Farmers and consumers market bulletin, 1926 February 4



| 'L. B. JACKSON, Director | a
_Eeahished by J. BE Gown 1 Commissioner of Agriculture March i; 1917. 2 = |

State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga oe : Li CReRCH Thursd y,


Hateres as second class matter February 15, 1922, at the Postoffics at Atlanta, Gaara. under the act of June 6, 1900.
Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section 1108, Act 6f: October 371917% = +

a IMPORTANT NOTICE: All patrons of Market Bulletin should bear in mind that no AD will be repeated unless sent i in each ee If you d ir

notice repeated, send copy. The Bulletin. goes to press Friday noon. Gur services are entirely FREE.

VOL. 9.


; Carload Prices of Feedstuffs at Important Markets, J sr a3, (926

= 5 ae
< z Oa:
; _ 5 ; ; x eRe
COMMODITY ea Serge on a 2 ss o ia oo 2 a it,
5 re Ses Rate Bf me 5 S s oot
ee f 8 ak 8 Mee S51 Ooo. toe ee ee ea es ee:
FEED ey Dee Per Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per | Per |
Se Z mess : ton On ton 2 ton ton | ton ton | ton | ton | ton | ton I. ton |. ton | ton. | Aton.
- - (hagged, sight draft basis) ~ | : ' 5 | : Zp Seat selec
Wheat bran: | fake = ea 5 : [ ee. : :
fe Spying 25 es Sis ee $35.00 | < $84.00 | $84.50) $32.50 $3100 Sti. $38.50)'399:00) $25.75 tes ats a es Se
SO Le Will Gk oe ee ee ee a [ste Foeeeic <u N0 36.00 |: 34.50 33.50) $30.50) $32.00)... .. Zs : PO eee sara $28 BOS 2507 ol ea eters sa teae a
PTA Water S56 oa pee eae vie a Seip Sek 3450. ee Se = See | een, 80000 DB e.OU es = 29.00/23. es See 28. 00| 25:751:$26.00] .>.. ..1 $37.00
Wheat middlings: i & Se ; es Bae bee . as

Z : Spring (standard) .......... eso 35.00 34 00: (25 34.50 1.3250 | 31:00. -.<, {32.50} 28:50| 28.75] -25.75|...<..|... ee be ares os
Sait winter ea Seeds 30-00 88:50} 87.007. 37.00)... . | $4.50] 31.00] 29.50]...... Eves 13) S09. BOs, Sa a ae
ee a ee oe ee ee ail eee Pea eo ee eae $0:00).5. Se
Hard winter wheat shorts (brown).|.......-. Sis eae eal its SATS Soe i 36.00] 34.00)......1.. fie hee ne ate crc a 3i. 00}. 28,50) .28.00)...... .} 39.00

Wheat omilirun oo oes. eS ae (na eee, eee Files ee Ses poe ee ea. PO BROO kecleee PPR DO oes $34.50] 36.00
jive ymiddlings Sg A ee Se [owe Senet | sd eUadee as tec ie Ses ery 29 50). ee. = 95-001 24.001 72505: ae a te bee &
Fligh protein meals: - 2 pe : | : : | soe
ide ee eee EO ea Lae aS | *51.20 | 48.00]... :..| 51,00] 50.00] 49.00] 47.50|...... | 51.80) 50.60; 61.00 58.00.
Cottonseed -438%) ..... Renee ae 3:50 42.50 - pe aes | 39.701 41.00] 34.50! 38.50! 39.50} 39.00] 41.50]... . 2. | 3.30! 89. 30). EIN Saree
Cottionaced 41) A Ga So Pes 6 80 S000 to 87.70 | 39.00) 32.50) 36.50] 37.50| 36.00] 39.50)......[...... aie ASA eee
Cotimaed 49655). oe Son IO 00 te SR BU | 35.704] 36.501 30.80) 94:50) 351001...,..[- 97.501. <0 ls. Ea 86.00 gs
em gestior feeding t tankage (60%)... Sram MST aaa ene See eee peer ees oN teen epee 65.00) 65.00] 65 Oe 65 00! 65.00). a oes
Nov'T altalfg. meat (medium) ...++-2-[eoeee eens ey ees PRREO as Saves 28.00} 81.00] 28.50| 28.00]...... 27.50} 25.00} 27.50] 29.00] 25.00
Clten 406d es ee 46.05 45.00 45.80 | - 42.80} 42.80]....0. 41.80} 38.90} 39.90] 42.10]...... igo ERE oe ie se
Wife hominy 166d: Se 35.50 35.00 |. 36.00 |.......-- 83-0065 Besant) 29.5 2900 ee 29-00) S20 00s os eee
Yellow hominy feed .....+- +: aE ee tees 34.50 35.00 pes 30 50l | ee 29 S Bm Rs oo = 30.00) Seka freee
He > 4G RAlIOy: 3s. era SE pee wifeceveeeecfereee sees re 00}... ... : seve deg eee thoes te einen sealers stds see a
Dian beers ee seen Be eee ys es fe AB 0p ewates pe See | 40.00}... 0-1 pea ec as | [eos 38.00 _
i Nominal _ : 2 Grey. e
(@xtract from Official Report, U. S- Department, of f griculture, January Zs a :
= %

Address all mail to STATE. BUREAU OF MARKETS, State Capitol, Atlanta, Georgia.

Prices below are those which wholesalers were paying. F. O. B. these consuming ae the day this Ballet a
Ww ent to oe J anuary 30; 026. _ REMEMBER, THESE ARE NOT RETAIL PRICES. i :


od astitecs, Bale Eeideds oe 230--Cwt ab wt, 2 200Cwt, 2.00 wh 2 Ot
Irish Potatoes, new, No. 1, 150 Ib.. Sack (00 te. = Te - ae a Peo
EC base (Cveen erated New). Pe 5.50-Crate _ 5. 25-Crate 5. 5@Crate sacar 00Crate 5.75 Crate
| Field Peas Mixed Whipporwills ___---- SAO Bu. oe 2 : 3-50 gt 3. = 3.50 ao
Black Eye Peas $s ee eee 6% Lb. 6 iy Lb. i e 6 ta Lb. y 6 1s ae -6 2 Lb. ae
Seg iS SSRE ee eee .35 Doz. : e530: Doz... 34 Doz. 39 Doz. | 34 Doz |
peas =r ee ee Ie oe wth eo ke 22 Eb
ee ee PPB 2 Fe oy 24 Lb.
=o Seas ISS co ee ae SL ce - Bi : ae a ee a
Va a SS oe At Lb +38 Lb. = eh es ae
Sitkeeat ee 6B Ue ee ee
Peg ee .16 Lb. eS Lb. : ae : ae < . ee fo es
Gea a eT eS Pe Sabo 35 15. > ; oe >. ee ee ee
pe ee
Country Butter (Best Table) ------- 5 bb. ae Le 38 ve oe ao bo =
Country Butter (Cooking) ~~-------- -20 Lb. +22 Lh. ee 5 = 1 : lee ee
Sem tase See (BbI.) = ee = 85 Gal, = 77.85 Gal. 80 Gal. 85 Gal. 85 Gal.
Sorghum Syrup ------------------ arn ee a ot = ean ee ee fa 2ND A
Cc M al, per 96- lb. sack i Be 2.10 : 2.12 Aaa : > wee 72 u. < : > was ope
Soca No. : 2 (White Western) sacked Se 1.06 Bu. - 107% Bu. Oe Ba. ee Se ae a
ae Gats, No. 3 (White) sacked Soe Sie oe 24 e Bu. 3 61 ty Bu. i 6032 Bu. = Ge Bu. a e 6043, 5
Fe algal res hee sneer os Se ee ee es a eee
oy] Rewer Us 2 es 200 ten ce 26.00 Ton 27.00 Ton 26.00 Ton
: - Peavine a 17.00 : CS 15.00

< Shucks .------------~---+----- ; ae Seon onees pe

pGa* Jersey.
rae: Abo. aoe 50 20. mo. old.
ght color heifer 2 yr old aoe
ie Meh $27.50-
R Wiggins, Butts Ga Jersey cow
milking, $40
a ' Meaders, Watkinsville Ge
Reg Jersey bulls 2. to 4 yr old
) Mrs G J Lanier, Aline Ga
guinea cow
ae Hunt Valdosta, Ga Reg Tarssy
balls 5 to. 10 mo old) \ {J
ed WW Calis, x ree Ga
lots Fc
Er FE Snowden, Res Mab ny Ga Fine
Jersey milk cows; exc for brood sows
or voung W Leghorn shen :
~Docia Harris; Lula Ga
Jersey bull 9 mo old $15
Ww. jD. Maner. R2. Smyrna Ga
Jersey bull 3 yr old, cheap
3 6B Morris, Douglasvil
heifer with Reg papers. 1
im gan $75



attle car

Pure bred

mo old bred

Jersey |

Mrs W Johnston, Grayson Ga Jer-
sey heifers 18 mo, old. entitled. to reg
ea Or exc for<b. P..C pigs: * wks old:

r Durocs sam age, or any kind pure
breed hens at $1.25 ea

> J Paris,, Dallas Ga
bull prize winner 16 mo old $75

Mrs tt F Neal, Washington Ga, High
grade Jersey cow from 4 gal cow by

Reg pull with calf 6 mo old now bred
to Reg Jersey $35 or exe for 10bu corn
at $i bucas part payment.

+ HC Walarip, R 1) Forsyth Ga
Sev heifers soon to freshen
WT Adams, Lavonia Ga_ Heifer calf

hait_ Guinea and Jersey 7 mo old;-Sell!
or exe for pigs or ce or Covington

* B & i Burke, Dover Ga T6 head well
trained ayerage ASt 1090 ibs oxen eon.
yokessfor Same. i
~W R Pruitt, AR A Stone Mtn Ga
failk cows: 5 with young calves;
heifer fresh in; reasonable :

H Stapleton, Bronwood Ga 3 Jersey
ilk cows, one $35 and two far $40 ea;

one at $40 to freshen in 2 wks

- Hickory Grove Farm, Hartwell Ga
Reg Jersey bull 7 mo old Raleign strain
$20 or exe: for corn ee |

Poet Aveo; Monroe Go Ree Jersey;
Pull 2 yr ol $50 with papers
/~*Mieoks Dairy Farm, -Warthen Ga
Younes ulersey bulls from Reg of Merit |
eee $00 to $200 ea

-,C A Holland, Meridan Ga Bull ealf
, 6 mo old from Merit Sire and Dam. also
one same breed 8 mo old...

M Shackelford, Albany Gay High
red Jersey bulls Reg and servicable.

Se $100 to $150 ca |

C McGahee, Groveland Ga Male
cant 2 mo old half Jersey and half Hols- |


Reg Jersey |

8 Jer-


BCS Hicks: Adel Ga Few pure bred
Mammoth Bi PC gilts |
Mrs Kate Bass, Chipley Ga 1 PC:
gilt $15: 3 male P C and Duroc crossed
$15. sow -leb with second

litter $40

Doeia Harris, Lula Ga Half oO Ic
sow 10 mo old $30

LT McCoy, Mitthell Ga 10 P and
Hampshire pigs 10 wks old $d 24; shoats
ay to 50 Ibs: 12c/ Ib.

WD Creech, R 3 Augusta Ga 4 pure.
bred Bl Hissex pigs 2 1-2 mo old $3 ea

Mrs Mary O Franklin, R 4 Lawr ae

e Ga 1 meat hog 200 Ibs not fat-
fened on corn 20c lb ;

4? Upshaw. Covington Ga.sReg
(Duroc gilts and boars 10 wks old $9 ea
Wich papers; special July boat ready for
Service, will reg in buyers name $15

eI -C Norts, Newborn Ga .4-Duroc
srsey shoats, 3. bears and 1
tied tO ree. os:

Bi Purifoy, Yatesville Ga Bl Guinea:
oar 6 mo old $20; Pigs 8 wks old $12
gee : / : ;

M 1G Goolsby, Monticello Ga Ree Big
one Bl P C.sows soon to farrow. $50,

1 boar re ehdy for serviee $35
A: Cato, Avera,Ga-3.P<C gilts and |
oar 6 mo old, gilts $11 ea boar $12. 2

A Watkins, Hawkinsville Ga

Spoitad PC boar 5 mo old $12 fob; 2 e
C boars. 4- mo old $10. ea; 3 Bl PC
ts 4 mo old $10 ea: 5 feeder pigs $12
Pes 2-mo,. old halt . Teper re
TP ..C-$3 ea, fob |
= eisoKs, Washington Ga. Pc sow
ir condition; P C. gilt mou reg, but

E Keown, R e Villanow Ga. Dut
qual. ty boars and gilts: Sept far-

P fzcll; R41: Willard Ga 1 Big,
one Big Pype\Spotted P C boar reg,
Pyr 4 mo- old $25 or- exc: for corn at|

bu ele =A

gilt. en-}

~Slipshu: ck e

i of 80 lbs fob

est x ice Evans, R 2 Rebecca Ga. ee pigs a)
wks old Black and spotted P

oe with }
little red mixed $5 ea fob.
W. if Culpepper, R 3 Grantville . Gal
_Rg Bib Type BI P C pigs 8 mo old and
one tried Reg sow will farraw in Mech
. D. Campbell, Monticella Ga: 2 pure
bred. big bone P sows 250 Ib ea

Bf aus, R C Albany Ga; 1sow and}.

3 pigs half of first litter 8 ne old, 3-4
Duroe Jersey, $22 for lot; 2 Duroc Jer-
sey pigs 10 wks old $10 for both

H H Snowden, RB Albany Ga Mules}
exe for brood sows or young W.= Leg-

|} horn hens.

Mrs Lillian Davidson, Shady Dale Ga }
Mare 8 yr old 1000 to 1200 Ibs
O A Andrews, Jackson Ga
mule 10 yr old 1000 Ibs. 100:
A DL England, Blairsville
ish white Knight Jack (~
WwW T Martin, R 1 Resaca Ga! Good)
work horse work anywhere gentle and


Ga Span-

sound 1000 lbs

J. Fe Walls, Chula, Ga 3 mules and
i horse. 12 -to 14 yrs old 800 to900 Ibs;
sell or exc for good milk cow and 2

horse cultivator, or pair large mules.

JS Reynolds, R A Hazlehurst Ga 1

Grey mule 12 yr old, blind, 200d condi-

tion, work anywhere; exe for young
milk cow fresh in or 300 bs No 1 N co
We Mors; it A Dawson Ga Gentle
shetland peny, bridle and saddle $40
Mrs: MG Jones, R 4 Shellman Ga
Good mule $100; exe for good open bug-

gy and harness, or part payment in hay

Meridian Gas~2 colts
L yr old nese and 2.

iC Ae Holland
half Percheron,
yr old stud


Mrs J Bo Flanigan, R 6 Yincolnton
Ga Pair finegoats 100 Ibs lbs ea, white,
well-broken to ride or drize $5, ea

G@ Lone, R41. Norcross. Ga i willy
goat well broken 18 mo old $4

Mrs. Tt S Roberts, RR 6 ee Ga
30 head sheep $5 ea

R Michael, R 3 Monroe Ga
Toggenburge goat, $5 fob

J Hollon, Dooling Ga 4 billy oon 3
mo oid, and 1 nanny 1 i Acyr ols $6 for



(For Seed PurposesSee Seed)
HOM Franklin, Tennille Ga- food
, byight peavine hay car lots: of-10 tons
also dark peanut vine hay; choice Tim-
othy hay car lots or less; . Fulghum,
Appler,. Red Rustpreof and Burt oats ins


'5 bu lots or more $1 bu del; Velvet bean

hulls car lots

Georgia .Brokerage Co. Cordele Ga
Peanut hay car lots; svelvet_ pene hulls
car lots: .

G W Lovett, Luthersville Ga Nice
bulk peanut hay a ton or exc for

J he Welker,. sean: Ga 100 bus!
Blue Stem wheat: exc for Otootan soy
beans,/4 for 1, or Brab peas 2 for 1

V Brabham, Macon Ga Peanut ha
ear lots oh

Moultrie Mill & Elev Co, Moultr: e ven
New crop peanut hay ear lots 10 tons;
write ;for del price f

W Heard, Box 136 Atlanta Ga: Re. |
cleaned Beaorded Barley in strong Been
bu bags $1.24 bu


Moultrie Mill & Elev Co, Moultrie Ga

New. shelled. corn in 2 1-2 bu bags $1.20
bu del; bulk shelled corn car lots, write


| for price; ear corn 80 Ibs to bu ear lots

300 bus: write for-del price

H M Franklin, Tennille Ga Slipshuck
corn 80 lbs to bu car lots only.

VY Barnham, Macon Ga Ear corn car

Georgia. Brokerags Co
ear corn:
C Pearman, Tifton Ga

Cordele Ga


ear corn; make best offer fob Chula Ga!

Powers: & Coy
eorn-in shuck -4
J N Dalton, Rebecca: Ga
or exc for hog peanuts a

HS Dorminy, Enigma Ga

Quitman Ga 10 cars
Corn $1 bu
200 or

to bu fab
ook Trading Co, 3
eountry milline corn $1.05 bu ~
R. Brown, Rochelle Ga- 150 bu corn
in ear
. M Greene, Iron, City Ga Corn 90e

oan Ga Bene dry

T P Reinhardt, Waleska Ga Best
water -ground meal ae White corn;
write for price

W. -G.)Waters,<R. 3.Pavo Ga 100 us

: slipshuck eorn : \

J.J. Ward, West. ee Ga 50 bus!

| shelted Seu aed ot ie fob ;


200 ae oN $i'ba es
AW ME Creech, Rav City.
shuck cern car lots a7

F J Payne, Jesup Ga

{ Porto Rican Sweets
Tifton Ga = orto Ri can ay

fF} Pearman,
sweets 2 lb fob Chula Ga

I, Rowe, R 2 Willocoochee Ga ~ Porto
Rican Sweets Sr20 Du fe:

age Carter, Hazlehurst Ga 15 bus
Porto Rican Yams $1.25 bu in sacks
fob; also 40 bus: Porto Rican seed po-
itatoes 3.1-2 Ib in sacks fob
T G Merriman,, Klza Ga

igrown $1.75 bu:
Sweets $1.25 bu, all fob Lyons Ga


Mrs W B Autry, R'1 Watkimsville Ga
5 lbs bright sundried. peaches; exe for
5 lbs dried apples peeled and cored

W Kelley, Demorest Ga Choice
Yates and Terry apples $1.75 bu fob

Mrs Dora Shope, Suches Ga
apples 10 Ibs $1.55 del Ny
A. J, Collins; Mt Airy Ga Terry Win-!
ter apples, second grade oe in bu
boxes $1.25. bu

Mes tC Harris
or 80 Ibs dried peaches toc Ib del

=Mrs DF Michael, Monroe Ga: R-3
10 lbs fresh dried peaches 15c Ib fob



Ga Sundried, peaches 15clb del. -

Mrs Anna Crow, Rit Flowery Branch
Ga Sundried apples 16 Ib del.

W McL*Edson, Ri TigerGa- Hand
aed sprayed apples paeked in stand-
pu boxes; fob; eo $0.75 and: $23
ebty $1.75 and $2: Shockley $1.75; Few

about 100 bu fancy Yates gore! price
on lot

J J Mooney, Quill Ga Dried apples
Locelb, dark 12 <152e- Mo del <7

Mrs; Mattie Seabolt, Pilot Ga Dried
appies 10 lbs $1.50 del, 25 Ibs $3.50

W C Tumln, Gainesville Ga. Yates
apples $1.75 and $2 bu fob

H fF Weaver, Marion Ga
apples peeled. 15e Ib del-
Mrs WN Beard; R3t Cloukeerte Ga
5 lbs sundried peaches 18c 1b fob
Mrs LA: Hamilton, R 1: Carnesville
Ga Sundried plum peaches 20c lb fob
A. M. Brackett, Hlemp- Ga - Sundried}.
apples 12 f-2c 1b fob


S @ Blackwell, Piverett. City, Ga
White tur pie with tops $1 dz bunches
fob : Wg

Hf L Durham,
Jerusalm artichokes select for pickling
6e Ib del; seed stock $1.75 bu fob, 5 bu
or, more $1.50. bu

$.O.fngtam,? Barney Ga Nice mus-
tard and turnips; make offer


Mrs Kate Shipp, Hawkinsville Ga
Seed peanuts, white spanish, 6 Ib: run-
ners 76 tbo >

J BR Farmer, Nunez Ga Several-bus
Ye oar white 60'day corn. 50c pk fob

H T Brantley Iite-Ga -200 bus Half
and Half cottonseed $2 bu in 5 bu lots;
10 bi Or more-$ 5.75 e

J N: Dalton, Rebeeea.Ga College No
1 cottonseed $1 bu or exc for hog pea-
nuts :
Georgia. Brokerage Co; -Cordele Ga
Seed 9) day velvet beans Seed spanish
peanuts; seed runner peanuts f

G Wo Lovett, Luthersvile Ga Imp
red cob yellow Dent corn for Bee 80c
pk $ bu ob

H H Snowden, R H Albany Ga 2000
ibs Mammoth Russian sunflower seed
Se lb in 100 1b Tots, 10c 1b less quantity;
409. bus Whatley Prolific seed corn|&
$2.75 bu ,
Mrs JB Saye, Newborn Ga Hender-
son bunch Lima beans 25c lb fob; White
nest onions 40c gai fob 2 i

eG Upshaw, Goviheton Gad. Pure
Piedmont Cleveland/ cottonseed. $1" bu;
pure Salsbury cottonseed 1924 crop $1

BH Eubanks, Bowdon Junetion Ga




j erate;

+ Toole

i) bus Hasting cane: seed $2: bu. or exc

bus sound slipshuck corn in? ear 80 Ibs, .
| prolifie seed corn $2.50 \bu

2-piss 35 lbs or more

Wigeins, Buths Ga

pe TR Hasting

Folkston Dairy: Farm, Folkston Ga
209: lbs Acala cottonseed (not -ginned)
grown for seed; make. best offer; will
iexe for cotton wers/ Big Stem Jersey
se@d sweet potaices: $1.50 for 5:
also as Dent seed corn $1]

J H & Jones, Tiftton.Ga Pure Petty
wilt Pesistant cottonseed $1.25
bu fob or exc for seed runner pees
bu ofr bu

J He Palner,.
, seed velvet beans $3. Dis

Tennille Ga Recleaned}


Several, lee

Bis Stem!
Jersey Sweets vine grown $2.50 bu draw | },
also Porto Rican seed |


Dallas Ga 75 |-

Mrs Pearl McDonald, R 1 Stapleton}

boxes* mixed Varieties small sizes $4,505.

