vanitas, Dustin’s sword with a very big personality.

Luke Daniels is one of my favorite narrators and I think he does an amazing job with this series.  He really is able to bring Dustin to life, including his sense of humor.  He handles all of the character voices very well and is able to make the story feel even more exciting.  I think that his narration added to my overall enjoyment of this story.

I would recommend this series to others.  This is the fourth book in the Darkling Mage series which I recommend reading in order.  I found this book to be highly entertaining and look forward to reading more of Dustin’s adventures very soon!

I received a review copy of this audiobook from the author.

About the Author – Nazri Noor
(From Author’s Website)

Hi, I’m Nazri, a Filipino-Malaysian author based in California. I’m trilingual, but I really only write in English. I can also speak just enough Sindarin and Valyrian to impress absolutely no one. My urban fantasy novels focus on heroes who use wits, style, and their wildly unpredictable magic to save the day. Think sass and class, while kicking ass.

My influences come from horror and fantasy: HP Lovecraft, Anne Rice, George R.R. Martin, Chuck Palahniuk, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman. Growing up I was shaped by the Blood Sword, Fighting Fantasy, Lone Wolf, and Grey Star game book universes. I’m also inspired by video games, specifically the Castlevania, Final Fantasy, and Persona series.

Author Links: Website | Goodreads | Facebook | Twitter

10 responses to “Review – Oblivion Heart by Nazri Noor

  1. I have always wanted to read this series and I love Luke Daniels. Hopefully someday. Great review!

    Anne – Books of My Heart

  2. I do love UF and Luke Daniels is one of my favorite narrators! I like that this book isn't very long either. I'm having a little trouble focusing on anything other than my re-read of Mercy Thompson right now when I should be reading review books.

  3. I don't think I have ever listened to an audiobook with Luke Daniels, but he sounds superb!!! Glad you had such a winning time with this one.

    Great review.