Hoschton Ga White }*


tablespoon :
Fiverett Se

Ww B. Rodden
quantity sel

ee (
in even ;

bean $3 i
RE 5 Mpa

Rucker cotton
<i = saa

pecans, Be
beans =
_#H Darnell,

seed $1.50 bu; Wh

nuts hand picked :
Murphy &. Pali

an :

seed, grown, gi
ded a

bus Webber 49C
bu fob

white shelled popco:
- wv G Dickerson,

Gas Severs bu

Porto; Riean Swee

offer \ Ros
a ay Be Paig

eggs 3 :
J Mercer, Fitz
watermeton cee

spepier running butte

Whatley Bros, i
'Prolifi seed eo

R tynh. pees
Toole wilt res
fob :

A Hins, R
fresh clean Vete
garden seed: sell.

MrsE D Lawhorn,
bu fresh clean Vet
garden seed: sell o

Mrs = D ee

4 g bus Petty
tan cottonsee $1.

beans poe 25e i
J. B. Bowers, t.

J B Norris, Harriso:
Half cottonseed. reel
$5 hun Ibs: exe 6 by ff
Brab peas aes

J. H~ Jackson, Ho
bus Over? none Se

Week Cusnineia
-Pulinot cottonseed $

J H Beasley, Lay
maker Cleveland
bu; Rucker cottonseed

for corn peas or p

- DS Dayis, Pi
melon seed; 'T U)
select, melons

once a month andowill oolg E

= wanted. |

No Ad will be repeated unless sent in each month. |

All ads must be in: before the first for that months issue.
- Full description should be made and price must be sven
S - either Sale or Rent, otherwise not elligible. oes

L _REMEMBER we have no permanent. mailing List for this
. eee os must be made. for EACH ISSUE as

be: et to those who request 3

Crow Plant Farm, Flowery
Ga . Wakefield. and all season
seed $1.25 1b; Turnip seed for

oe 450 Ib: Watson melon |

ee ie Cantaloupe- seed 40 Ib;
ucker cottonseed privately ginned ite
r from breeders $1.50 bu; Fulghum
nd: New Victor 2 oats ea

& Mrs Deas: Funderburg
-Ga ~ Smooth seed .Eng lish pea; exc for

any kind tender garden seed, lb for Ib;
A? 5 peas for 1 Ib fonder cornfield:

bean eek? .

= Mrs DEL sue Tancer Ga Bunch

butterbeans 25c lb fob; Seventop and

globe turnip seed; make best offer oes
at es nen rele oo Ga. Large

25 dbs

ae ee Spike Ga
Seyarneed: Grey melon = seed,
-eleanied from select melons $i. lb.
Mrs A E Branan, 528 Forsyth St Ma-
eon CeBe:
large pe
seed 156 DES
re 2 pe :
et Ba ley; Ri Ga ion: a SES
Cleveland cottonseed privately
eS Ot onus
SAS Chauncey, Sereyen Ga Wield
select - privately ginned Ped Cleveland
Big Poll cottonseed $2.50 bu any quan-
Fe 30M green sugar. cane seed $1.50
hun del when wanted: High grade well
selected We atson- melon seed 15d tb any
Alice ~ Pi PRIB, Re Gainesville. Ga
_ Citron seed 10 teacup; Syrup cane seed
O53 bw tOu ; =
= Holcomb, Be Adairsville Ga
Rucker cottonseed $1 bu fob.
A -A Dtekenson, Donaldsonville Ga
Seed velvet: beans shelled and graded $3
by or exe for Brab. peas
=< Vics: ni B Stevens, Grantville Ga Ex
tra: early English pea seed 30c pt del
See Reeves, Abba. Ga Petty Toole cot-

Yellow. crooked neck squash,

a tonsced 4150: bu fob:
Mrs: i O Sanders, R 3 Bowman a |=
ed Big Stem Jersey seed sweet 2

gal w nite: nest onions 50c; add- postage
Mrs T F Parks, Maysville Ga Blood
urhip seed 12 eupfull

Mrs B A= Fowler,
-eollard Seed 75c Ib fob

oa) Ee Branan, Ret Duluth Ga Rucker |

cottonseed $1 bu fob
= ee Noyes, Box 409
Good quality Upland. eottonseed $1 bu;
~ small auantity Sea Island cottonseed
-- 1925 -srown $3-bu in even wt sacks fob
WW Williams, Quitman Ga Select-
ed and inspected Porto Rican _ Seed
: sweet potatoes; Seed peanuts runner
or spanish 6 lb

J-N McKinley, Seville Ga Cooks imp

-eoitonseed $1.50 bu; Wannamaker $1.50.

=Ois exe for bunch. Or running pea-
uts; bu for bu Ze
-R Michael Monroe Ga. Se 3 Mustard

ed: ; exe for pumpkin or ce bean

saok Wat kins, Ha wkinsville Ga Sals-
pe ry Cot tonseed $125 bu fob-

8 P Paniel, Dexter Ga Dry well
tured pbuneh running and running but-
Ae pane 20 Ib

Mies = JONES; Giapleton oe 300: bus

Winnais Ker Cleveland Big Boll eot-

_tonseed - : sock ;
Sst Scarborough, R
Halt and Half ecttOasand: exe for run-;
ner peanuts or velvet beans
: JR: Hillis,, Millhaven CaS Select Hast:

Sings. eDEES seed corn

ae E Farrow, R 3 Midville Ga Hast-
: oot eorn; field and hand. selected
also Overthetop cottonseed 3 4

= Shirley -Bros.; Louisville Ga, : - College
No.1 cottonseed-7oc bu .
Muskmlon seed. 10c

Tone Banana

ablespoon SOR 5G ts Early dwart okra

ablespoon- eee
: Adrian Ga Halt and

: and
sound SU a a SE ge
Lawrenceville :

Long green pod okra seed lbc.

seed. 15c}-
pure Prolific sed~ corn nubbed and}

ALy EY: Ga New

Valdosta. Ga :

2 2 Dublin Ga Imp |:

Mrs Rosie Crowe, R 4 Cumming. Ge

Blue Ribbon Toole wilt resistant - cot-
tonseed extra select BO bu, select $1.50
bu; run of gin somewhat mixed $1 bu;
special price on Jarge lots

CL MeMillan, R8 Gainesville Ga
Select Marlboro prolific seed corn $1 pk

R D Stowe, R 4 Gainesville Ga Re-
cleaned Langford - cottonseed $2 bu-fob

ors Angie Catlett, Guyton Ga
bus Big Stem Jersey seed sweet pota-{
toes $1.50 bu hamper fob

ee Ratsford, Guyton Ga 200 bus
Big Stem Jersey seed. eweet potatoes
$1.50 bu hamper fob

Few Ibs" white blackeye peas; exc for
tender cornfield beans; also 1 or 2 bus
Marlboro. seed corn to exc for Big. nee
| Jersey sweet potatoes
73.M- Maxwell, Trion. Ga. Half. oe
Half cottonseed $2 bu; Wannamaker
eottonsed $1.50 bu S ;
Mrs A~ Cannon, Bonaire Ga 40 Ibs
select Thurmond Grey melon Reed $i
Ub or $30.75 for lot.
B H Messer, Chatworth Ga Hasting

selected $2.10 bu, 5 bu or more $2 bu

E Kimberly, Empire Ga Excel melon
seed 75 Ib. ~ 4 Se

J-M Chapman, ae Chula Ga. Wat-
son melon seed 40 Ib, 3 dbs or more
o0c Ib del
Seay Hopper, Ranger Ga College No
1 cottonseed from field selected make.
offer on carload; exc for: P pigs or
1 tiaredo beans .

Lb Brooks, R 1 ufoieas Ca: Corn-
field beans slightly mixed 30c 1b;. early
variety cane seed $3
seed corn $2 bu in ear or oe: a0 shelled,

Spring shellot buttons 20 qt; Large

Rucker eottonseed $2.50 bu

bus. No 1 spanish seed peanuts te lb
~ CB Smith, Hagan Ga Gov inspect-

from vine $2 bu fob

V Sperry, Manassas Ga Gov inepeck:
ed Big
toes vine grown $2 bu or exc for. corn
or oats at market price

R C Couch, Turin Ga Wannamakeer
Big Boll cottonseed - privately
and recleaned 95 bu, 20 bu -or more
90c bu, Whatley. Prolifie seed corn $3.50
Gi :

A J Grant, Dallas: Ga Wannamaker

seed carefully picked and ginned $1.25
bu 7

Jersey Seed. sweet potatoes grown. from
vine> State inspected $22 D2

Ga melon Aa $i Tbe Ibs or more ave
F Ib .
Mrs O D Woodruff, dieswu ie.
gaaely. Yellow Dent corn 75 pk-

Yellow Dent seed corn; exc for white
nest onions, gal for gal 3

PL en, Ideal Ga 100 Ibs. Thur-
mond Grey melon seed from
melons Tic lb |

Mrs Pearl McDonald, R 1: Stapleton

Ga eo New Stone Mtn water:
melom seed $1 Ib Gel = >

King Gichoory Co. Columbus Ga Good

fob $
RC Weeks, R 1 ora Park Ga. No
Umbrella chinaberry seed 50ec qt or exc
for garden seed, apple or
eB Crumley,
select Watson - melon seed 25 lb

CEL Parish, R 6) Tifton Ga. Watson
melon seed 40c Ib del =

J W Clark, Rocky: Ford Ga
ee Watson melon seed 25e 1b,

seed 0c. Tb


| Wannamaker cottonseed 90c bu,

EL Carter, Lumpkin - Ga Carters


- Mrs: Ruth Lovell, R 1 ee

bu; good sound;-
Mrs J A Landers, R 1 McCollum Ga

hollyhoek seed mixed colors 25c teacup;]
N E- Denney, R 3 Carroltton Ga Pure.

LA Reeves, R 2 Grantville Ga 10

Stem Jersey seed sweet pota-}


Cleveland cottonseed grown from. select}
Ww: Kemp, einoenes Ca Bi = Stem
J H Smith, R 8:Chopley.. Ga Pride of


LM Woodruff, Greenville Ga Early a

select] r

quality Fulghum seed oats $1.10 bu

1 spanish seed peanuts $1.75 bu fob;

peach trees i
% Fender Ga 100 3

400 Ibs.
en-| 9
tire lot 206 Ib; 10 Ibs" 2 wen

ee Sernett: < o hice Park Ga Seed
Chutas $1 pk; little yellow two crop

{seed peas $4 bu; Acre peas $4 bu; 90

day velvet bean seed $1 pk; Imp Marly
ing -cqttonseed $1 bu;

J W-Selph, R 2 Ashburn Ga Watson
melon seed aac Ab or exc for NC peas

W A Meeks, Jr, Adrain Ga Bunch
running seed velvet beans

EH F- Dean, Jr., Folkston Ga
land seed rice 6c Ib <

BB Strange, R 5


Swainsboro Ga
10 bus 85c bu, 10 to 100 bu 80ce bu

i P=Strange,<R 5
Wannamaker cottonseed $1 bu; Cokers
seed corn $3 bu; Slipshuck-corn $1 bu

N D Norris; Wrightsville Ga King
cottonseed direct from originator $7.50
for 5 bu bag; New imp Ene $9 ae. 3
bu bag

ae Trowell, Broxton - Ga Seed rice
s1 for 8 Ib pkg fob e

Ff Keown, -R 1 Villanow Ga Early.

Rams Horn Blackeye peas $1 gal del

I.C Burke, Dover Ga Several bus
Big Boll Toole cotton seed ae 25 bu in
100 Ib bags fob.)

Mrs. BE Ly Fricks, RR 2 Talking. act

Ga Tender white cornfield bean. seed
20c, pt fob

S Moore, R 3 Ellijay Ga Wanna-
maker cottonseed $1.25 bu fob; Parsley ,
seed 15 tablespoon; 20 Ibs old fashion
cling stone peach - seed $1 fob; Hore-
hound 1J0c bunch; Catnip 10c bunch

TE Stewart, R.-2-Jasper Ga 20 bus
or more Orange cane seed $4.50 bu

T R. Flanigan, Greshamville Ga 40
bus Rucker cottonseed $1. ou fob

Buckhead Ga | ae

di 7 Peeler, Pero Ga piela se-

{lected nubbed and shelled Hasting imp.

seed corn $4 bu fob; Old fashion ivy
watermelon seed 50c Ib .

iC F 'Fhompson, Thomasville Ga: Se- |
lect watermelon seed; Tom Watson, Imp |
oe Favorite, Irish ay. 50c

JS Cains p oe Funston Ga. Watson
melon seed $1 Ib:

Oaks Farms, Gunion Ga R A "We Ibs
Russian sunflower seed. 12 i: 2 1b, . 100
Tbs or omer 10e Yb :

i F Mason, Moreland Ga 1. or 20
= fresh bee PEROESS collard ses 20

eds Pnonssar, Shellman Ga 45 tons
Spanish seed peanuts 7c lb

ley. prolific Imp seed corn $1 pk: Simp-
kins Imp cottonseed big boll extra early |

.$2 bu; old fashion seullion onion sets |

25 qt; Frostproof English pea seed 15

Es Ward, West Green Ga 75 bu Halt. 5
jand half cottonseed $1 bu fob-

EllenMurphy, Matthews Ga Running |
butterbeans 25c lb -

S: TE Aycock, Monroe Ga 100 bu Coker
Imp Celveland Big Boll cottonseed pri-
vately ginned $1.25 bu; 200 bu Rucker
cottonseed culled $1.50- bu, not alee
$1225 bu ee

J M Evans, 22 Hepoeen. Ga Blight: |
proof eee $1. 25. bu,
more $1.10 bu fob

Hickory Grove Farm, Herel
.Wannamaker Cleveland Big Boll cotton

: seed. recleaned $1.25 bu or exc for corn
Aa Olliff, R: see Summit Ga, Half ae
as 2 $2 25 bDU
Mrs eS Hard} Be a Chipley. Ga}

Half eottonseed $1. 50 bu

Medium early shipping gardn peas 35c
fo> or: ps for. $2; also 3 bu running

epee velvet. beans An, sacks, ee

Little > weate
|| buneh seo ae seed 15 Ib.

Swainsboro Gaj

W C Tumlin, Gainesville Ga What-

= ee Or


mond Grey. 50e_ Honeyball
60c 1b; ea tebe <<

Mrs A: H Price. Societe Grove
Long Le Son seed 10. dz; ur

dine wiike ene. Honey Tate
early. peaches; mak offer del ~

Mrs MJ -Driskell, R:-& : Gane neg
Few old fashion peach seed, ne kind t
Oct peach seed 10c dz

& D Ware & = Bros Montezuma. C
Heavy YVielder Petty Toole and Pied-
/mont Big Boll cottonseed pr ivately
ned $1.25 bu; Whatley Prolific
corn field Selected $3.50 bu

Mrs D E Haney, Ri Acwortl
Eden Gem cantaloupe | eC
Large yellow meat muskmelon se
oz; Halbert honey watermelon: eed
0Z Or xX for, : any kind. tender
seed ae

NR Crawford, 2 Calhoun a
dison. cottonseed $1. 50. bu or exe for.
pigs or B Roek chiekens

ay P. Griffin, R 2B Bremen OG Rec le

10 bus for 10 bu pure Wanne m
tonseed, pu for bu < ee
Mrs R-F' Silver, R 4 Padine. Roe
Mixed garden. beans 20c teacup
nest onions 50c gal fob :

J HH Hopper, Ranger ee
No: 1 cottonseed grown from field
ted seed $1 bu or exc for corn
pigs : / oy
_M Holcomb, Ree? - Adairsyill

W. N Rogers, Calhoun Ga Rucker

tonseed eS $1, 50 bu fob 10:1

Sereen Okra seed 25 Tb
ee Ga

Si A Griffin,

eee OL het Red

DF Holcomb, R 2 Adairs a
Rucker big boll cottpneved. rec 1ed
PictOp a
<A. Watson, Seville Ga oks
cottonseed $1.50 bu; Wannamak
tonseed $1.25 bu Or. ee ;

J W Brown, Hdleps Ga. e
Heavy Fruiter cottonseed $2
more Ql.75 bu. ; :

We De Otwell, Bremer
EECRTO seed _corn prize

Eeb we
Ww E Walker, Broxton ee

| ner peannts 5c Ib fob.

oe Brown, Helena Ga
pig white Flynt corn wee
$1 pk $3 bu; 5 bu or more $ 50
- Sarah Bruce, R 2 Lavonia Ge
early red globe beet. seed 20e
Mrs J D McKibbon, Locust Gro
Willets Wonder peas lic cupfull
J P Alexander, Louisville Ga Wa
maker Cleveland , Big Boll soaos

corn, ee eeecua $2. 75 b ie
hand selecaed Le Beauty

BT Comer Co Millhaven, Ga
Fulghum seed oats $1 bu ey
R A Sosby, Carnesville Ga



4d maker SS _ 50 bu =

Ne nice: eo Ghee - :

- Parcel Post spice =



cottonseed $47 T5 for}

iy, M eae tS Fender Ga

bs Watson meton seed select 25 Ib;

Todd, R 1 Valdosta Ga Rust-
seed oats sound and bright $1
32 Ibs; exc for sound new crop
"seed peanuts

so Stewart, R 1; Alma Ga Petty
Eeroneced $1. bu: AD: bus $9; Vel-


Peet Milan Ga 50. ae

and pi alt Su ODRe +h bu; exe

ikea Ga a

7 eye Cosbler trish, seed po- |

2 1-2 .bu bag; Tren peas |

90 day velvet beans $3.50. bu;

wing coitunseed $1. 1 bu; ee C Pea-
$10 hun ibs

e Resta, ae 1 Bp olkston oe Ne

se ae Seed Growers Assn. Yne.
+ Cty, Miss, Choice guaranteed
op. pan-caught Lespedeza seed)
prices ;
> Barnes, K 2 Talking Rock Ga Good
-cern hand. picked | and shelled a
parnett, nS Talking Rock as
san red cob seed corn hand pick-
shelled $2 bu fob
agans, Martin Ga
Big Boll:
power and brgeder $1.25 bu
3B McLeod, R 1 Lumber City Ga
ae Brera: seed ae AZ;


s' Oil & Fertz Co Douglasvitic

00 bus Porto Rican seed sweet po-
Oy bu or exe for Big Stem Jer-

fe Sean ovale Ga Charleston;
5 M; Crystal

1 Sida on: on $1. 50 M
\ Bones Plant. Co: Pitagerald Ga Cab.

and Chanicsion Wakefield 3 M
Cabbage collard 90c. M del,

exe Tumlin, Gainesville Ga Open.

grown eabb nage collard, beet and.

a Suda Suion. $1: 50. M
Burgess Farms, Pembroke Ga Early
- Wakefield frostproof cabbage

os $i M. fon;
Pais Coffee Ga Charleston

2. aailtion aus en sugar
or planting in. early spring $15 M
Snowden, R B Albany Ga Porto
sweet potato $2 My; also Nancy

C8 Hicks, Adel Ga Big Stem Jer:
and Porto Rican potato plants
BH Waldrip, R 1 Flowery Branch
Flat Dutch cabbage $1.25 M, 5 M.
more. $1 M now ready =
oR Pope, Fitzgerald Ga. Iceburg |
Bie Bostn lettuce 30c hun. del;
eabbage $1.10 M
tt Go. Valdosta Ga Pab:
and Bermuda. inon $1 M.
Onion Plant Co .Seville
nd collard $1.25 M del

<inley, Seville Ga Charleston
fakefield cabbage. $1.25 M;
Bermuda onion $1.50 M :
, Odum Ga Early Flat Dutch
Ap 125 M del

ald. Farms, | Meigs Ga Wake-
Dutch cabbage $1.25 M; White

ja onicn $1.50-M del. . .
Martin, Jakin Ga Choice Ber-
on $1.15 ME del
ude Waldrip, R 1 Flowery
| Ga Flat Dutch cabbage $1.25 M
) H Vocke, Vaidosta Ga Lead-'

cabbage SiMe

aldrip, eect Branch. Ga

Apple trees 20 en $2,-dz: Concord

ling peach,. apple and plum trees, black-

cottonseed direct |*

aust e i

roots, Martha Washington. vari Hoty

yStandard variety strawberry plants 20

4 | 20c ea or exc for field peas:

| to, $125 eae

Crystal }

4; Wakefield $1. M del,

eT Wiison, Rebecea Ga_ Early Jens
sey Wakefield cabbage $1.25 M del $1
M feb.

G T Waildrip, Flowery Pcaach Ga
Cabbage $1.25 M del,.$1 M fob

J & Norris, Hahira Ga Cabbage $1

H. Andrews, Carnegie Ga Aspara-j 2
gus crowns =

W Parks, Darien Ga Frostproof cab-
bage mixed varieties. Wakefleld and
Flat Head $1.50 M: del or $4 M. fob>-

T B Dellinger, Maxeys Ga Jersey
Wakefield and Wlat Dutch field -ergwn
from Long island seed $4.35 M, o: AL or
more $1.10 M del :

Mrs L. O Sanderson, R 3: Bowman Ga
well rooted
Loving Ga

ea or-3 for $1
Mrs H G: Wilson,
gressive cverbearing strawberry
20e hun; Rhubarb cr pie plant
Mrs L, H Coe THastanollee Ga

Vines 35e

jae #@z

pberry.,and wine berry 10c ea; strawberry
plants 25e hun $2 M :

R. Freeman, R 1 Bronwood Ga
purple fig sprouts rooted 15c rob ;

W. FE Warwick, Leaf Ga All leading
varieties apple trees grafted and ready
to plant $3 hun: pear trees $4 hun; any-
one having variety they wish to have
some mace from, send me the wood
and I will make them trees grafted
in French crab roots. : ,

The Pecan Tree Co, Hazlehurst Ga
Pecan trees, pine apple pearjand ifuckle

W & JE Bell, Shellman Ga Budd-

ea pecan trees 50 to 90c ea; , Asparagus


Ol $4.50 M

P EH Rhodes, Baldwin Ga. 10 joni
varieties apple trees; Elberta and May-
flower peach tres 10t and iSe ea ~~
~Mrs W N Brown, R'3 Hartwell. Ga
hun or $1.75 M; Himalaya berry. plants
same price, fob t

R E Clements Nursery, Cornelia Ga
Gov. inspected apple trees; Yates, Ter-
jry, Starks Delicious, Winesap, and
Barly Harvest 5c to 12 1-2c ea

W Hunnicutt, Tallulah Falls Ga, Min
Laurel; Ivy; Hemlock, Spruce Pine,
Rhododendron 20c to 35c ed, $2 to $3.50
dz del or exc for field peas or other

B' W Jenkins, Berke: Ga. 60 seed-.
ling peach trees 1 yr old; white peach

=Mrs lL M, Freeman, R 1 Luxomni Ga
IRarly everbearing strawberry plants
25e hun del;
and yellow. 400 dz del

Towaliga Nurseries, Goggansville Ga
| Budded peach trees; Maybower, Car-
men, Hiley Belle, Gey Hogg, Wiberta,
| Summer Quen, Lemon Cling, Chinese
eure White poe Stinson Oct 20c
ea del

Palmer &. Vise Nordery: CG: Camil-
lla Ga Thoroughbred Pecan Nursery
stock in prolific and profitable varieties

ER. Shaw, Ft Gaines Ga Schley;
Jand Stuart papershell pecan eae 60c.

Stewart Pecan u, Valdosta Ga 100
M chice budded~ and grafted pecan
trees; Stuart, Schley, Moneymaker and
Success j

Mrs W C Messer, Waleska Ga Tame.
blackberry 20c dz; June Berry bushes
-20c dz; Iris white, blue and purple, 25
dz; Lilac bushes 5 fom 25

K L Messer, Waleska Ga Cherry |
trees 75c dz; Apple trees 75c dz; peach
trees 65c dz or exc for cabbage plants
or sweet pothato plants

Geargia. Pecan: Nursery Ft Valley Gal.

Pedigreed peacan trees bade. from
exbra heavy mearers |

' Is P\ Singleton, Fh Walley Ga 5000
budded pecan trees. Schley Stuart, and
Moneymaker .60e, 70c and 80c ea bud-
ded from heavy bearing stock faa

Mrs SP Bailey, R 2 Kingston Ga
Ga Large white fig, black walnut and
cedar bushes, all 2 yr old 25e ea; Hima-}.
laya berry, sage and all rooted wisteria
vine 10c ea.

Mrs Kate Mahaffey, Dacula Ga, Old;
fashion apple trees 10c ea $1. az; Red
and white fig 15c ea; May Cherry trees
1d0c; June pear. trees 10;- Pink crepe}
myrtle trees 10c; Silver maple shade
(rees 10c. exe any of above for onions;
or onion plants, seed. peanuts: or garden }

-|seed and Otootan seed beans

Beazley Pecan . - Nurseries, ye
Wille Ga- Stuart, Schley, pe
fy trees; write for Ses ee |

ae ny \

Chrysanthemums . white} -

_ Mrs J A Landers, R

Dewberr y plants: 25e" da; $1.50 hun-

$10 M fob or exe\for soy beans or p as
Rumph> Nursery, Tennille Ga

ed Schley and Stuart

peach, apple, pear, grape, plum, cherry,

grapes, raspberry,, Klondyke strawhber-

ry, Abelia, Armour River Privet Hedge

usoany trees, |}:

2 to 4 yr old; shade trees, Palmetto As- || 1 ees

paragus Crowns; special prices
G OK Lovett, Juuthersville Ga
mour. tiver Privet hedge 2 vr
rooted $3.50 hun
VETS O D Woodruff,
Tiarge black May
<eiffer pears $2.50 dz; Brown Turkey


An ;

old well} |

cherry plants $2 dz}

figs $1 dz; Seedine;/peach trees. $2 dz;
Sees dewherry plants $1 hun; Wild
rabapple tres 25 ea. $2 dz. 1
hee nan. Nurseries; Newnan Ga Lead
ing varieties peach trees ready to beat
25e ea $2.50 dz: Plum 35 ea, $4 dz: St
Regis Raspherry 10 6a -$1 + dzs Good
lime evergreens and shrubs, all Gov in-
spected; sell or exc ;

LT. W- Kemp, Ohoopec: Ga
papershell pecan trees, Schley,
and Froschers 5

Mrs SS Reed). Varuelly; Ga he
Budded Hale and Hiberta peach trees
12 i-2c ea dels) special price -on large
quantities; Himalaya blackberry plants}:
$2 hun or exc = : oe

Mrs S N Camp, Eastanollee Ga
old sage plarits 10e ea $1:25 dz del; Hy-'
erbearing strawberry plants 35 hun!
53.50 M del or exe for cabbage plants}
Plum stone peach trees 10 ea; Ce
plum sprouts 10e. ea;
peach trees 10c ea

Mrs. Jo -M. Willams, Grayson Ga Big
Blue Plum and May Cherry trees 30
eq or 4 for $1 fob;
purple chrysanthemums 25e dz

Duke & Singleton, It Valley Ga 5000)
budded pecan trees, Schley, Stuart and
Moneymakers 60c 70c'and 80e ea fob

J B Garner, R 1 Lilburn: G& Prima
Yaya berry plants 50e dz, large. well
rooted plants : E = S-

Miss Eva Weefs, Luella Ga Nice
size well rooted Lombardy poplars 10
ea; no less than: 5 shipped
I. V. Head, Leaf, Ga TOV inspected
leading variety apple trees 15 and 20c
ea: Leading varieties peach trees 20
ea; old fashioned White English loc ea
or '$1.50 dz del

R M Connor, Gainesville Ga
leading varieties apple trees 30c ea del;)


1 ye

13 yr old Ga Belle and WWiberta 5

trees .15 ea. del; Concord grape. vines)
2 yr old well rooted 25c ea del :
HG Harvey, Ril Bartow Ga _ Tauere-

different varieties:

3! yr old}

bred hens: 4

hand 3 cockerels-


B Rocks: pure pred
Davis, B nes Creek Ga

Buddea} Per
Stuart |

Japaha Gi: Q
old coe 1e ade oh 50; =e
for 2. Sit

sibel #5 ae


Yellow. white andj \

tia Dewberry plants: w ell rooted Re hun coe

or $15 M ;
Mrs Himer Gilliefand, Graysou
Brown Turkey fig sprouts 2 Jor 3d,
for $1.50 del.

C Brooks, R 1. Monroe Ga Water.
oak, Sweet gun, maple os ea,
1. McCollum, Ga
) pecan trees grown from seed, Lyx. old.
50e ea. or $2.for lot. -

ER Hart, R-C Americus Ga White |
blackberry plants well rooted 15c ea

Ty ME: Kennedy, Collins Ga Well root: |
ed 2 to 5 yr old Kudzu plants;,Budded}
Schlev pecan trees; Japan Walnut trees



reasonable; exc few trees and plants).

for field peas and soy beans

J M McNeel, Helena Ga. Best grade
and variety peach trees 350 ea $3 dz

J M MeNeel, Helena Ga Best variety
peach trees $2.and $3 dz: other kinds
trees and nursery cheap

J Hobeont Jasper Ga Kaffir orange,
bear's fruit; exc for pecan trees |

Mrs J-H Laing, R 1 Americus
White scuppernong vines well rooted; ;
exe for pia wbetry. or Himalaya. berry
pecan trees, | Blightproof Pineapple}
pear, Japan Plum, Japan Persimmon,.
budded. peach, apple, fig, mulberry
pomesranite; all nursery. grown trees,
close prices; also flowering shrubs, ever-
greens, hedge plants, shade trees, bud-
ded roses and full line ornamental;
-plants; all Nursery grown

Paline Baldwin'Ga R 4 Roekmart.
Ga Lady Thompson and- Klondyke
strawberry plants $4 M fob; Himalaya
berry plants 40e dz; white. scuppernong
cuttings 25e dz; Cor cord grape cuttings
25 dz fob

CM Alexander, Leaf Ga Apple trees |
all leading varieties 1 and 2
and %0e* June bud peach trees, Blberta |
and Belle of Ga-10c ea; 2 yr old Maleom
peach trees. 206 ea; No 1 two yr old
Concerd grape vines 15c ea; No. 1, two


J H Girardeau, MoRae- Ga. Buddead ,

yr old 5c} :

: G1 ieee

Ga 80 hens heavy ; strain, 5 hatch |

11923 $1 ea: 6 hatch 1924, $: :
| hatch (1925 Sh, 35

20. June hatelr Be
2 cockerels $i7 for lo
strain $1 for 15

Hatehing eggs. $1. oe
ron and Young strai
of dried apples

K ae <a Ga Fer 7
eges Thc for

| strain eggs: .

American stra

let: fone.

1 Mrs SN Me

Ga 15 he
Cr MeMil

strain eggs. :
$1 ea
Mrs H B.

hens $1 ea
a Me

a =
strain eggs $1

yr old: Niagara 20 ea; all state inspect-
ed del. ae


Ga. _ Ferris on

udson Poultry ae Meansville
50. hens and pe now ayn Tancred

8 pale now? v Jaying |
8 Bl or 8.
oe and 1 cockerel
=D once er Ga

2 Habeas
and 1~ eock-
Minorea pul-


2 AN whens

se he eee strain hulls. a 50. for w
0) $6 bun > Kes
eCoy, Cordele Ga. Chace cock:
a record stock: Sa
rn or wheat: hatching:
ie ;
aT Poultry Farm,
(Ga - Pure. Young strain
~o old $2 and up


West Poiat.
eee kerel di

Dp: Seay, - Ne Ga
ehing $1.50 for 15 ;
oC & Hines, Rd Cuthbert Ga 1 cock:
3 mo old extra. large dark velvet red
3 Ok Bxcgn >
Joe: Cato,
Sar se
MRS aR. Wesene Butts C Ga 4 one yrs
old hens- sand. a cock, hens now laying.
$2 ea eG
Sah H Beasley, Lavoe Pompkins.
[strain eggs from best birds $2 for 15!
del; Hens $2.50 ea or exe for peas
Mrs J pv Bell, Shellman G Fa Bens 5G)

| for


Avera Ga. L Cock 2 par-|

Miss Maud Price, Fe Gainesville Ga
14 hens $1,50- Ca)

BO Carter, RC Griffin Ga
son strain eggs - 30 for To,
aon hun -

CB Barnes, Grantvitic. Ga. Donnie.
son strain eggs $1.25 for 15. del
SSMS. Day Smith, Leshe Ga Eggs Oy)
select pen $1.50 setting :

loehe |
= fOr 50,


. Wea. Langford, R3 Nay sville Ga 50
choice hens 1 yr -ol@ $1.50 ea; Ferris
and Barron strain, Begs from ee
stock $1.25. for to

JB Holland a 8 Cochvan Ga
Barron strain /pullets and spac
Apr. hatch: $12.50 for lot :
Tr Fischer; Ati anta i
$2 setting f



2S. p12 25
to f
Tanered strain eggs from heavy lay-
ers $27.5 setting $8 bun : : : ..
"Mrs WB Bryant, Ri 3 Gr ednabdico. Gals
2Tanecred Strain: epes $1.50 for 15;
few ogee es for Heol hed eggs.
2 MEFS ee Donovan, Bartow Ga 2
os oneels 1924 ! hatch Young strain $2.50 ea!
FE Moody "Go ffeer Gar 15 Ferris strain
hens $1. is ea ha
OF Nis, 8 ca Bryant, Coffec cx 20 hens
ate 2 yr old Ferris strain $1.25 > |
Sake x Sosby, Carnesville Ga Tanred-
Lom: strain es Ss_ $1, 50 for Ab. ae





aie Rm L Snider, Louisville Ga) ees
aa Bee 1g se
Mrs @ 3 Moreat: Ane Ga 15 pullets -
and { cockerel $20) for lot; hens now,
: laying ;
OEP) Catnipbell, Rai abridge Ga. Sever-
al cockerels Ferris heavy laying strain
Aus hatch re
of Yours Ka- Summer Gay 10 pul--
Jets and 1 cockerel Meh 492 3 bateh oh
pate ,
He oS Ross, Willard a
hens and pullets, Young +
strain $1.75 ea eS
oe Redfern, Warthen - Ga hina
strain cockerels | from tenpnested stock
$2.50 and $5 ea: Eggs sane egies 50,
setting $7. pO 5
2 Mrs: ek Thompson, 1 cock *-ayid2
ce Jets fall hatch $4:for lot or exe
ou Bowles, Chipley Ga 10> yee ah ea


15 yearling


ee fe Reds. ae
nee B walt, Statham Ga 11 hens, <9
-pullets De. vnaldson and Smith stra: Te $25
eee |
Leona. Waldrip, eee
a Ga- Donaldson strai a, ess <. $i. atv

niey, Royston Ga 2 coekerels

ea, one 18" mo old aa

ese athe :
Cox RIT Red: Farm, Locust Grove Ga.
gs $1M5 for 15, pullets $2 and $3 ea;


_ cocks $5 to S10. ea,
oN * E Brown, R 3 Sycamore Ga.

$L50 for do :




ab Ga nese

* i ue: ee
ee eb Marien a
|GHL 5.0 Se D's :
muGorirells; d Monroe Ga

Ese ee 3 50. ea or SOC Joe


: a Be


~ 42 tou
: Mrs: Li a

ie eye re
Head River Ga:
Donaldson strain
ss a
rs 5 B Svean: Sheil man da
and cockerels. fine strain.
MrsP Steed, Do} glasville Ga Es ges
eth fine stock $1.50 and $2 for 15 del,
one 2 vr old cock ae strain $2;
a7 mo ae cockerels onaldson stracn
~ $1.50 ea } |
ao EES WR B Briffin, $ pul
lets (Soro. old $1.25: 2
oe Mrs. AW is-Rarks, R32 _Carnesville. Ga
ee eee for . -hateh lire Donaldson:

arm Sitvain eggs $4. 2
Mrs Jo M Forester,

ee 18. aor =


B ens

waham: Ga.


a z 2 yy old hens- Mrs.

, all jaying, $15

Barnes | Poultry Farm, Pitre nal iGa- a6


and See ae
- 18

aS Howey

= f


: 30 fob

F Thompson. Ring Lee strain eges - $2


Miss Belle Tinimer ain <Bronwood
Ga Prize stock Donaldson and Mahood

Eggs 81. 45 for 15- delfi $5 for 50.

H WH Jones, Winston Gas Eggs: from:
Pexibiton duality sclect matings ee Das
$8 and $5: setting; exe J setting for. a
Dip white nest onions j
Ss Sara Wall, M iddleton}. G Whdien
dark red range: flock from oe
eves $1.25 for 15. del -

~R Morris, 2003. Wrishtsboro Ra. AU
gusta Ga Fey settingsex stfa fine eggs
sell JOE EXC for dried fru iit, tur Bey eges i
or chickens fer table use

Mrs W M Gaines, 51 Drewry, St. pale
lanta Ga Hareld Tompkins strain eggs
$2 for 15; eggs from special | qnatings,

r 3,
MiG 42




fert i Wty guaranteed fine winter layers: '

Mrs we ar] MeDonald, Ry
an Eiges $t. BUSTOPS LOS oe
Mrs n Z Tramel, Re Duluth Ga eg
| aTdson strain eees.$l for 15; $3 for 60,
$5.50. hun, sf Feb hatch cickerel $2. 50.

ly Stapleton

Mrs A H Price, Locust Grove Ga. 1|

cock 2-yr old $2.50; pullets and
wl. 30 ea; Emith and Owen strain |

Mrs H H Bankston, ae awe
eaten and, Donaldson strain eg
ting bevy

Mrs TH dy (or Ree Round Oak Ga!
Donaldson strain eggs from heavy win-:
ter layers $1.50 for 15..


50 hens 1- and.2 yrold: $2: eayy
eee Soyr old Me thood strain cock $1. 50;

1$2 ea

$5 or SS. ea fob; all choice stock:

. Thompson. strain. Apr. hatch Pee

{son strain cockerels $5 ea.

|lanta: Ga Parks stramn | e



sVille Ga plete and
gg& $1 set- Thompson strain $8. for lot or: exe


AD sf Bi: eftries, Rhine is G
erlay strain $1 ea! one: cock ;
each Ab hens. e :
WwW: HL Camp, R 4 Des
Veoeck 2 yr old $1.50 -or exc for
ies and breed, a ngs
L Johnson; Rv4> Adairsvil
Hhens.1 and 2 yr. a and
as - | for let fob.
oe Shropshire, Samer ils Ga Cock: :
erels $2 and $3 ea: Yearling cocks: 2 for:

2 pullets and 1 cock Mew netah: $1
ee a exe for any pure breed: ducks or
Br Leghorn Hullets << A ig
CNet bse MeNair, See Ga Eg
$1. 50 for, 15 del
-" Mrs. J A Watson, Sumanit ga Parks.
strain, 4 pullets Tmo cs ready to. day.



J H Pilgrim, powder Spri
young hens and Apr hatch pullets
12 _cockerels ene ne $ :
Mrs C E Jones, Pine Wiew Ga. 2
eockerels Thompson strain $1.2 2a ea for 5. or $7 ee ae :
spring hateh ~ re Mis I M- Tufts, Mitchell
Mrs CG Wheeler, Ls $1.50 for. 15. Pi
oy y
; 4 coekerel $2.

R awe Alma Ga

exc. for one same breed Sy j
Mrs Bunnie M Cr onic, Rt recs -
Ga. Thompson strain esss. gt. 50 2for 15)
Mrs A J Collins; Mt Airy Ga Parks Miss Dessie Jarrard; x
| laying strain eggs $1.25 for 15 del: ; Ga 100 Snewdrift 's
ff Hunter, ork Ca ED Gonkoreis 207 cocks same breed $2
Fowler strain Jan and Mch atch $3 ea hatching $1 for 15. \
Lila Blount, Yatesville Ga 5- -Thomp- Miss Edna Brown,
Ga Ishel strain ess. $i
Mrs C Waldrip,, PRL
Fishel strain. cocks $2. ) ea. pr
Mrs-W H Waiters, R 3 .
AL Hees Fishel strain $1.50 for
Ss ot. s Lor: Cocks same strain ik we old $ 15
| $3.50 for two. | oo
Mrs 2h: Be Calhoun, =,
Eges $1250 for Lb.
aS W Everett,
Mis odk By own, Locust Grove Ga hens and ~ 7 cock
Parks strain: .T 2 Apr phateh. pullets and $6.50 for lot fob..
1 cockerel Same strain $9 for lot Then Murphy,
Mrs issther Lewjs, Bo 2 Ryda and
strain eggs. $1.25 for 13-del $2.28 | Mrs ait
pi cock same strain $1.75 del; yy old Fishel strain; exe for same:
exc one setting. eggs: for onion sets | Also 2
J T Ferguson, Talbotion Gia Ad cock | Apr hemen outs
18 ue od $2 50; 4 cockerel Meh: hatch: Mrs:-J A Iveonard,
= ; hoth Thompson: strain baa Select eags Wishel 5 s
3 Swanson, Vitzgerald Ga, Parks 450. i Bice
ho laying strain CSES $125" -for 15s eee A ava. Carnesyv tee
$i wun dele ol alos Jeges $1. me for
4 Mrs-Ww R ea Bluffton Ga 8 30.96 hun. ;
Parks. strain Mech hatch bullets - eo po D Cuan pens:
laying $2 ca A re i: strain Soherabs
Miss Sibyl Thompson, Swainsboro. Ga fe elate
1 Thonipsen strain: cocker el $2 or exc
Mrs B Henry, R.1 Temple. Ga
1. ,eockerel

White =

Mrs W> MeMillan Merrillville Ga AG:
Aristocrat eres hens Y924 Beek $l. 50

~ Fern: Crest aRGMitEy P seek R-


JtA Garr el RR: 42 Phone. Ga Mees
irom - select. stock 85 ofr 15. del

ee 8
prize stock 4

for 30;


ae _. Partridge
Mrs C W_> Fleteher,
Meh. pee burg Ga 4 Cockerels i 1
for 6 pullets $1.50 ea; Bird /B
2. DIES 4 4 Mrs B A Fowler, Ty
ty Ga Pisthel Atlanta Ga Eggs: g12 25 mo old $1.50 ea fob. >
to $5 for 15. : D O McCook, Box 05,
iC. Pinholster, aR: 3. G Jennville Caz ae Hens and pullets $3 to $5 ea


> -shoat | or.

L scher, Atlanta Ga. Eg gs $1. BO ae and 1 pylet Inglet strain $3 $5 to $10 ea; choic st

to Siefor i5 ;
AL 13 Pittman, Cheient Ga Several. sirain eggs $1. 25
25 hatch cockere els College strain $1.50}

a; also two-2: yr ae cocks same strain
$2 ea ;
Mrs O P Peni ee Ga R 1 One
Donaldson strain cock 2 yr old $2
Mrs i Whelchel, Plains
| hens and, one 2. yr old oock Donaldson
ttrain 26 c lb }
Mirs\ CA: Black, AR of The Rock, a
| Hees $1.50 for 15. $2.00. for 30 $7 huh:
err! yhatched oockerels
$2.50: ese hatched coc kerels
Ls S McLean, Sharpsburg a
piize winner $5: FE
15; ORE s Strain
Miss Sibyle Thom xSon.*
Gai co
Dr rex ler
Gai epckerel Feb hae Oo.
Ba rred Re ous ee
WH Beasley, Lavos 2 Ga Thompson
ee hens $2.50ea or exe for paes .
Mrs W 35 Bureh, R 1 Helena Ga/ 3
Wenctes els 8 mo old $2 ea del or $1.75 fob
Mrs J Deadwyler, R 4 Maysville Ga
3 poe strain. Apr hatch . cockerels
2 ea: 1 cockerel same breed and strain
Meh. hatch extra lar Se $35 One
same breed and. girain 2 yr old: G3
-T Hooks, Una vd. Ma Ga Eg os $1. 201
for 15 def ge
-B Brannon, Ca es Ga,
: hatehing from Shoemaker American
preed hens culled, ae 2 for. FO; $4 8 for.


te Car Peer,

1 cock |

" Swainsboro
ferl prize winner $2


3) f



Thor na ston
J B Marvell, Roopville Ga
College Agri strain hens and 2 cocks 1;
and 2.90 old $35 for lot or $1.74 ea
Mrs CG Whiting: Re 1 Seville Ga
Mich atch cockerels . Thompson Ring-
let strain $2 ea fob
<< S R a McKenzie, Comer
ain ors


Ga 8 pul-
and Pb cockerel teh hatch College
far lot; Cocker els Mich. hatch
Same strain $3 Ea cs
Florence Be Billing. Ri
3 Holterman tees

bore t str

20 State


1925 ten ons
Hess $1.20 .and< $2 for,

Poultry Warm, 21 Fityeerald Bens er pullets'and 1 cockerel $12.50,

3 number $ See HS T Red pullets .




Bee es for coe kereis

ee Bree *. See hens ee a er
B States-,

; Thompson strain.

cock erels- $1.50 ea. 2 yr old

W W Thomas, Hartwell Ga College eges $2.50, $0 and $7.5
fer 14-del
Mrs T Smith; Rs D. Carrelton-
Holterman strain eges $1.15 for 15-2 ting
WA Langford,. R38 Maysville Ga. Mrs Fann
Helterman strain Meh and wepr: hatch. in Ga, Eggs? eh

ho Ww Clark, 358 Spr
Sh Bird Bros strain esgs

- | pullets ready to. lay $1. 50 and $2. ea; homie.
Ga 49." :

Hegs $24 a 1b.
Ains. J N Adams s0n.


ey Eon temic: R Ss Le wre
Ga _ Kellogg stra: n esas oe 50


ae eclee Alto
SER, de for. 15 s


ae a

10 pul-
ae ges.

Sap s 7

: R C R AE Reds
Ta S MEA Lean,

lets . to Jay
a 25 and


wtirs- wi G _ Sappington,
Pure bred Nugg ett:
$2.50 ea and up: few i
and, cockerel; ape iS

Bh W Buice, R 5. rette
pullets and 1 canener Ap.
related, beginning to lay
$15 for lot. Em Duluth: Ga

ay C
Sharpsburg Ga
$le. 50 For
2. setting:
SF eg
Buff Leghorns a
Meaders,. W. atkinsvill 6 Ga.





A OW 2416

aah Ss L W vauuiotee
Mrs Laura Curry, Slo kto:
jets 4 cld-$1 a;
$1.35: ea; $8, pullets and 1
-eges. from yearling he
- WoT Adams, Lavonia. a
1 cock $1.50 ea; Kew oung
ee addy for. service $1: en
oe s oo ese

| for lot: Lot pullets, hens and cockerels
alls pure bread $1 en; exe a few? for equal




AW: Se Westbrook, Chamblec Ga
Phone flow. layine $1.25 68
Wik: Harris, Ro Gainesville Ga 50
hens $1.50 ea: E cocks $2 a: exe for M
B-Turkeys or 1 bu bunch. velvet beans,
ee eggs $1. 25 for bo :
i Stover, 4 eee Cal 2 cock:




sc roy Bosses

dirs: Wo i Burch, R 1: Helena Ga 2:
8 mo old: $1.75 ea del or $14.50


Sirs 5 HW Mosler, Rr
' for. hatching $1.25
tings for 10 pie eg
_bon Reds. :
Mrs: poe

, es

Ww Wy Brice. Rot Maxeys! G a Pullets
-and cockerels ig mo old overlay ee
$1: 25 ea f

Mrs CG Sumimerv: lle; R 1 Buch: aman
Ga Eges $1 setting, del ~~ es

ae MeVoy, Blue Ridge Ga Eges AL.
for Looe aes

Mrs J ae Miller, Leo Ga
strain. ees Toc for 15 del

(BB W ai, Statham Ga 19 hens ae Ly
ock $20 for lot, Tormohien strain:

Mrs Wi: M Travis Fayetteville ase we
pullets< 2nd. f fine _eock vrize stoek $5.
oN Smith, RS


q tne oS: p. Watson.
Byerlay Hatching eggs $1.25 for 15
; 'Friers and broilers. 40c Ib.

P McVey, : Blue Ridge Ga
,{ aving: SL ee abe 4
le EG Strickland. R 4 Dani
i Mees American strain |
3 Lecust Grove Gai 30-5 hens $2 a or $12, .

t 18 mo old. ; Mrs M. eae =
Ga Tormon.


3B ULLET te oS

: SL Wyandottes . es

18 mo old $1.50 ea or $14 for lot fob,
= Mrs W il. Carmichael, Madison
Nabod. qual-ty strain cockerels

1925 hatch $3 ea fob.

JW Adams, It 4 Gainesv He ~ Ga
eockerels Tarbox strain $1,560 ea ready
for service. =a

Mrs JT Stover, 4 Gainesville Ga
cockerel 2 yr old $2.50 Larbox strain




Mrs-W Jd Ross( Lake Park Ga Lees
from Fishel strain prize stock .$1.50 for
15: del. ;

BC Paine, Athens Ga gees for hat-
ehing. :

Mrs PA Raby,.160- Winship St*Ma-
eon Ga Hens $2.50 ea; cockerels $5 ea;
EHegs $2 for 15 or $10 hun from. heavy
Jaying strain, Liberty Bell blood.
~ Mrs J B MeCrary, Thunder*Ga Eg
from prize stock $2 for 15 del.

Mrs Janie Wainwricht, Hickox
Ga. Regal Doreas eggs $1.50 for 15 del.

Mrs W T Bray, Greensboro Ga Fishel
strain eggs $1.50 for 15.

Mrs C West, Lilly Ga 1 cock 18 mo
old $2.

Goodson Hatchery & Poultry Farm,
Chickamauga Ga Regal Dorcas strain
eges $1.50 and $2.50 for-15; Fine cock-
erelh $3 ea.

Fr B Austen, 18. HE
Ga Cockerel $2... 5.
Mrs R J Martin, R 3 Cartersville Ga
20 hens 1924 and 25 hatch Regal Doreas ;
strain; also Two 1924 hatch cockS $2.25!
ea or $40 for lot. > =
- J A Ingram, Box 199 Cordele. Ga,

Begs $1.26 setting del from select pen
Martin Regal Dorcas; also one cock
21-2 yr old and 1 cockerel 8 mo old.

Mrs 8B M Thomas, Hoboken Ga 12:
pullets Mch and Apr hatch $1.50 ea; 2
eockelers Mch hatch $2 ea.

+ RG Hatch, Tennille Ga Regal Dor-
eas. strain cockerels, also few good
hens from price stock.

FL King, Rome Ga Eges from rang
flocks and mated pens $2 setting.

JW. Hil R 1 Middleton .Ga
Nixon strain $1.50 for 13.

Hickory Grove Farm, Hartwell Ga
Cockerels $1.50 $1.50 to, $2.50 ea; pullets
' $1.25; Eggs $1.50 setting.

Mrs W L Gillebeau, R 6 Lincolnton
Ga, 2 Apr hatch Regal Dorcas strain.
- -cockelers $1.50 ea; Eggs same strain
--$1.50 setting.

a Partridge Wyandettes
Mrs G R Sorrells, R 1 Monroe Ga
cockerels 10 mo oid; sell or exc for W
Lanshans or Speckle Sussex.



40th St Savannah




_S Buft Orpingtons
S C Williams, R 3 Lawrenceville Ga

2 cocks 18 mo old $2 ea-or both fer
Mrs R F Anderson, R 2. Register Ga

Hatching eggs from special matings
$1.50 setting.
Paes 3 ia Laing:

ges $1.50 for 15.

Mrs J W MeGeen, Knoxville Ga Cock
erels ready for service $3 to $5 ea; hens
and pullets $2; Eggs $2 for 15.

Miss Susie Alexander, Hillsboro Ga
1 eock 18 mo old and 10 hens $15 for

W E Whisnante, Mansfield Ga eggs
(= $150 for 15-or exe for.syrup, cotton-
-__-sed, peas, velvet beans, Otootan beans
' or cabbage plants. :

2 Nirvs Ora; Powe, R 2 Adairsville Ga: 1

Apr hatch cockerel $2; Three pullets

Same breed and age $1.50 ea or $6 for

lot; exc for P Cor cross breed gilt 6
weeks old pig.

oo ee Pgrim, Leat-Ga xt:
$1.75 ea; one cock $2.

Lf Brownlee, R_3 Lawrenceville Ga
' Franks Foy strain eges $1.50 for 15:|

R 1 Amecrius: Ga

young hens


White Orpingtons ;
CG Snell; Vierna Ga EXxhibit'on |
eockerels and pullets: eggs from show }
pens $5 $3 and $2 setting.
: t, Ce Stewart, Ro 2: JaspersGat Cocks
e prize stock $2.50 ea.

$ a

Bsc, Anconas
Mrs. J M Forester, Head River Ga
Few cocks Sheppard strain 8S mo- old
B59) (5 ea a
> Mrs L. J Browning, Forsyth Ga Pure!
pred Sheppard strain eges $1.25 for 15
del 5
HB Wall Statham Ga 4 hens and
1 cock $5: for lot
Mrs TH Pierce: Stonewall, Ga,
pard strain eges $f for 15 fob ;
Mrs S H Flint, Mt. Airy. Ga 15 hns
Sheppard strain heavy layers $1 ea
W B Lumsden, Nacoochee Ga 12 pul-
lets 9 mo oid noy layiug, Sheppard
strain $1.25 ea, or $14 for let :





LL Be Hamby; Ros Lavonw Gx 10 hens 4 -

Indian exhibition. stock; eggs $1 and
$2.50: for:-15

J HH Jones; R 3. Baxley Ga Dark
Cornish eggs $1.25 for 15 del

\V-H Hembree, Blue Ridge Ga ~Pit
games; 1-grey cock and 3 hens $10; 1

}/Pime Greys;'exe for good insubator and

tro heavy laying and select flock $1.50

$3 for 15

Griffiths Poultry Farm, Esom.. runt G H Mathewsen, Hanevil

Ga Sheppard and Uost strain eggs

W <A Pierce, Maysville Ga 4>Shep-
pard strain pullets and 1 cock Meh
1$25 hatch $7.50 for let fob or exc for

450 baby chicks, heavy breed or good
W.. Willianis; 2. Columbus Ga

Tlatching eggs from. prize stock

Rk Norris, Hahira Ga~ 6 pullets. Apr
hatch $1 ea now laying

C Wheless, Lexington Ga 35 Shep-
pard. strain hens and 4 cocks $1.25 ea

Mirs T Ls Rahn, Rocky Ford Ga Shep-
pard strain eggs for hatching $1.25 for
15. del

WD Creech, R 3 Augusta Ga. Shep-
pard strain hatching eggs $1.50 for 15
or $8 hun

HH. Paris, Dallas Ga

WA Bradley, R-3 Moultrie Ga Hees
of best blood. Ines $1 for 15.

Mrs fA Brown; R2: Locust Grove Ga
Sheppard strain eggs $1 for 15 del

Mrs C Smith, R 2: LaGrange Ga 2
pullets Mch hatch and 1 cock $1 ea or
exe for 3 B Rock hens s
J C Jones, R4 Elberton Ga 29 hens
15 to 18 mo.old and 2 cocks Sheppard
strain $1.25. ca or $30 for lot

Mrs-R H Free, Clarkesville Ga
hens and 1 cock $15

ges. $1.00 for


Mrs EF S.Fricks, Talking Rock Ga
Sheppard strain eggs $1.25 for 15. feb
Knudson Poultry Farm, Meansville
Ga 50 hens and pullets Sheppard}
strain now laying: $2 :
WA Peeler, Milledgeville Ga Eggs

from select stock Sheppard strain $1.50
for 15 del; incubator lots 8 ea

i. C Fischer, Atlanta Ga Eggs $1.25
forsis-= :

Mrs -E A Roberts; Hiram Ga
for hatch'ng $1.25 for-td

A E Cook, Gay Ga R 1; 10 hens and
1 eoek 12 mo old $10 for lot fob

Mrs Belle Wilson, R 2 Fairmount Ga
Sheppard strain eggs $1 for 15

3 a yc

S.C Black Minoreas

CG L Rehberg, Cairo Ga Pape strain
eses $1.25 for 15

Cc N- Bradshaw, 354 West Ave Au-
eusta Ga Eggs from.6 matings exhibi-
tion stock.

J G Epps,
Pape strain Mch hatch
fob :

D M Lamb, St. Charles Ga Eggs
Giant strain $2.50 and $1.50 for 15 del
i WH Cochran, Stonewall Ga 6 Apr,
hatch cockerels $2 ea or exe for hens
same breed or B Rocks same age
RR A Sesby, Carnesville Ga Eges
Pape strain $1.50 for 15, $2.75. for 30, $6
hun :

R 8 Danielsville Ga 1
cockerel $1.50


Mrs T J Kelley,.R 1 Dearing Ga 1
hen and 1 cock Cornish Indian. Game
exc for 4 Ancona hens er pullets or
W Rock hens or pullets

J M Maxwell, Trion Ga Roundhead
cockerel and 1 hen; exe for 4 white
guineas -

WS Bloodworth, Milner Ga Dark
Cornish cockerels and pullets $7 trio;
4 pullets and 1 cockerel $10 ;

T.V & Coleman, Roswell Ga 6 Cor-
mish Hens and 1 cock Nabon strain:
exc for turkey hens or B Rock cock or
hens good breed ;

Jie perrell 2 Clayton <a Allen
Roundhead pit cocks 2 yr old-$3.50 ea;
eocks 1 yr old $2 ea

RB Huff, Bowdon Ga

Dark Cornish

blue cock and { hen and 1 putlet $7.50:
Cocks $7.50 to $16ea; young trios $3.50;

Alt Dangerfoct and Copperhead and old

Fis Roqueniore, Mansfield Ga FList

Grays, Warnorse and Shawineck pit
Mrs TB Sanders, Newnan Ga Sev-

eral pure bred Cornish icocks

ELC Stark, Commerce Ga~ 4 hens and
1 cock good for show stock: exe for 15
bus Porto Rican sweet potatoes, or sell
cheag .

airs J... Butler, Inwinton Ga Eggs
from mated pen $3 for 15. del

Mis RS Simpson, Waverly Hall Ga
Hees $2 for 15 or exc for large paper-
shel pecans at 46c Ib :

IJ Cleveland, R 2 Hartwell Ga Eggs

and: $2.50 for 153

also 5 pullets 8 0 old
$1@ for lot : ;

G W Northentt, R 4 Fairburn: Ga f
Apr hateh cockerel Marey straim $2 feb

for breeding purposes
Mrs Belle Joiner, R 2
Marcy strain eggs $1.50 for 15

Mrs T B McDilda,-Lyons Ga J cock
18 mo old Marcy strain $2 or exe for 1

B Rock pure bred
C P Turner, Thomaston Ga 6 hens
and 1 cock Marey strain $14 for lot
LC Fischer? Atlanta Ga ees $2 for
ED /
Mrs W L Guillebeau, R 6 Lincolnton
Ga 1 eockerel and 2 pullets Marcy
strain May hateh $6 for lot or exe for

Light Brahmas
GH. Mathewson, Hapeville Ga 2
cockerels- Apr hatch $2 ea or exe for

cock 18 mo old

Mrs: Gertrude Howell,
Ga 1 cockerel $1.50

Mrs W G Jones, Blakely Ga 1 ecock-
erel; exc for one same breed

W 2D Scott, Maccen Ga Scotts Winter
Laying strain Giant cockerels and pul-
lets $3.50 to $10 ea; eggs $3.50 and $5
setting : :

Mrs LE Youmans, R i Cobbtown
Ga 4 cocks and 20 hens $1.25 ea

EC Perrow, Talking Reck Ga~ Cock-
erels for spring service, faney dark
type $5 and up :

Mes. I<ate Hood, Stapleton Ga Scotts
and Perrow strain eggs $1.50 for 15 del

C P Colclough, Maxeys Ga Eggs
from heavy. laying strain $1.50 for 16
del; Cockerels Mch Apr. and May hateh
$1.50 and $2 ea; Lauge capons trained
to tarry chicks $4 ea ;

R 2 Mitchell


Mrs WH Walters, R:3 Lavonia Ga 1
Br Leghorn bantam cockerel Apr hatch

CA. Hines, sR= 6 Cuthbert Ga i Br
Leghorn Bantam cock $1 or exc: 1 cock
half Leghorn and half Cachin 75e or
exc; 3 pair. Buff Cochin: small size $3
pair or $8: for lot z

Miss Hazel Dunean, R Buford Ga
2 Bri Leghorn: bantam cocks 1925 hatch
d0c ea :

W 5B Lumsden, Jr. Nacoochee Ga
Choice Sebrights 9 mo .old $2.50 pair;
trio Bl and Red Game Bantams $1.50

C HW Shaver, R 2 Chickamauga Ga ~ 4


ibantam; 2 white lezghorn hens, 1 brown

leghorn cock, 1 Ancona cock 50e ea or
$1.50 for lot

C N Bradshaw, 354 West Augusta Ga
Iuxhibition Golden Sebrights: eggs $3
for. 15, $5 for 36
_ RW Clark, 358 Spring St Macon Ga
Exliibition Golden Sebrights 10 pair;


: Black Pelish :
Mrs W H Miiner, Cleola Ga 1 White
Crested cock $2.58 fob

Black Langshangs
R E McCants, R 2 Butler Ga 1 cock
and 4 hens $10 for:lo tor exc for peas
or velvet beans :

Silver Spangle Hambures
Mrs. Belle Burner, Crawford
cock 6 hens $10 for lot
RW Clark; 358 Spring St Macon Ga
Choice stoek

(MixedFor Table Use)

Gaz <r

Mrs RJ idatgzo, Jenkinsburge Ga 25
broilers 2-Tps, R-I Reds ade Ib

Mrs C Belcher, Palmetto Ga 20 fat
hens $1 ea foh

W oN Blackwell,
mixed hens Thc ea

Mrs E W Jones. R 2-McRae Ga



R Farrar Ga 10

free With lot :

J W Carter, R Ll Williamsin Ga
hens: and 2 cocks 1924 hatch $1 ea

Blue* Ribbon Hatchery, Atlanta Ga
Thempson, Owen and Ricksecker fam-
ousty bred R Parks high powered
laying B.Recks; Barron, Tancred and
Wvrvyekoff famous W > Leghorns; special
priced for immed delivery
Mrs RF Anderson, 2.2 Register Ga
S Buff Orphington $17 hun Mch del
Register: Hatchery, Resister Ga W
Leghorns $145 hun; 500 or more 13 1-2
ea Feb del: Chicks 4 wks old $35 hun




n, Milledgeville Ga . Bees
$4 for 15; Utility fleck

FH Colema
from mated pers



_conas from

W. Williams Ro Solumbus.Ga
hegivy ayers -and- prize
stock ane BS ae .

6 Ga. Cock-

or exe for one same breed Marcy-strain

Soperton Ga

pullets pure Regal Doreas \W Wyan-.

Partridge Cochins $16 pair; Eggs $5 for:

Mrs: N M Gaulding, R 5 Hogansville
Ga 10 mixed hens $1 ea : :

Mrs R Sorrels, R 1 Monroe Ga
Mixed hens 25 15

hens 83c ea; few pullets in lots: 5 cocks -


B Rocks and-R I
Laws Leghorn
Tancred strain S C
Wrens Hatchery,
horns, Anconas, eke
and mixed breedS
Mrs Mabely Reynolds, ete
Tancred strain Mch hate
W Leghorns $15 hun cel. te
| Decatur Commie Hatchery Beinbridee
Ga Day old chicks Feh del
. WD Crbecht R-3 Augusta Ga. -An-
-conas Mch and Apr del $15 hun
SAW OH Kinsey: Bet Carroliton Gs
Leghorns Youngs strain loc a =
D J MeGurley, Woodstock Ga Ever-
lay strain S C Br Leghorns

Wrens Ga = Wy Lee-
tT Reds, W Rocks
: Smyrna Ga
\ nS C


J I Hewell, Dewy Rose Ga Feb and!

Mech del Br Leghorns $14 hun
Fern -Crest Poultry Farm,
strain B Rocks $20 hun es

\W M MeGinnis, Alpharetta Ga 8 cS
W Leghorns $120 M, Mch del
i Coflin's Chick Hatchery, Avondale
Estates, Ga Pure bred S C W Les-
horns RT Reds and B Rocks reason-
able; prompt shipment nae

A A Bennett, Sandersville Ga Pape
strain Bl Minorca $16.50 hun; W Rocks


1 $16.50 hun Fishel strain; B Rocks $6.50

hun; Persey Bl Giants 25 ea
J H Beasley, Lavonia: Ga S C W
Leghorn utility strain $16 hun

T Y% Swanson, Fitzgerald Ga Parks ~

| heavy laying strain B Rocks lie ea eb
and Mch del == 5

Cox R I Red Farm, Locust Grove Ga |

S CRI Reds $16 hun, $8.25 for 50; no

order accepted for less than 25

Mrs Florence P Billings, R B States-
boro Ga. -B Hoeks =
Mrs Laura Curry, Stockten-Ga S LL

Wyandottes 20 ea Mch del; Ferris
strain W. Leghorns 15 ea
i Geers Ancona Farm, Thomson Ga
Chicks. from select stoek _Anconas
| $1250 Dun $hlb Me Sete
| Mrs E A Roberty, Hiram Ga Ferris
strain SC W Leghorns lic ea Feb Meh
and Apr del ee
| Barnes. Poultry Farm, Witzgerald Ga
'S C W Leghorn Tancred heavy laying
Strain 1 Tecea oe :
i; ! H Coleman, Milledgeville
sey. Bl Giallts 25 ca =.
Ocilla| Hatchery, Ocilla Ga Quality
baby CHithS 2
{| MM W Turner, Statesboro Ga R I
_ Reds, B Rocks 20 ea; W Leghorns 16c
ea; 10 days free feed sent with chicks
Fain Trading Co. Hdison Ga Several

Ga Jer-

pecans, side meat, peas and syrup

Decatur County Hatchery, Bainbridge
Ga Custom hatehing $3 hun

Cu Custom hatching 3 t-2c per egg
Mrs J D Tillman, Register Ga Cus.
tom hatehing 3.1-2c per egg
Mrs J D.Tillman, Register Ga Cus-
fom hatching 3 1-2 per ege
Ocilla Hatchery, Geilla Ga Custom
hatching. $3 fray = 4 8

| Mrs W P Harden, R 11 Commerce
fs a Tenn Bourbon; sell or exe

or Duroe or Berkshire pies ,
than 60410 Ge a ce
: Mrs G-Mallory, R 1 Meansville Ga,

oldbank strain toms Apr hatch $10 ea
or -xer for p :

nice pigs:
| Mrs HA Har
tom 4 -
tA Williams, Sautee Ga. Younes
hens and toms, 1-4 wild rossed with
Bronze; strong vigorous breeding stoel
| Mrs EB. L. MeGee-Knoxville Ga one
1924 Apr hatch M Behen $5; 2 1925 Anr
hatch N B hens and 1 tom $5 ea,
A Andrews, Jagkson Ga Bourbon:
Red toms $5 ea: hens $4: All Apr hatch
exc 1 tom-tor 1 tem game breeq
Mrs J. Trotman, humpkin os
: Sumpkin Ga Gian
= a oo strain- pedigreed oe
Apr hatch prize winners Toms e7-
$5, Trios $16 dehy ee
: Mrs T. E Perkerson, R
7a 2 EB Toms 1925 -
more ea $10 ea oe S es
RC Weeks, Norman Park Ga.
ee 2 4 ARLE ALG oP ele
colored toms Apr hatch; exe for cs
tom and hen same age or Sell at $4 ea,
C O Waldrop, Whigham Ga 4 ran,
tom and 2 hens $10- for lot fe
Mrs .W Dixon Gamimie we a
Bourbon tom 1925, hateh $8: oes ae
hatch $5_ea from: prige stock =
Mrs. Leila George: R fGtonc arin
1 young tom May hatch: Epps Mth va
Mrs M L Bramblett. Giavion co.
large size. M B tom
yr old hens sam

ee per, Osierfield Ga 7
1 fat turkeys 30c lb; 6 hens and 1


hun day old chicks each week $13 hun;
S C W Leghorns; exe for seed peaauts,

_ Fitzgerald Hatchery, Fitzgerald Ga.

ure R I Red chickens ory

5 Greenville


Atlanta Ga Si B Pgs

Sit; Pee only. >
es Ga 2 ae
an, R 8 Gainesville Ga
kin eggs $14.50 for 15 |
Ga 41- Indian Run-
irake ae for lot fob

lente Ga. BL Siocon
50 and $2. for 10; White
0 and $2 for 10 -

Rags ee Se:

Seville Ga 8 guineas
R1 Alma Ga. - ead
OF exe for | # B Rock

R 3 Cumming Ga 11
cocks and 9. hens $id. 24

z OF Exe for pure bred |

and ii cock not over $5}

Ga 1
ae ene

- LaGrange Ga 10
or exe for 6 W Rock

ain Mech > Oke Apr hatch



Greene, R 3 Thomaston Ga
pee 30 ae or EEG, ~for

ane ae Se ae
Golden Set ee

ingle birds, pairs; sell
Ga, Frew pigeons

for Leghorn

ed anc picked Mungs|

bus |

ros, Louisville Ga =

3 Swai neberD Ga Few.

ayelvets. $2 u oo
Rocky Ford G ais ae ~
meee :

| peas sue htly mixed with Blickeye

new crop Laredo soy. $7. 50 bu
M Moore, R83 Baxley Ga "Barly
speckle velvet recleaned and dees
+ $1.95 pk #4 bu fob. foe
Cc B Jackson, /Isdisona_ Ga 99 day}
speckle. velvets. in pod $3 bu fob
ak L Carter, Cohunbus Ga. Velvets
2.79 Du fob LaGrange - Ga = :
GG Riley, Dawson - Ga. Velvets -in
even vis 2 129 bu BaE, ear lots or 100,
due lots

pines Bonded. Warehouse, East-
rman: Gas Clays, Irons and Purple Hull

25 bu lots $4 bu fob=

to 60 bus large Black Crowders = bu,
entire Jot. $3.50-hh= =
os Barry, Menlo Ga
| Blackeye $5.bu fob.
1B A= Smith,: Agena as ig bu
Ww. bipps. and: Red Ripper mixed $4 bu-

50 bus ae

>| Acre $5.50 bu or $1. 50. ete 2
pe debs Ivex:. Benevolence Gas Running}
Speckle $4 bu cleaned.

-Rogers Bros. Young cafe Ga Straight
Clays: and fela $3.75. bu fob Biue Ridge}
Ga :
AB dence. Soperton. Ga to pus
Brabs-$a bu: fob = =

OW. TE Robinson, Cairo Ga Sound

| erep Peas: $4 bu fob |

_V Brabham, \Macon Ba Pield peas
= Gy i_Lowe, Box Springs | Ga, 200 bus
elean Brabs $6 bu fob ee ;
J H Palmer, Yennille Ga Astral.
Clays and Whipps. $4.25: bu; Mixed $4
Mur@ phy & Palmer, Sandersville Ge
Clays and Mixed Cow peas Se
P Reinhardt, Waleska. Ga 1-2
Whipps; exc or 5 bus Ww bite spanish |
peanuts - Spee oe ee
ate eNE Stanley, Due Ga SD
$4 bu fob Blue Ridge Ga
AE Sims; Rineeold. Gs Reels
Whipps $5>bu 1 bu White $6 fob
TH Reeves; Luthersvile Ga
Bunch Speckle $4 bu fob :
G D Moorman, R A, Tifton Ga
Little Clays $6 bugs =
JW. Clark, Rocky Ford - Ga"

bu Clays


15 bu
10 pus

J-H Archer, Sparta . Ga~ New. Crop
71 Clays and New Eras $5 and 8 00 bu

Brooks, Monree Ga
db oe
EE Nea R? Rachelle. Ga Pcs ioe
dittle Yellow: Crowder two TOD, $4 bu


Stockbridge Mere Co. Stockbridge Ga Manta Ga 8-16 I H C Tractor; One Jno.

| Deere low lift manure spreader; 1 Me-

50 bus Whipps and Clays mixed $4.50
bu in new even -2 1-2 bu bags fob

Major Crow, F lowery Branch Ga 14
bus Grey Whipps $4. 50 bu

Red EHull Japa in 2 1-2 2 bu bagi

G W- Heard, eas 136 Atlanta Ga &
Ferop nixed Clay, _Whipps, New.
Black. : ;
SW H- Camp, R fe Douglasville Ge 2
bus Cal Blackeye 45 bu ta : :

Mrs: R C Schwab,. Nashville Ga 50

s $5 bu



R e
: aa del: or $8

Ga 160 Tbs

ed clean and ft

oe BR Atbany Ga
aredo soy $9. bur or entire lot 4


E Donaldsonville Ga
evaded $3 bu-

; Sandersy ilfe
Osceola Velvets ~

. Tennille Ga Sound re-
Speckle seed Velvets $ bu
am ee Ga _ Velvet and
= =
Tennille, Ga Laredo,

E Yellow. SOY

= New Crop Early
ee ets in ~new

nevolence Ga

Ut! Ibs- Stuart pecans;,

Thomson Ga Lared6. AM Burts:

aS Has:

= pu $0 :

Toor 100: Ibs seed-
i line pecans: 1925 erop; make offer: fob_
Sylvester: Ga Abaut 7a

papefshel! pecans,
VanDemon a

to 100 lbs mixed
Stuart, Scehiey.,
make est offer > :
tn Ee Todd, Re Vakiosta Ga 260 1bs
{pecans, sm aly pened good flavor 18 lb-

Mis yM cS Raldwi i, Dawson Ga 1560;
standard ~ varieties, VanDemon,
Pabst, Frostcher, Stuart, ee and

- -'Sehley
A Medium sige: Sues seedling pecans 15c.
: Ub. fod

B _

G Ww Wil s, -Ogileth forme Ga

BCS Hicks, Age Ga Small ace
pecans; exc for peas = S =

L P- Strange, R 5 Swainsboro Ga
=Stwart and: Schley pecans mixed 3ae 1b


7 NE Travis, Fayettev We Ga

ae spanish peanuts 6c 1b or exc ite

lbs for 1 Tb white peas with blackeye-
-# Nesbitt, Cordele Ga 60 Ibs Stuart

pecans: medium size 30c. Tb (peo

= & Co. Enigma, Ga pelle

; | syrup
aE Mason, HET aatnenik Ga toy. ae

+ No-5 eans 65e fob |

! Mrs S P Reed, Varnell |

Speckle in 2 1-2 bu new.even wt bag oS in 2

Ae: Ge: Whatley, R 4 Fitzgerald Ga 249

J i Sims, R sh Ellabell Ga- Pimited: =
supply: Whipps $4. 50 bu;- Little White _

lo bu}

Cow peas bright and sound. $4.75 bu fob |

7 lbs Lady Les

J H Off, R 2 Summit Ga 2 es


jfor 10 large size hens _

Tight. plant and
tion sased
/engine 2 1-4:H P. good condition $25


be Carter: Hrtebuaret Gas Bwo 35
I - thick new crop Ga ribbon cane
$26.25. bbk fobs =< : :
BH Ww Kinsey, R 3 Lake Baek Ga
gal Ga cane syrup in 1 gal eans $1 gal
or exc for Big: Bone P C pigs
Mrs C Lott, R-1- Nicholls Ga 100
gal No 1 Ga cane Syrup. Si Bal font
Mrs J M.Fordham, R 2 Fender, Ga 50.-
eal sugar cane syrup $1- pal 2-3.
PAP aK Watkins, Hawkinsville Ga Ga-
cane syrup in No- ae cans $1. 20 ea,

JL Nease; Marlow Ga
syrup in cypress bbls 70c

New Ga cane

eal fob

a. cas cane

syrup in. 10 lb cans $1.25 del g
-~Mrs- Laura Curry, Stockton Gas

crop sugar cane syrup $25 bbl
ee Nease, Marlow Ga New crop Ga

eane syrup in 39 gal bbis 70 egal fob


iy R Shaw, Ft Gaines Ga N@ew crop. :

ribbon cane syrup ins 30 gal ae 2 450
bbl fob 5

OW. WwW w iliams, Quiles Ga G re
syrup aa new 35) a eee his 90e-

SET Reeves. Abba Ga Ga cane syrup-
lin gal cans $1.25 gal-

J, A CGhauncey,-
grade green and red cane syrup in gal
cans $) gal; thick and bright = = *

. Georgia brokerage Co. Cordele Ga
a cane. syrup - in eek Bp is: eet
Mrs Kate Shipp, Hawkinsville Ga 55
Feral bbis Ga cane syrup 60c gal del No
10: cans 6 cens. td. aie $4. 50, ease; freight -
paid on 5 cases se

aS se Payne, ace Ga 1000 gal Ga
cane syrup ip sal; cans ies

- Cook Trading Co, Milan Ga New
Gascane syrup in No 10- cans: $1. ea;
same syrup Sen for aoe $i 10
gal. a es 2 oe

57y Cox, eeu Ga Ne ow Ga cane |

syrup in No 10 cans $1 can or exe for
petty or Cov ington Toole et resistant
| cottonseed oe sy

B T Cothren,. West ren a Sugar
cane. syr UD ay care or exe for S008 hay
peas a

Ca Dus ooar, whisker Ga Honey
Yavin. sorghum syrup-in gal cans 60e ean.
- $3.60 case of 6 ans fob. *

AR La Janres, R 2 Homerv: Ne Ga SigGaa
thick new Ga Cane syrup in cypress:
bbis 35 gal 60c gal'fob Argyle Ga

ly 0 Jones, R af Winokur Ga (100 gal
Ga cane) syrap in 10 ib cans 1925 mae
$1.25. can fob ~~

EL W Lusti Jv, Altamaha Ga No - Ga
cane syrup $i eal fob 5


ep Hammock, Hazlehurst Ga Mogul

I H C-gas or kerosene engine 20. H eS
good. condition $250 _

AY E, Cowan,18 Bonaventure Ave RE

Cormick - corn. binder; sell. or exe for.
feed-stuff. =.

Ea Warren, Heater Ga Wo 3 ana
power feed or grist mill with extra set
new burrs $6 or exe for peas, velvet
beans, soy beans or runner peanuts |

Mrs J J DeLoach, R 1 Statesboro. Ga
Hot water copper tank Big eae in-
eubator $10 good condition, 120. es

WD Watson, Loganv:lle Ga Ly nch-
aps Svracuse 1 Syorse . turners: Jno
Peers and Blount busters. for i or 2
horse; Riding cultivators:, Tractor plow;
1 and 2 hors spring tooth cultivators;
Chattanooga Disc plow ;

JE Carter, R 3. Comer Ga Tren oak
tivator. ( spring tooth goad condition
$30; Iron beam t horse plow stock $3).
6 ft. erosseut. saw eg rod condition $4. 50.
two horse wagon Hackney n ane good
condition standard width @ ed = Wagon.
toneve t horse wegen $3.75

o My ee fe Blewery Bi aneh Ga
Olds 4 1:2> He Po pas: engine practically
frew $45. = or exe for peas, Bung Be aS |
Porto }tican sweet ps tates Oe PUEe
bred chtkens = = y- neeeee

OEP Foster, Good Hope
time $185;

Ga Delc 0
good condi-
short: also gas
DoH Nix, Commerce Ga, Ieiley Le
Plex No 2 Crusher good condition $2
orsexe for corn or Hogs; 2 Ty P tater:
national og ood condition $255 or
exc-as above: 2 horse Syracuse middle
ee good - ee $5 Or 56xe;, -Gren-
erator used very Hitle to make ellectr: cs
ight fer- home ; 3 j
& pipe 1c ft-or

#set tw.ce. $ 8 or. XE: awe lerser:
7) Water

tion $12

set taps: and o es standard size sobs
ane alk; ;

Screven Gas High >

e202 ee

exc -


exe for 20 good hens

Mrs A Roberts, Hiram eee
Grey- hee incubator 100 egg, hot: air,
Size ie

Aivs M 45. ee zB 4 Sreiiian: Ga: Cir-
cular saw good. condition -$50: Kiy
wheel 12x36; cog wheel 4X23 in

WT Knox, Social Circle Ga Stand-.
-ard Buckey: incubator hot: water, used.
several seasons 600 OSs $75. fOb3 one |
Continental. 1000 chick blue flame wick
oil: ees used one time, good condi-
three I H C Riding cultiva-~
tors pivot. axle No 4 two Sauge-each,
3 spr. ng trip: feet complete with each
pair, discs and fenders; wheel boxes
slightly worn $25 ea fob; One Favorite
Farm, Level: 4 serew adjustment; fine
-telscope coinplete with Sliding fag $15

W Rt Moon, R 8 Sylvester Ga- 1 ton
_ truck good coniition: sell or exe
od Oe
pion Blower Forge slightly used; also.

2aNe Flowers, rR 4 Syk vester Ga Enter:
national 5060 chick brooder; aso Butter--
fly cree separator; sell. or exe for hens
hogs: a

i . Brown,
atic R ding
tion; cheap. or exe fer new Ga cone
Ree in: Bad. cadts at $b abo

dE MeKinnon, Bluffton Ga. 10. a
Pp Gas or kerosene engine good condi-

meidsvitle Ca Inter--

No 2 Feed Ml $30. Ore engine and both
is- $100 :

J trwin, Louisville Ga Jno Deere
cotion, eorn, pea and bean planter used
very little: seil or exc. for pecan. trees |

AWE Phill ps, Albany: Ga 350 Coe
Bucke ye incubator $40; one Buckeye
broader 500 Chick $15 or $50 for. both;
XC for saller incubator and brooder

3B Pearson, West Point Ga 5030 eee
Pe Gee incubator
equipped: <Cne 1000- chick Buckeye |
brooder, eoal burners used season -
$12.50 fob : ;


Mrs . He Stawiifoton: Bronwood Gare
Buckeye incubators 110 egg practically
ew $lo ea. 3 Putnam brooders $8
Mss Nellie Gossett, R D Griffin Ga
- Buet keye incubator 600 chick used en
scason $60; Buckeye incubator 210 eg
used one season $15; 2 Buckeye oni
burning brooders: 1000 chick - good. cons
dition - $15 ea.

1 H Pitts & Son Co. hare Hall. a
International: gas. engine exe
for lo Hv engine

: M HH Morris, Raleigh. Cis 2 sec age :

dition $8; Woodruff 2 row cotton dust-

60 teeth per section . good con-

ing. machine. good condition $30 fob; 2

Rew Peerless hand duster good condi

ton $8; Jno Deere Corn and pea drop-

per 6 plates g000 condition $8 fob; 2. a

Horse Oliver chilled No 10 turn plow,

cultivator good condi- =


300ker, R 4 Sylvester Ga- Cham-

good condition fully =~

handles little shakey, $2.50 fob; 2 horse r

Chattanooga No 3 turn plow, needs
new handles $2.50 fob; 2 Guano Distribe
utors g zo00d condition $3. DOSS AS ee
LP Nese uae Statesboro Ga Avery
3 horse< moldboard plow; DeLavel Sep-
arator:No 10; both - good. condition; sell
or exc for 2 horse wagon and. ne ne
cultivator or field peas

ah Sa e Odum Ga ironclad in-
_ 140 eg

-S-pure ee

ane DRC ORICE aes
SW Iiams, Social Circle Ge:
chick Colony Ar rooder $7.50 fob

Mahan, Jasper Ga i ton Ford truck,
22 model good condition $150 or exc for:
good used pO rians steam press and
8 a S = :
Welch, Dallas Ga 360
brooile practically: new -

W Fyner, Danielsy fille Ga National :

ae Flame olf burning brooder used
weeks good eond.tion 6008 chic K $1150
fen one Hetehet bracesGt (5s . - :

JS Carter Box 280 Atlanta: Gal 4- 7
SHOW ratt- Sin. outfit; suction and press
complete. with oiler and engine; sacri-
fice: also Ottawa tree -and bog: saw No hy
$50 : a

Cy W- ere {eis Ga
kerosene . Trae tor good condition $850
or exe for
condition, or. Catapillar Tractor
condition - eae ae

A V= Holloway,
incul ator ~6u0-
or exe for "e00d-

young as

Bu 7


& re

ee practically - new $75
horse wasn 4 =

rao: 5

1924 or 25 Ford truck good

good condition $9 OL exe
Rock: hens =

2100 5

chick a


A a Teck. Morris | Sietion Ga. Oliver ~ =

a Ae
ge $0, Davis Grist ilk B25; Duplex: . s

Sukatatl Ga Bucs <I



Mrs J-H Laing, R 1 Americus Ga 125
egg Mankato incubator good condition
$8 or exe es

Knudson Poultry Farm, Meanville,
Ga .2 Cyphers incubators 144 egg good
condition $25 ea; one 110 chick Buckeye |
Style E good condition $15

J M MeNeel, Helena Ga 20 H P
_ Peerless- engine good condition $75
| WG Waters, Pavo Ga Low speed

Ford truck good condition, 24 model
$175 or exc for good mare mule = not;
over 7 yr old and not under 1000 Ibs

J I. Mims, R A Hazlehurst Ga Tri-
umph Shingle machine, drag saw, bolt-
er line shaft, pulleys, etc; al good con-
dition; cheap

J W Carter, RI Witrtamsost Ga-Lula
-eorn dropper With all plates $12 or exc

for Ga cane syrup at $1 gal

RE McCants, R 2. Butler Ga Avery
riding cultivator used,1 yr; 2 dise at-
tachments $35; Avery seed dropper good.

condition$7.50; Gmntt cotton . planter
$3.50: exe for peas or velvet beans. 8

GW Northecutt, R 4 Fairburn Ga-70
egg Reliable hot water incubator good
eondition with all equipment $8 fob or:
exe for 1 bu. Otootan soy beans clean
and sound del

R. Morris, 2003 Wrightsboro Rd Au,
gusta, Ga Cyphers 60 egg incubator;
exc for R I Red or S C W, Leghorn
hens not over.18 mo old

Miss Maud Price, R 9 Gainesville Ga
Little Brown Hen incubator good con-
dition $2.50 a

Ovi Cartet; R C Griffin Gao Standard
Buckeye incubator 250 ege good. condi- :
tion. $25 i

R FE Downing, Moultrie Ga .20. Pp.
International gas eng ne good condi-
tion $150; also 42 in Cole grist mill w ith
belts and pulleys $2007

RC Couch, Lurin Ga
and fixtures complete $75

N =D Norris, Wrightsville -Ga Bow-
sher feed grinder complethe; exe for
pure bred sows to farrow With second
and third litters in Mch; Red Jersey,
Durocs:-or PC preferred; also | Ford
truck. compiete with, school body good
condition $275

wt Martin, R-1 Resaca Ga Black-
smith post drill; old planes and carpen-

ter. tools good condition; one 2 horse
wagon less body, cheap

GL Freeman, R 6 Forsyth Ga. Bucek-
eye standard No 4 incubator oe ees |
good condition $35

WwW J. Kersey, \Meansville Ga Daisy |
church 4 gal capacity $3.50 or exc; also"

Buckeye 500 chick brooder good eondi-
ion $8 or exc for 8 W-Leghorn pullets |
Ferris strain Mch or Apr hatch S

Mrs WM Daniel, Waynesboro. Ga


20 H lee boiler

Triplex gin saw filer and g geenesit *

condition, used one season $35
-B Allen, R 2 Lavonia Ga 2 horse
turn plow Vulcan make No 8 $4; Ont
Ga Cracker cotton ae $2. ae all
good condition we |
S C Watts, Helton Ga Fairbanks
Morse gas engine -good condition fine,
. fer cutoff saw, 4 H P $40. 0r; exe: for)
good set blacksmith tools good condi-
BT Baldwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga No 2!
two horse Oliver chilled turning now |
ie one, broken handie, otherwise good ;
ondition $8; one No 917 Imperial it.
She turner plow good condition $3;
one iron wheel dialog crank cotton
planter good cond @ition. oes Vulean }
stalk rapper and subsoiler combined,
_ without handles $3;.or $15 for all fob:
| Fish Ga; Exe for guinea hogs or one
85 gal/bbl Ga cane syrup or Jersey Bl
Giant chickens . fe
"HB Faster, Aipharetta.Ga,.. No 10
Vulean -plow good condition $5 or exc
for Otootan beans: one Surry and pole
and dbl harness $1 or exc
Mrs R J- Rundle, Hiram Ga Electric
washing machine, force pimp with 40
ft galv pipe Stor hand or power; Electric
motor, with wringer, force pump, 40-ft
galv_ pipe;- - Engines, boilers, belting,
fittings, etc. ~ Bes :
Hi Edwards, R. 1 Spring Place Ga
Avery. 16. in Buster good. condition; exe
for 8 S L. Wyandotte hens or 8 Ferris
strain W Leghorn hens or smath incu:
.feator and brooder good condition ~
ab D Towe, I Rydal Ga 8 HP gas.en-
gine aad cutoff saw outfit sont eondi-
tion; cheap or exe for hgs
~ Jc Av Porsyth, R: 2: Mcbonoush Ga. 50
in Blue: Flame Belle City 800 chick
brooder $14 del eC
EW Rickles, Ry A Siw anee Ga ole
cotton planter with
i ic ew used one season}



+$35. or

corn attachment A:


ats WP Ww. ee Griffin Ga ae Pp Calho

tion $10. : :
SJ binn, R 2 .White Ga Putnam
broeoder stove usd 3 Wks $4.25 del.
Mrs EK P Martin, R 3 Loganville Ga
Cyphers incubator 70, egg good condi-
tion $10 or exe for W Leghorn hens
M Ho Kelley, R 2 Temple Ba Corn
top ees No. 7, Fhornton make, cuts
Stalks 1 in long, good condition $10
or exc, for mixed breed hens at market
H B Seott, 820 First st Macon. Ga
400 Bee heavy model Buckeye incuba-
tor also 400 egg Bohn both hot water
good condition, $3.50 ea or $6 for both
Mrs C E Jones, Pine View Ga Wis-
eonsin incubator 180 egg good. condition
$12.50 :
, GeW: -&2d; Ww Bell, eps Ga. 7 ft
Bissel Tractor Harrow good condition
$50; Extension ~Bissel eon ch Harrow
$50; Dbl Tractor plow used very little
$50 3
ASW readers. Watkinsville Ga 70
egg Cyphers: incubator good condition
$12.5 or exc for $C R T Rea pullets
Mrs D J Funderburg,a Lawrenceville }
Ga. Liberty incubator 65 egg practi-
cally new $5, fob ;
yt, CG Allen, Hoschton Ga
peanut picker good condition cheap;
one 5 H P gas engine good condition; ;
exe for corn or feed stuff :
Holkston Dairy Farm, : Folkston Ga
Syrup boiler 40 gal capacity good condi-
tion $9fob; one Fertz Sistecar good
condition $4; accept part payment in
gue apples or peaches at ae 1p
ie 2 eee , Garfield Ga
brooder $10; 250>-egg Wis-
consin a ukator good condition $12
W Ho Ropinson, Cairo Ga 25 H P In-
ternational Dbl Cyl gas engine
M C .Goolsby, Monticello Ga
Duplex mill for grinding
cottonseed, ete: sell or exc for shelled
eorn; also 2. Disc Tractor Tractor plow
used very little good condition; 24 in
Dise Newell Sander make; sell or exe
Beas corn
Purifoy, Yatesville Ga Cutaway
ne 8 dise tongue, 3 ft cotton drill
complete with Fertz attachment;, Chat-
tanooga 23 beam and standard middle
buster, sell or exe for cottonseed :
Braselton Bros. Braselton Ga 3
Thornhill 1, horse wagons good condi-



, tion $50 ea; one 125 H P high pressure

boiler and hangers and all connections;
One 80 H.-P! Cole engine; 25 H. eo Frick
engine; Frick peer a heater and 1

S G Lowe, Mienanad Ga. | Internat.
ional Riding cultivator good condition
$30; Avery riding cultivator good condi-
,tion $b7.50 e

Miss Ride Martin, Willard Ga Well
pump with 30 ft 3 in galv pipe $.50

Brown Bros. Montezuma Ga Clark,
Cal Orchard Harrow 18 disc good con-)
dition ea

T Davis, elie Ga $0 H P Schofield
boiler good. condition $100

Q W Brown. R 8 Madison Ga Buck-~
veye incubator 210 egg Style i good con-
, dition $12 foh

HP Tucker, Deep Step Ga 1-2 HP
: Delco motor used for pumping water $5
1orsexe for, B. Rock hens 1 yr old; also
(100 yds heavy galv vard fence and 3
iron gates good condition $20 fob

Hi EH Norman, Richland a Triple
Deck 3lue Hen incubator 8640 egs, bar-
gain Z

Mrs Jones, 640 Stewart Av At-
lanta Ga . Churning machine good con-
dition sell or .exe -\
So Nae COM. ELIT, stb Ga f
on skids: 25 H P engine:
arately Se

Mrs (S00: (WwW aie nae Gay. 22
Fordsen Tractors; 1 Ford truek; Grain
drill; 38 Tractor plows; Tractor Harrow
dise: all good eondition 3
Mrs.M B Hoges, Dover. Ga Tistic
Setting Hen inubator good condition
$3.50 or exe for Leghorn chickens

NJ MeMichen, R 5 Douglasville Ga
Folding saw machine good condition
exe: for e6rn, cotton or sweet feed
Mrs WA Oxford, Rutledge Ga 850.
egg Buckeye incubator good condition
exc for 250 pure bred B Rock
baby chicks; Patriot or Arstocrat strain
Bop del

Mrs J W. Dinkins, Unadilla Ga No 12
DeLavel Cream Separator, oer ae

40 HP Boiler
will sell. sep=


S iE

4 ton capacity $35
Hartley Ga Late , model axe |
Jathe:.qne 8 ft gaus Be ee to

500 chick .

corn in ear, |

Be ae Scott, Dawson Ga . Pair wagen |

_chick- coal burning brooder good condi- trv ick, et

1-4 to 1 7 also.
good preed chiel ;
H L wallace,
Sol-hot brooders. |
I R Yarbrough, Me hi or
Boiler; 25 = P A ]

in J Sieber: West Poir
national cultivator 9 condition
Moline cultivator: goed ee
3 wood geo spring L
fender good condition
frae spring cultivators
syrup, seed corn, shel

horse Bev aDige plow
Chattanooga make; s
Cc N The

used ia season $14 ee condi yn;, OF
Wisconsin incubator 140 ege ood con
dition used 1 seson $10 a

A F McClure, Woodstock GC
Old Trusty incubator; exc f
pigs; also 110 eg ;
$7 fob; both good condition

es L Breedlove & Son;

tor or or for $100 or exe f


vator need boxing for wheels, also 6 feet

and 2 dise $60 for lot oe
Pineview Market, chee Ga

Ford truck $95 or exe for. liv 5

farm products ore ie

A Y Tilley, Rydal Ga gee coal | ~
burning brooders; Two 500 chick $12 ea; =

one 1200 chick $16; 2 Se
her $204a fob. = = ee

Mrs7W M Daniel, Waynesboro Ga
Triplex gin saw filer and gummer_
tically hew, used 1 season $40-

WwW B. Warthen, Davisboro Ga 150.
shafting, pulleys various sizes; also 1200)
egg Mammoth ine ibator, stove burner,
With egg turners; also | 1000
brooder 2

GF Walker, Rf Rioherts Ga
Fairbanks-Morse gas engine good. co:
dition $35 or exc has corn or good: vari
ety chickens &

W. O Colson, R. 1 Wayera
horse Lynchburg _plow, poi



ese Queen incubator $25: 120 egg
ee $18; Old Trusty 120. ese $. Bc
consin 180 egg $10; 50 egg Littl Brown.
Henu $4.75; sell: or exe for: aay
oe value


wy Gaff, 2 Fitagerald Ga. O pen top bug
gy and harness good condition or ie
chickens any good breed

B C Moore, R 3 Seekeat Ga

EB Hota, Dublin Ga ae

.| white in 50 gal bbis 14e gal fob

T P Trowell/ Broxton Ga Old si
brooms 3 to 4 ft long $1. 85 dz fob _

J G Hulme, R 2 Elberta Ga Guns ei
with. best walnut

E L Durham, Hoschton Cas Strong smooth

whiteoak baskets all sizes

T W Sanders, R 5 Hartwell Ge Smith eas
dard breeding crate for hogs, sper oe hion. i

exe for pigs any pure breed

CW Boyce, Rt Monroe Ga Whitoal
&D Buchanon, R 1 Rigo Ga_ os
30c Ib x wt
Mrs H F. White, R 1 Gameceuy as]
Jersey butter 5 Ibs per wk 450 ee Ga fr
Mrs KG Donovan, Bartow Ga Ford, rue
with trailer used few mos
LB Millians, Newnan Ga
chicken charcoal 50c. sack; 10: sack m
grits for chickens 25 sack, 25 lbs 40
J T Graves, Noreross Ga R a. Gas tank
gal. capacity, cheap or exe
E i Faueett, R 8 Calhoun Ga oh
sack home grown hand. picked 2
exe for. 20 lbs spanish peanuts ane hk
WF Worley, R 3 CantonGa
butter per wk. in brick. moulds ee

Mrs A Holland, Flowery Branch Ga 2

6 bs fresh butter per wk 45 Ib d
W Orr, Flowery. Branch | Ga-

| Jersey butter per

Ib del c

4 Mrs -S C Wallis, me

| country butter 2 Ibs or. more

the 5e del ae

Nunn,- Lawrenceville Ga R5 B

cancarel tobacco. 5 Ths $1.50 10 lbs $2.80
Mrs T G Sommers, Red: Oak "(

large -hickorynuts 75e bu fo ;
Mrs. E C, Pery row, Talking ;

jersey butter 50 ib 4 Tbs. $1. 5 ie
Miss Ethel i Herndon Boe

Nice butter a ibs pe ;

D Davis, Rutledge Ga 4 IHC culti-

steel furnace asbestos lined boiler |

2 H I

ee an
eral gal. ps. suet ne

W. E Streetman, Wel ton. Cae 220. an or more. e

B Daniel, Griffin Ga
racticallyenew good condition $5:
i on young: hens or ho

postaze. ey of.
_ Address all com

al; Axe handles 35c.
trees $2.50 dz, 36/in $ 50

oe ae 10c; chewi

.thens Hide _ Co eens Ga

or peas or ae Pek
: egx baskets 50 and 4
MeCluney,. Rydal Ga \'5%0
r per-wk 45c Ib del
EY Wilbanks, Ball
ountry butter. of
{iss Ridie Martin, Willa:
sacks 8c ea

rl} Knudson ee Pai

: Full- of-pep feed sacks;

WW *D- Watson, Logansville

ood; sell or exc for corn
Bowden, Henwood, Ge

S: untry hu R 6 Cochran
Boll ae Poona: a

oF Be Hewes, aa in
eS butter per wk 45 Ib de

se S P Red, Varnell
butter in ge Tb sbrieks aes
; Fai

F Manders Nein

JN: Adimson, R14 Al
Yes fresh butterf per wh 45
Mrs LA. Hamilton, R 1 |
a Good cak firewood $3

=a also. pine wood for

J oS or exe et corn:

1Be bys sm
Panam, Hosen Ga

25 ea or. $2. ee

if Are you satan your )
rdins to the Bceest and bes
ed methods? Brooks on t
and all. others: pertat ning p
may be: borrowed from
Ahbrary. Com ae for a
time for the oest. of return

| Address all. ae to the Gee
Tey ae Bite: = Ly it

and dbl harn
Mrs Ww. p pole and Newborn
7. ae Ip del, ai


> cans niatonn home gr ow
pure sauce 20 Can:
Mrs EC Perrow, -falking
encice. Jer sey table butter 1 <p
Yb, 4 Tbs: $1.75 AGL ce nes
ee orate hyaeee

ton Ca. \ 900 or 300

eed sac ks 8e ea fob
A Bailey, Senoia Ga Several
b ter ii brick moulds 40c

E Crawford: Senda Ga on
m butter per wk 40c vb -
pren,, Et 2, Dewy Rose
DS 1925. crop tilberta peach-
yned, unlabeled; make offer
i; Rk t- Clermont: Ga. 3

: yellow

e, RS

baskets 60c and 70c ea del;

trees ready to iron 6 for $1;)
neh velvet beans peed, or

Sanders, R 5 Hartwell Ga
2or Grate; sell or exe for: pigs
t a Lawrenceville Ga Sun
eo 5 Tbs $1.50, 10 Ths $2.80)

Bryan, R

3 Smithville Ga
2 Paales iG :

NG a Bf fo:

an Ranger Ga Fresh
2. to 3710s per wk

1 Silver Creck\Ga Rubber

cart good condition; sell or

gasoline engine :

SColiniss oat a

a 4 Ips Jersey butter per wk

ak horn, R 2-Sumner Ga
IW; make best. offer
oM Griant, Roi Ellijay Ga.
inut meats 6dc Ib del
'Pe nh Nur series, Crawford-
200 standing cabbage
Iso bean hampers 4
atmer, R 6
bugsy a harness $35 fob or
horse wagon


i R 2 Barnesville Ga 800 hs}

ht chunk honey 20c lb fob in 5 Ib-lots.

layton, Quill Ga Fine amber ex-!

y in 60 jb cans 12 1-2e 1b fob
3uckner, Mt Vernon Ga Cypress bee |
-2 story hives complet, 8 frame size ;

ame size $2.50

Bur khaltr,

Daisy oS ae grade ey-!

Stocksen, Ga Home ooned
shoulders and middling mixed

om 38e tb fob in lots 50 Ibs or more:

in Yb el
Pe rick, Quitmah Ga ik Co hams
nd hare 35 Mb fob: es Co}

er, Tifton Ga --All porkj|m
er 5 pe ee 10,


utler, R- ot Armuchee Ga Be
$1.60 dz; Mtn ferns 10c ea $1

y B5e dz; Trailing arbutus 20c!
istletoe geranium 10c cutting >
dz, .garanium -cuttings Te!

lor dbl. and single, add postage
Wilson, Loving Ga Mtn}.
Hardy ferns 4 for 25e: wild:

a etd eee Cherokee BS 2)

40e ron 3 erna-|

pe illies 40

sh Oc; erab eee 35e; shade.
ivy 6 for 25 purple] ;

ite pine: Ade; white, aes .
A borvitae 35c ea; Jarge red rose 20c ea del.


See iy (-808 da 33.
phiox Ade dz5 hardy hibus-j

ae aA pose Stor 30; white |
sew thornless rose oe for,

d 1: so white, dire
for 25e; trumpet vine 3 for 252)
Langley, R 2 Yalking Reck
le and lavendar iris 25e dz 5)

lde dz; dbl yeliow japoa-,
purple sweet lilae 20c to; pink

1 wreath 10c ea; daffodils and

golden, bell and golden chain |

colors ; Bellis daisy plants!
oR 100 eet oi. i;

4 roses 26 dz;


firm butter per.
pre : {ly rose cuttings 30 for 50c; all color Annual
Rockmart Ga White-

1 ea;

nium cuttings

{several kinds begonias 5c cutting

Monroe Ga Good!

Jalse few white 15c
Jpink 10c ea; fine dahlia bulbs 50e dz; Pink

ig Strawberry
hompson 50
colors monthly |:
Blue lilae rooted 10e; Day Iil-
lies Wc dz; Star of Bethlehem 10c dz; Privet
hedge cuttings 20c hun; 6 color Jarge chry-
santhemums 25 dz; yellow hells reoted 10c:
| wonder apan lilly crowns 40c crown; Aug
lilly bulbs 10c ea; cuttings of geraniums, be-
| gonias, lemon- verbena, rattail cactus ;5 ea
Mrs J F Chapman, R 3 Edison. Ch Large
type cannas, Red King Humbert, bronze foil-
age 12 for $1; 2 varieties orange salmon both
bronze and green foilage 12 for $1; Pillow of
Fire scarlet red blooms green foilage 12 for
SLs oF varieties pink 8 for $1; all color month-

; > Mr . Maxeys
{*plants, Ses and ee
bun; white violets 10 dz: 8:

Phlox plants 56 for 100; exe any of above
for trumpet, daffodils, butter and ezg bulgs,
_ hyacinth or winter blooming white narcissus

Mrs Daisy B Todd, R 2 Hartsfield Ga Dbt
and sgl geraniums all colors some rooted 15e:
11. different cuttings $1; 10 different
cactus $1; 5 different coleus Shes. 5B. different |
begonias Tic; any 12 cuttings of any of
above $1; Frosty morn and farmers rail fence
1be cutting: dbl pink oleanders l5e eutting;
milk and wine and rattlesnake lillies 25 ea;
gladioli 10e ea

Mrs J W Rheney, Wadley Ga
with red berries,
: evergreens
Mrs W <1 - Milner, Cleola Ga
kinds ferns 25e ea nice size; all color gera-
5e rooted 10c; well rooted hy-}
white and pink oxalts 10 bunch ;

Xmas holly
also mistletoe and other

5 different

drangias 2c;

Mrs J N Nixon, Morganton Ga Daffodil
and Jonquil: bulbs 25e dz; hedze cuttings $2.50

| han; white pine 50c ea
Flowery |

Mrs WwW B Reynodls, Morganton Ga Mtn
hardy hydrangias 80c ea; Dogwood 20 ead
Red haw. bushes 35c-ea; Black pine, 20 ea;
blue huckleberry bushes 8 ea; Mtn feather
ferns 8c ea; Maple bushes 25c ea; evergreen
Yarrah plants lic ea;: Tiger lilly, bulbs 10c
ea $1 dz; Mtn Ivy bushes 28 .ea : se

Miss Dora Carver, R 3 Rome Ga. Red am-
aryliis bulbs. 40@c ea; 1 large Mech - blooming
mareissus 80 dz; jonquil 20e-dz; White. butter
& eggs with alone .center 20e dz; yellow but-
ter eges with centers 20c dz; yellow iris lilly
bulbs with chocolate falls 3c dz May bloom-
ing ; May blooming: white iris with blue mark-
ings 30 da; 8 db! pink peonies 50c ea; 5 May
blooming lavendar iris lilly bulbs 15 ea; dbi
-and sel day lilly bulbs 20c dz

Miss Margie White, Temple Ga 1 white
eape jessamine $1; two monthly rose bushes
pink 30c:; Golden bells bushes rooted 15 ea;
Dusty Miller 15c dz; blue iris bulbs 20c dx: e
white narcissus with yellow center and jon-
quils 20c dz; white red pinks, cream winter
pinks lec zt 8 boxwood bushes $1; sweet
violets 50c; Sweet honeysuckle vine 50 for 30
Southern wood 15 ea; fob.

Mrs L O Noble, Trenton Ga White nar-
cissus bulbs rooted 25 dz; purple iris bulbs
| rooted 20 dz; Fire colored gladioli bulbs, Day
1 Lilly bulbs 50e dz; Jonquil bulbs rooted 30
dz; Lilly of Valley bulbs 50c dz; strawberry

} plants 50c -hun

Mrs J P Bush, R 1 Adairsville Ga -Privet

| hedge cuttings 50c hun; Pink Dorothy Per-.

kins rose cuttings 50e hun; Cherokee and
Marchineal rose cuttings 5 ea; sweet blue
violets 50c hun ; white Niagara grape cutting
de 62

Miss S Fowler, R 4. Bebeen Ga. Larkepur:
| diate, blue, pink, and white and variegated 3.
dz .60c; Waves of Gold plants 30c dz; Cannas,
red. and yellow. 60c dz; exe larkspur plants for
} pink capa 1 dz for 2 cannas, no red cannas
| wanted. j

Mrs J Ww rath, R3 Hartwell Ga Pink crepe |

myrtle 2 to 4 ft high 10c ea $1 dz fob.

Miss Mamie Garner, R 2 Menlo Ga Ever-
\greens large and small Jeaf unrooted 50 for
75e; Jonquils, small yellow and large yellow,

dz; monthly rose cuttings

peonies 25c ea; snowball bushes, Bride Wreath

4 bushes, blooming pear bushes, crepe mbyrtle

| bushes, pink, purple lilac bushes, all Tbe ea;
Red monthlyrose cuttings 10c ea ; purple vio->
jets es ad snowdrop bulbs Lic dz.

Mrs O annah, R 1 Temple Ga Poppy.
plants oe dz; Petunias 30c; Larkspur 30c;
mixed all colored from best seed. ;

Miss Ruby. Bullard, R 1 Lithia Springs Ga
Red velvet rose bushes 18. to 24 an 2c3 Iris;
Juniper, Cedars 8 to 10 in 25c; white hydran-
gia 1 yr plants 25c; oink May cactus 25c; sin-.
gle tube rose 10c; lace fer nice plants 25c 5.
Hasting 1925. collection ehrysanthemums T5e.
pink crepe myrtle 15 to 20 in 15e; 2 ft 25c;
du; flower of Anon 18 to 24 in 25c; blue flag
dilly 25 dz; all plants well rooted ; Masting
1925 xose collction cuttings 25c dz.

Miss Eva Weems, Luella Ga 375 Lombardy.

poplars well rooted 20c ea. - :

Miss Girlie Craig, R 1 Morganton Ga Ar-}

Papline Baldwin, R 4 Rockmart Ga Purple:
Hilac 20c ea $2 dz; Yellow thornless rose 20c ea,
$2: das Blooming pear 20c ea $2 dz; Pink
peach rese 20c ea; old fashion red velvet roses
| 252 ea $2.50 dz; large pink early spring roses:
25e ea $2. 50 dz; crepe myrtle bushes 30c ea ;:
blue -iris lillies 20c dz; sgl and dbl orange
J iillies 30c dz; fringe trees 1 ft high 30c ea;
\ erab apple trees 1 ft high 30c ea; Spruse pine
1 ft th 30c ea,
; teen C i Otting, R 4 Rome Ga Lemon lil-;
lies 50 dz; Milk and wine lilly 25 ea; . Blue.
| Iris Hilly 30c_ dz 4 dz $1; Day. lillies 25e. dz 5)
dz $1; White Monster Zennia seed Hasting 15c.

{ tablespoon ; Ragged Robin Marigold seed 15c

for 2 tablespoons; Verbena well rooted 50c dz 5
| chrysanthemums 25e dz; pink, white, cream,
yellow, red, bronze, 3 colers pink, Damson ,
Plum pushes 15c and 25c ea; Huckelberry bush |

les 20 ea; Sweetshrubs bush 20c ea,

Mrs S C Roberson, Morganton Ga Red Haws, |

Peseie Mtn Males weeiead swam ee!

snowball o rpink ; or yellow -gladioli; pink:

Mtn Ivy, Mtn Laurel, maple, Hlack pine, white |

po oer &
1 ce saat Ga onitiny ae

utus, wie water lity 20 dz; Red, Yellow |
kKle bushes. 15c ea; blue

violets 30c dz; Blue Iris lilly bulbs 25 dz; .

-kolly bushes, black pine, white pine, maple, '
crabapple, dogwood bushes 8 for $1 or 1dc ea;
Mtn, Laurel and Mtn Ivy lde ea 8 for $1;
Walnuts $1.56 bu fob, Tiger lilly bulbs 30 da;

| Red sugar plum bushes; 15. ea 8 for $1; Mtn

ferns, winter ferns 6 for 25c.

Miss V Hensley, R 2 Talking Rock Ga Jap-

fonica 25 ea; Baby Rambler Rose bright red

25 ; Dorethy Perkins shell pink 20c; Chrysan- ,
themums dbi white red, yellow, cream 45e dz;
Evergreen fern 25c dz; evergreen ivy lic ei;
Cedars for shade trees 15 ea; poppy. seed
mixed colors large size 10c pkg; Tiger grass |
}300 dz; Dbl yellow thornless rose l5e ea 70c
dz; butter and ese. 20e dz; Fall pinks white,
red, yellow, cream 55c dz. *

Miss Tava Silver, R-4 ating Rock Ga
Japonicas red and yellow well rooted 25c ea 5 |
= $1; Pink hibiscus 85e ea; red Altheas 50c!

; large red cannas $1 dz; Bride Wreath, 15c ,
A pegch roses. i5 ea; monthly roses differ- |
ent cOors 15c ea; solden bell sprouts lic ea
cuttings 8c; purple iris 10 ea $1 dz; purple |
snapdrascns plants: 25 dz; Snowball sprouts!
25e ea fob.

-Mrs J L, Rogers, Greenville Ga Rooted box.
wood plants $2 dz $10 hun..

jMiss Claudia Plant, Mensbalivije Ga> Agl
purple altheas 25 ea; dbl purple altheas 2 i

yr old 50 ea; Dark red cannas large trusses |

| bronze leaves 50 dz; Hardy Freneh hydran-

gias blue 35c; Dahhias dark red dbl 35c dz;

Coral vine seed lie dz; paper white narcis- |
sus 35 dz; hollyhock seed pink, sgl and dbl
20e tablespoon; dbl Gereas 2%e | tublespoon ;
| Oleanders pink and white 35c ea; red spider;
lilies 40 dz; buttercups 380c dz

5 W Roash, Daisy Ga Camelia Japonica well
rooted field grown, State inspelted, dbl red,
with yellow ceriters, warigated and white plants
$k ca: |

Mrs Bertha Gable, R 3 Buchanan Ga Hedge
bushes cuttings $1.50 hun fob; Balm of Gilead ,
huches 25e ea; Balm of Gilead buds 20c at |
fob. tf

Mrs B F Morrison, R 8 Gainesville-Ga Bleck
walnut trees 25 ea 5 for $15 Garlic bulbs 15c
dz, fob.

Wirs H R Ragsdale, R 3 Acworth Ga Mam-}
moth dbl poppy seed 5 colors white, salmon, !
lavender, pink and red mixed L5e pke: ; Large
begonia cuttings 25 ea, Coe
. Mrs G Li Jones, R 38 Shellman Ga Large
red and yellow canna. bulbs; large dbl red and
white Mums; exe for dbl pink, blue and white
oleander bushes gr. pincenple pear trees 8 to 4;
ft high. : f 42)

Mrs . Ww Cine, R 2 Rydal Ga Blue flag
lillies 4+dz lots $1.15 del; Yellow cape jessa- -
mine well rooted (30e ea or $3 dz del; Yellow

or white jonquils 4 dz lets $1; Everbearing Tig)

sprouts well reoted 20 ea or 6 for $1; Grape
vines white grapes extra fine cuttings 15c ea 6 |
for $1; Grape vines white grapes extra fine!
cuttings 15c ea 6 for 7c; red grape cuttings |
10c ea or 6 for 50c; Mammala berry sprouts
well rooted 15c ea 8 for $1; Chima berry shade |
bushes 5 for $1.

Mrse R Holeombe 129 Emerson Ave Deca-'
tur Ga 2 yr old field grown roses leading~var- |
jeties $5 dz; 1 yr old $2.50 dz; Dbl larkspur }
mixed color 40c dz $1.50 hun; Butterfly, Spirea
Mock ip uue ry 25 ea ;Privet Hedge well rooted
plants $5 M

Mrs Mimic Davis, R 1 Silver Creek Ga Blue

flag and yellow lilly bulbs 25c dz $1.50 hun;

Apr blooming narcissus bulbs, butter and egg j

bulbs 20 -dz $1.25 hun; snowdrops and Jon-{-

quils 15 dz.

Miss Hazel Smith, a 1 Filttonia Ga
Phiox plants 10c dz, 6 dz 50c, Chrysan-.
themums large yellow, small.
also white, bronze and pink 25e dz; ge-
raniums 7 kinds 5e cutting; Beefsteak

| begonia 19e eutting; Thanksgiving and
Love tan-)

Valentine eastus 5e eutting

| 10e ea;

yellow, |

mthly rose
: large flowered eream.
cannas 30c dz fob; orange and rose:
splotched cannas abc AZ -
Miss Cora. Daniel, iR 4 Stasrkigevillo
Ga Lavender peony flowering and red =
show dahlias 10c exe for white, pink .or
putple decorative prize winning named.
Mums 50 or exe for,Burpees Mammoth
Verbenas or Giant Snapdragon;, Peren-
nial sweet pea plants from seed Apr del
25e dz; Blue hydrangia 25c; white olean-
der, @bl pink oleander .35 -ea, hardy
phiox 30e dz; colored plants 25c hun f

Mrs J C Hades, R 7-Gainesvile Ga
Japanese rose 10c ea; yellow Irish Flag _
lillies 10c dz; Early May cherry .trees
Klondy ke strowberry plants 10c i
ans - :

Mrs O L Bush, Doerun Ga Amaryl- ~
lis Johnsoni bulbs large size 30c ea, 6
for $1.60 or $3.20 dz; large flowering
pink oleander well rooted 25c .ea, ;

Mis W Yates, Barwick Ga Exchange.
3 first size Gladioli bulbs mixed for 6.
nice geranium cuttings different colors
or one 2 yr old: Arabian Jessamine vine ,-
(evergreen) for 12 cuttings geraniums
different color , :

Mys H Eller, Talking Rock Ga Lav-
'ender iris 35e dz; Sword lillies 50cc dz;
Leopold lillies 25e dz; Pink Weigelia,
white and pink Japanese honey suckle
bushes 25e eay purple lilac, pink almond
Forsythia, weeping linden and golden >
bell 10e ea 3 for 25;: Vireinia Creeper
vine 1be. 6a; 30ston ivy vine and Myr-
tle vine (evergreen) 25c dz; white and:
purple altheas and white spirea 10c ea;
pink Dorothy Perkins rose 2 for 15c

Mrs W.-C Daily, McDonough Ga Jon--
quils 40c dz white or yellow; White Flag
lillies 50c dz; varigated canna 50c dz;
pee Perkins rose 0c ea, pe
lbushes 25e and 50c : :

Mrs -G, Simpson, Thomasville ce
Sago palms $1 to $5 ea: Japanese Coral s
pink vines rooted 25c ea; Camphor trees
25 and 50c. ea; Commercial Ginger root
25c- plant, all fob: ~.

J: S Brogdon, Box 1864 Atlanta Ga
150 named varieties most -
dahlias to exe for well rooted 2 yr old |
rose bushes; only named varieties rose
of petter kinds will be considered.

Mrs Rosa Snider, Agricola Ga South- ;
ern Smilax $2 ea or 3 for $5 fob

Mrs C H Ward, R 1 Adairsville Ga |
Everblooming crimson rose; everbloom-~
ing fragrant white rose; pink ~Rambler;
Crimson Rambler; white sweet briar
rose; everblooming cape jessamine;

: everblooming erimson spirea; white
spirea; Bridal Wreath;
Pink Dentzie; Pink Weigela; everbloom-
ing Lilac Spirea; Butterfly bush; pink
almond; white English dogwood; yellow
Japonica; white Japonica or Easter
. Rose; Xmas Honeysuckle bush 25 ea

Mrs Addie Wilson, Morganton Ga
Palmetto cactus rooted 50 ea; flower-.
jing sword rooted 40c ea; pink and mix-
ed Azaleas 25c ea $1.75 dz; Collection
of 14@ choice roses $1; Pink Cherokee
roses $t dz; Russian Lilac rooted 50c
ea: dbl Moss curled parsly plants 35
dz: Golden Forsythia 25e rooted; Althea
Lilly 25c; Empress Narcissus 50c dz;

ele Se rooted; wax plant and oxalis 5c}: Mtn Laurels 25c Mtn Ivy 25e ea; rooted

Lady Washington geranium cuttings;
lic, all del :

JP. D Tilman, Register Ga Yellow
canna bulbs; exe for ether bulbs, violets,
or rose bushes: Dorothy Perkins rose
bush rooted, exe for any. kind of bulbs

Miss Mae Bomar, R 3 LaFayette Ga
Sweet Star Jessamine vine 3 for 25c
Tuberose bulis 6 for 25c; Star of Beth-
Jehem 50c dz; Sees, purple violets 50c
hin * :
- DP Guillebeau, R 6 Lincolnton Ga,
Umbrella china trees, silver leaf maple,
cherry, all kinds: peach, all kinds appl
and Star Jessamin, vines 15c ea; Seup-
-pernong vines 50c ea \

Mrs C W Clements, R 1 Jacksonville!
Ga Dbl white Dorothy Perkins roses:
hwell rooted 25e ea; 5 for $4 exe for


Perkins roses rooted 20c ea; Orange.
shrub blooming size 25e ea, 5 for $453
exc for any color dbl dahlia pink or:
javhite cannas or white crepe myrtle

Mrs D Meliean, Wray Ga Oleanders,}
dbl rose large plants 25c; white single
20c; cream with yellow center 20c; fine
plants begonias, beefsteak, red leaf,
green leaf; large ,and small leaves, white |
red and pink flowers large and medium
size 20e and 25e ea or exc any for 'Ca-:
melia Japonica or Paul Neyron rose}
ax pbted, Calla lilies 25e ea; Butter and;
ege bulbs 25e dz; Star of Bethlehem:
20 diz; Narcissus 25c dz; abl red and
sgl jonquils 25c da

Mrs Bettie Reberts, R 3 Tallapoosa,
Ga Pink Agzaleas 2c ea $1. 50/dz; Chec-:

rooted 25c |

Miss Grace -Carter, Lake Pork Ga
White Jonquil bulbs 250 dz; Pink crepe ,
myrtle 25c ea; varigated Gladioli bulbs
40c dz; Umbrella and spanish palms 25
and, 50c ea; Pink oxalis bulbs 30c dz;
red magic lilly of Japan bulbs $1 dz; red
Easter lilly: bulbs $1 dz; white spirea
well rooted 35c ea ae

Mrs H F Carter, Lake Park Ga
White Jonquil bulbs 25c dz; Purple
grape hyacinth 35c dz; Yellow Gladioli
bulbs 40c dz; cream rose and salmon
pink large flowering canna bulbs 20e
ea, 3 for 50 e; large yellow, red orange >
and varigated yellow with red carna
bulbs 10c ea $1 dz; orange scarlet Eas-
ter lillies $1 dz; White, pink and red
Giant Amaryllis bulbs 50c ea; extra
large magnolia trees T5c ea; pink crepe |
jmyrtle bushes 20c ea $8 hun |

Mrs TC Floyd, R 2 Chipley Ga 2

|-dz mixed bulbs of all kinds 35c; Five _

rooted Blue bloom box vine plants 30c;

striped ribbon grass 35c; all del
Mrs J W Moultrie, Woodbury Ga

Day lillies bloom twice year 12 for 20c
Mrs J R Camp, Cordele'Ga Large -dbl-

red King Humbert Cannas $2 hun; dbl

ea; white flag lillies 50 dz; Yellow
sweet scented blooming size narcissus
pulbs $1.50 shun; large white Puritan

i Mums 25c dz; small size Gladioli bulbs

$1 hun Dbl white calthea ctittings for
hedge 50c dz; Butter

olate ent SGETS pee 20 ea a 50;


ore dbl 56c dz VA


Rambler rose 20c ea; dbl ei velvet rose

6 bulbs or eyes of Tall white and green es

white and pink oleander cuttings 25c

and egg. bulbs


Goldenbells; ,


: oe : bulbs 35c. dz $1. ae hun; daffodil same
Miss RK Waban R 2 Clem Ga xtra RUICe del; Larkspur 3 35 2. , es

See mixed colors snapdragon seed 5c lL, M Woodruff, recat Ga Rooted |
pke; mixed color Hasting sweet Wil-| weeping willow 2c ea; Lucretia dew-

liam. seed 5c pkg; Light: blue

_- very fragrant. Bie dz

Luby Tne pepper
setting Lt Brahma

Mrs. BT Baldwin ie Roek
"Crepe Myrtle pink; English
violets | berry. plants lie dz; Hardy pink phlox- Blue Eales; old fashion thornles
| rooted 25c dz; Lemon lilly bulbs 35 dz: rses Dorothy Perkins roses; <

Ties. 30 az

__daponica 25. @a; PU nDIe 3 lilac 15 eoa,
all rooted and del.

_ Columbus Ga Dbl Giant fringe red and

. sponge 10c pkg; exc.1 pkg

- Milk and wine lilly bulbs assorted sizes

~ monds

Ise cupftull;
dow 8c -ea;
~ roses red and pink well rooted 20c ea;
S Crimson Rambler red

Mrs W M Tuck, R 2 Talking Rock Ga |
Peonies, pink 50: for- = Goldenbell yel-
low 25c dz cuttings; jonquil yellow 15 |
dz; Bliwe Grass i5e dz; Sey Rose red;
3 Tor 50c; Peachtree ros pink. 3 for:
Zhe: Laylock ar ae 200; Lilly |
bush white 3 for 25c;.large Rambling
rose pink 2 for 50; pink fiowering al: |
3. for 250; Hardy ~Phiox pink |
die dap Hydrangia pink 3 euttings 10c.

Mrs: AS Mozeley, R 6 Douglasville
Ga White daffodil bulbs 25 dz: Hyd-
rangia cuttings 25 ea: Yellow cannes a
for 25c; Pink verbenas well rooted 8 for
dc; Aug lillies 20c ea

Miss Ethel Barret. Talking
Rock Ga livergreen Ivy bushes 15c ea:
Evergreen Mtn ferns 10e ea; Dbl yellow



Miss S f Albrecht;. 912 Pork aus

pink peppy seed 25c ea color pkg; Queen
wreath or coral vine seed 25c pkg; Mari-
gold dbl 3- colors 10c ea pke: Chinese
poppy seed
for dbl all eolor touchmenot seer :

Mrs H Ei Hartley, R 1 Conyers Ga
Purpie lilac well rooted 20c ea; Jonquil
buibs 20c dz; Hasting Imp Zennia seed :
canna bulbs red and yel-
Dorothy Perkins eluster

30e\ ea well root-
ed ;

Mrs C C Draughon, R 2 Pelham Ga,

12 for $i. net
Mrs J F Solomon, Jeffersonville Ga
Spencer. type swet pea seed 25c oz


mixed: colors and pink

~ low oe rose 5c ea; Ammon rose

Umbrella china tree seed 25c hun del

May Cherry
Red summer apple sprouts 20c/ea; Yel-|


_purple- and: davender iris ~ 250 dz; old

: del; 2 rooted white spirea 25c del; rooted:

daffodil: and jonquil 30c dz; Fall pinks

Pink crepe myrtle 50e ea; white Chero-

ing Hadley crimson strong well rooted

Mrs D. Woodr uff, Gree enville Gael
yr old boxwood plants- rooted $1.25 dz;

Kee roses 75c dz: Gladioli bulbs 75e@ dz;
Red Bridal Wreath -35c ea; Lemon see

Miss Alma Westbrook, R 1 Gaines-
Ville Ga White Apr blooming. jonquil
10:dz; Purple lilae rooted 10c ea; Yel-
pe ea x
Miss Tue Etter Harvison, Dublin Ga


Mrs U G Connor, R 7. Gainesville Ga

sprouts 10 and 5c ea;

low jonquil bulbs 25c dz; white nar-
cissus bulbs. 250. dz: blue iris and Dee
-low flag lillies 25 az

Blanche Woodruff, - Greenville Ga
- Rooted cape jessamine,. weeping willow,
crepe myrtle, red Bride Wreath 30c ea:
small rooted boxwood plants $1 dz: Yel-
low canna bulbs 50c white Cherokee
roses 60c dz

Mrs BL Robinson, R 3 Kessuyilc Ga
Lucretia dewberry plants $1 hun del:
200 well rooted dwarf boxwood plants
$12 del;. Rooted crepe myrtle 2 for 25c

cape Jessamine 380c ea, $3 dz del

Mrs RS Kimberly, Empire Ga Exe 3
Shades of dbl red Dahlias for garden
peas, Bermuda onion plants:

Mrs M M Gentry, Re 2 Talking Rock
Ga: Crepe, nryrtle deep red and pink
well rooted 40c: Dbl yellow Japonica
2 yr old well rooted 25c; Climbing Am-
erican Beauty strong rooted 50c; Jon:
quils and daffodils 25c dz; Climbing
Hadley crimson deep pink 50c:; silver:
_ maple 50e ea.3-for $1: Deep velvet red
rose- 1c ea; weeping willow cuttings
1de; goldenbell well rooted 15c

Mrs C Barrett, R 2 Talking Rock Ga
Dbl yellow Japonica 2 yr old well-root-
ed 25c: peach trees roses well rooted L5c

red, white and yellow 306. = dg > Pink
Baby Rambler well rooted 25c; Climb-

50c; purple Iris: 10e ea; Goldenbell 15c
well rooted; velvet roses well rooted 15c:
Crepe myrtle pink or = red ewell
ee 40

s Naney Henderson, Ree Talking
Saat Ga Shasta daisies; Dark purple
irfs 25 dz; Pink Weiglia cuttings 25cJ
ea;~ Pink Weelia well rooted 50c ea;
Goldenbell cutting J5c ea, feb; Tame ,
gooseberry bushes 10e ea $1 dz; Pink}
almonds 10e ea; English dogwood 10c_
ea; Bride Wreath 15c ea; Daffodils 20c

20e dz: Star of Bethlehem 20 dz: Dark

fashion lilly Rusher eae and Os te

and yellow; old fashion yellow bunch ange flag lillies 25c dz; dbl

(dz; Zennia dbi all color 10c cupfull

; cherries 15c ea: old fashion muskmelon. White and purple everbearing

7; ea.

rooted $1.25 hun; Lilac, spirea. 30c ea
rooted; Deep pink crepe myrale rooted

ey Veepinge w. illow euttings> rooted 40c ea

Eivergreen cedars 50 ea:

trailing arbutus 25 dz


A BWoodruff, R 3 Greenville Ga Well

ifor white nest onions, 6 bulbs for 1 gal
, onions

a2 for-25, all del

1 yr old purple lilac sprouts 450c ea del

cream hydrangias well rooted |

<Z? everlasting flower
dz; Narcissus 20c dz: Star of Bethlehem} /

chrysanthemums plants 1de ea $5 hun;

Watermelon color ee myrtle cuttings, Ww hite with pink center; Flowel
$2.50 hun 3 | pink. all 25 ea; Bride wreath \

Miss Isabel Green, R-6 Gainesville Ga: ter roses; White garden
, Purple. lilac bush 156 Yellow day ily | snowball 50e ea; Blue and Ww
aoe dz; Pink oxalis 1c bunch; Climbing baby blue Sweet iris and orange
Columbia pink rose bush 1 yr old 25 bulbs 10c ea: assorted Dahlias- a
cutting 15, 3 rooted 60c or 3 cuttines sorted Gladioli 20 ea; weeping
40 : 1 $4 az cuttings :

Mrs or ine Gulmen: Ga Field | Mrs Delitia Long, Gathoun: Ga Pur
rooted purple, wisteria- $3.50 hun; Un-' ple and white lilac flowering almond
rooted winter blooming Huddlira and Crepe myrtle all hardy
Bridal Wreath spirea cuttings 10 in shrubs; exc for Tyacinths any co
long $1.2 5 hun. or $10 M -/| tulips, crocus, dahlias ay

Miss Odie. Eaton, R 4 Dahl nesa flowers :
Ga Rooted climbing roses, Seven Sister,| Miss Ellen Silver, R 2 Talking M
Baby Rambler, Peachtree roses, pink Ga Blue and lavend eriris 40

rose all well rooted 10c ea or 3 for 25c; mond 15c ea; Bride Wreath

Lilac sprouts 10c; Bridal Wreath, \45 ea; English dogwood, -

Goldenbell 5e ea; Easter lillies bulbs 10e ea; pink white lilly pushes.

yellow and white 8 for 25c; Evening | flowering quince pink hardy

primrose seed, Sweet-Ann 5e pkg; paper; 10c ea: Dorothy ~ Perkins. dee)

flower seed 5e pkg; Jonquil bulbs 50c Ranibler rose 2 yr old well roo

paper white. narcissus, daffodils 5

Mrs J O Lunsford; Keasley Ga Old! Purple wisteria vine 100; p ee 1

fashion sage straw brooms 10c ea fob; bent 200 dx

Dorothy Perkins rose cuttings 1 yr old Miss Mollie Reece, R- se Ball

12 1-2 ea = Ga Mayr flowers dbl and sgl yellow
Mrs J. Prey, R 2Dallas Ga. Jon-' oe, The dz; Jonquils white with -

quils 30c dz; Iris bulbs 20c dz; yellow | center 0c: ean 75c dz or exc oF tu

lilly 15c dz; old fashion varigated roses rose dbl or sel

le ea: Cherry bush May <and June | Mrs Irene Sirmans, RA Stockto: G

d0c cupfull; old fashion ae 10c; well rooted 25e ea; Cape jessam

oS ae ea; Blood ae ToNs
Mrs M Robinson, eer aee Ga 200;

well rooted boxwood: plants- $15 del;

Lucretia dewberry plants hardy well ae ae for ap

ee = Os

tee ea; oe
Uy ea fruit,

well Foeted.
Z28CGa5 5 fOr $1 Lemon lilly 50e dz: ers : ee
Mrs be Hee Meee
Junipers, boxwood, Arbor - Vitae we
rooted 20c and 50c -ea; Lilac, -Engiis
dogwood, Mtn roses 20c and 80c we
rooted pink peonies 20c% Jon
daffodils 25 dz; Lilly bushes, AY
Beauty roses, peach roses 20e an

Mtn SHES: laurel, 2

2 -for-Si

Miss ela es * Si oanton Cai
Min. Laurel, Mtn. Ivy, Holly bushes,
red and yellow Azaleas all 20c ea;
Apr bloonting|
narcissus 20c dz; Yellow cluster nar-
cissus 25c dz; Yellow cluster narcissus
25e dz; Dbl daffodils 30 dz: be day
snowdrops 10c dz; Tiger lilies 20c dz:

oe H c Mar tin, White Oak
nolia, erepe myrtle, cape
yellow jessamine, cabbage
May bloom Willies all 25-
reoted Castor oil beans 1ie pkg
Mrs R Lov ett, Cuthbert Ga
pink altheas; dbl white altheas_ f
old bushes 35 ea :

Mrs WS Penrose, Dixie Ga Su me.
colored Azaleas, Prince of Orange ~
foc-and $1 ea del; Mexican pink vin
25e; Arabian Jessamine 25-and 50c Con-}'
federate jessamine vine 25c; Amary ee
red or white 25ce all del

Mrs dW Elliott, Bed Barnesville Gi

Mrs W H Pye, Monticello Ga 100 pink
Dorothy Perkins roses rooted 10c ea:
100 Paul Neyron rose cuttings not root-
ed 10c ea

Mrs V D Wiliams Ry 2 Gelsthowe
Large size ehrysanthemums white,
red, yellow. cream, lavender, pink and
bronze 25c dz; ss seed 10 cupfull,
fob :

rooted Lueretia dewberr y plants 25 dz
$1. hun, del; 100 well rooted boxwood
plants dwarf variety $5 del; Water-
melon color srepe myrtle trees 2 for

30c; White spirea rooted 2 for 30c, $2
dz del; rooted cape jestamine 30c oa 3g! jv hits Narcissus bulbs 900 dz, abe de
dz del; Exe large dbl red canna butbs: E (Das 5 oe

old fashion red lillies and white flag lil.
lies 80 dz, 2 az 50e :

Mrs G.W Robinson, Star-R s Tall
poosa Ga Armour River hedge plants
yr old $2.50 hun; 2 yr old $4 hun: 3 yi
$5 hun-fob; Snowball, erepe myrtle, | n:
purple ee 250% 6a: creeping myr et
ribbon grasS and perennial peas -

ea; rose Cae everblooming all color
10e dz; Dahlia bulbs $2.50 az z

Miss Dessie Jarrad, R T Dahlonega
Ga Jonquils 200d. ee ;
Mrs. M A Wilson, Morganton. Ga. 3.
evergreen - Japonieas rooted $1.50. for|
all; 1 Evergreen cedar 3 yr old $25 10
choice roses $1; all reoted; golden For-
sythmia rooted 25 ea; Rose. of Sharon |
7 | rovted Zoe ea; Mtn Laurel and Mtn Ivy
25c ea; Pink and mixed Azaleas 20C}
Champion moss curled parsley plants}:
30c dz; pink shell Cheroke roses: $1 a7
Privet for hedge $2 hun cuttings: Daisy |
lilly, lemon lilly. 40c aa; wild hydrangi
rooted 30e ea

C E Leverett,

Mrs-A FO Kaley Maysville Ga Blue
dwarf iris lillies 25c dz; Tiger lilly 25
dz; Red pillow of fire cannas 50c dz;
Orange cannas With bronze leaves: 50c
dz; white star jessamine vine 10 ea;
holly bushes 25c ea; redbud bushes 15

Mrs. D Es Haney, R 1 Acworth Ga
Large red and white m ums 25 dz; Vel
low cannas bulbs 25 dz, $1: pink peach
trees rose bushes 10c ea -$1 dz all-root-}-

drs G A Mallor ys R 1 Mea adville Ga

Mrs M Tanner, Nicholls Ga . Large
type hl red dahlias: $1.50 <dzg;.) Red
gladioli 75c dz: Exe for American Beauty
rose. bushes any color or white pink,

Mrs GT Ehens, Butler Ga. Dhl lemon
lilly bulbs 10c ea 3 for 25; Sweet shrub
plants large size $1 dz; small cluster.
yellow sweet scenhted narcissus bulbs
40c dz; Frostproof petunia plant mixed
colors 20c dz; Frostproof poppy plants!
white with yellow center 30c dz; white!
boom hibiscus euttinges 25 dz Concord
grape cuttings 25e dz =

Mrs H G Fraser, R 7 Gainesville Ga
Yellow and blue iris-lilly 10c dz: red
flowering pear sprouts 5 and 10c- ea;
Blue lilac 10: Pink Mums 10c dz; old
time rose rooted 5d; yellow jonquil L5G |:
seed . 5C table-

Ro; Atlante. Ce. Choices pe
rooted monthly Bee roses different |.

colors lic or 2 for 25c} Old size: purple fi

Dorothy. Perkins: rose 2 yr old 15e ea,
/ $1.50 dz; Silver moon climbing -rose
same price: Blue and yellow iris 250 dz;
mixed colors dahlia bulbs 50 025 Dbl
and sel mixed colors larkspur plants
hardy 20e dz. f
Mrs E&P Fain; Morea Ga oe az
bushes 20c ea; white pine 25c CaF
Ivy 20c; White 25c; ~Mtn- Laurel
Crabapple bushes 15 ea; - Wagter
a be; Snow on Mtn 25e dz: Hemlo ke
Snuowbail bush 200 6a er

J Fipg, Ro eecpcins Gas White:

Possrood, oS Eels -cannas and, Ls

lilac 25 ea Dbl and sel white spirea, 15c! flow
ea $1.50 dz; Crimson Rambler and Pink | Pi
d swe may s 0c

Gay, rose sh
YF oe colors:

Ww A: ted cannas 4y for 10c
lilly 200 dz; white. field

+. Gagaansyilies Ga!
S Rena: lillies, :

tanas, Cpeuortaa < Gore
Ee for 50c dz; rooted lilacs, |
s, yellow star jessamine |

of currants, | May
granite, sultaonas, be-!
geraniums 15 ea; Yel-

oss rose 25e ea; grape

: ane Ave: Aue usta


pl nts good, -e hardy

: 5
2 Sp ahebars: Ga Old
une pear, quince

Cage pijlow, 9 ee 34 pair;
ticking most r goose feathers, few d

quilted 7 lbs ea $4.50 ea or $8. for both
Cavie Anderson, Liclog | Ga.
home made quilts $4.50 ta _
Mrs Ossie Spradiey, -
ee bed good condition. 35,40r 40 IBS,

Mrs Suscie Hooper, R 1 Tae Ga 5

home made quilts, mixed colors $5 ea

Mrs J O Dennis, R 2- Columbus Ga
Pine~ needle baskets and. aes:
honeysuckle vine baskets

Ruby Watson, Rt Auburn ta Flower

skets made of honey suckle vine 35c
and 50c ea. or: exc for baby chicks ~~

Mrs J B Stevens, Grantville Ga
eect cakes and recipe for old fashion
light bread and yeast cakes 10c.

0 Tyson, R 4 Acworth Ga Nice new
quilts $4 ea or 6 for 20 fob _

Mrs WW Sherrer, Rayle Ga 2 new

quilts 5 Ibs ea $3. eas 1 silk quilt, $10; 1S

worsted quilt $5 =.

Mrs Gussie eibatter: Rd Auburn
Ga, Honeysuckle , vine. baskets 50ce ea or
exe for baby chicks any breed except

ple - -lilac 200 ea oe exc, for | bantams or games |


Cochran, RB 2 Buckhead
bulbs 25 dz; Asparagus |
dJarkspur plants abl |
ite\2 dz for 25c, 60C)

ng oming phiox plants: |

eee Se Emon bse Flower baskets 8-in high not. ineludigg :
oe EM handle $1.eay Vases 8 in high Thc ea;

enter: Lake Park Ga.
25c dz;;Red Magic
pt AS white jonqg-
nk repe myrtle 25;

Ny- bulbs 75c dz :
riffin, 512 -46th Ave Dig ye
theas, white, rosy pur-
eanders white, -red bl]
Van Houtti: Dbl white;
AY; Grandduke; Confeder- |
Ww steria -orsythia, tall
< erepe myrtle,
rnamental varigated Pome-
fies<-30e- ea; any 5 for
belias 80c ea, 6 for $1.50,
5 elias 25c36a7$2'25 dz; AS:
teak, eee, Rex Prest:

ails and oo pulbs:
except ellow or ver-

12. 1-26 dz


; _ Talking aa Ga New

Pr a Ga canis stray.
RB oT endihs $1.25 dz fob. ;
leveland, R 3 Elberton Ga 2 old

nning: wheels $12.-ea fob.
Winder ae New home, winds

wD mu; R. 2 White Ga 3 yeast.
+ for pread and a 10G:
ees Tees Ga New ae

ung) R 1 ie remen Ga 2 Silk quilts
r = 2 wool and velvet |
vked ae lined $4 ea; New cot:
ot exe for goose feathers. i.


Mrs Vicy Sauls, R1 Lake Park Ga.

Brown sage straw brooms $2 dz. fob
Mrs Callie. Whitehead, R: 1 Rebecca
Ga 100 ready made straw brooms, extra
lohe fine straw 256 Ga 100.5%
Mrs M Lewis, R 2 Toomsboro Ca,

Coasters 10 in. across 85c ea; serving
trays -J2-in. $1) alt well made; also
needles ready for use 20c lb or exe for
dried fruit or onions
Mrs Lizzie Waldrip, R g Grinow ile
New home made quilts 4 lbs $4 ea 5
6ilbs $5 ea del

F s Mattie Welch, Scott Ga Several ;

Tbs noise three stran knitting yarn; sell:
or exc for new goose. or ducks feathers
or field peas

Mrs P O McClung, ort 5 Carrollton Ga
Sweet spiced cucumber pickle 30c qt;
also canned dewberries $26c qt Sell or
XG s Fo

-Mrs D C Smith, R 4 Wrightsville Ga
Pure goose feathers 75c Ib ae

W H kKittles,- Valona Ga Several
army escort wagons without bodies

~Womans Department

LG NE ee

Mrs @ JD! Martin, R: Doerun Ga
Mixed flower seed and ee buttons

B A Harper, Homerville Ga Hydron-
gia, snowberry, weigelia, Rose, foxglove,
peonies, weeping Mtn. Ash, Weeping
Mulberry, Honeysuckle, Thuya Amer-
ican. Arbor Vitae, Summer Lilac, Phicx,
Tris Japan, Larkspur, Chrysanthemum
Chinese Purple Wistera, ees plants,
bunch grape, Japan persil "Goose: |
perry, English walnut, Cae
pineapple pears, Satsuma, orange pant,
hae for small home orchard

R D Dorsey, Starrville Ga Rhodod:

-endrons, also Mtn laurels and other, va- |

riet- es Mountain shrubbery
Mrs ~W> Clements R 1 Jacksonville

Ga Dbl pink Camelia Japonica rooted.

pay cash . or exc for same .
Mrs C.-M Morgan, R 1 Brooklet Ga

All color dbl zennia seed mixed color}

Leni ns seed, mixed petunia seed; pay
cash of excyfer, same

Mrs J T Patillo, R 6 LaGrange Gah
dz Gladioli bulbs ahy color; exc 2 az

ek i>
verbena well rooted a feathers; also 2 quilts extra large Wand! ,



. Pearson. Ga gia cow

near Pearson Ga

G B-Green,. 3 Jasper Ga. Yellow
paerees or Guernsey cow. fresh in with
Second calf; heavy milker high in butter ,

- Good fat (2

Ey Calhoun, Cordele Ga Pure bred,

= inehurst Ga Jersey milk cows fresh in


Ht N Watts, Felton Ga Male and ,
female Bl Guinea pigs or shoats
| GL Green, R 3 Jasper Ga 6 or 8 P c:

cree not under 8 wks old

dee bles Eubanks, | Bowdon Junction Ga
=P S or Duroe sow to farrow SOOTH, or

j sow and pigs

HC Burnseed, mod Wiebe Ga. 1
male and 2 .female Dark Red Duroe

| Jersey pigs 8 wks old to 3 mo Old es

C B Jones, Folkston Ga P C boar

ibig bone spotted 2 yr ane give full de

scription and price

TV & C Coleman, Hosardti Ga une

Berkshire boar with papers ; i

_ T P Reinhardt, Waleska Ga 2 guinea

pgs; also 1 Pc gilt. 150-Jbs. or more;

give description and prive.

MC Moore, Lithonia Ga -1., Barrow

shoat 40 to 75 Ibs for pork next fall
H Walis, Bowdon Junction Oe. Reg

Gilt reasonable

Miss Georgia Ingram,

Reg Duroc pigs \

Mrs Ora Towe, R 2 Adairsville Ga

Leghorn hens Ferris strain for same

G T Tate, Sta leton Ga. Pure bred bl
rP C boar 9 or 10 mo old :

a5 | Wallace,
1 pure Bred eilt, Reg and cheap i

J C- Darnell, R 1 Jasper Ga 1 Bie
Bone P C boar pig 3 to 4 mo old reg or
entitled to reg; black type mene marked
for breeding purposes ;


GA Jones, Dixie Ga 2 heavy farm
mules not less than 1000 Ibs ea, young
and broken; exc Jersey cows for same

Mrs WB. Autry, Rl, Watkinsville

Gai Good mule 1000 Ibs good condition
and gentle and cheap :

WN Kinrbell,: Lyerly Ga Will rent)
good farm mule 8 yrs and pay -_ for
same to make crop.

yi H Edenfield, Stillmore. Ga <500 old
piney woods goats; prefer - -buttheaded |
goats; pay cash or exc Halt and eas
cottonseed for same ?


zr B Cowart, R 1-Ball.Ground Ga 1000
lbs baled new shucks: quote del price

Hooks Dairy Farm, Warthen Ga Car

bean hulls; 1 car
quote del price. ee :
J ae Durrett, jTemple Ga ~ Car hay;
hear feed Gates give aes ats and

Otootan bean hay;

_ price - '
V Brabham, Macon Ga Peanut ane

Peavine hay car lots

V H Smith, R11 Baldwin Gar 1 ton
BR L Howard, Canton Ga R 2 Baie
shucks and peanut hay
Moultrie Mill & lev. Co. Moultrie Ga
New crop reasonably bright peanut. hay
also baled shucks car lots *
laa Calhoun, Cordele Ga Cow pea: hay
|- Mrs J S$ Douglas e 1 Alma Ga Good

withoat any inspec- | Dianthus pink plants for same; also 2 | Pay crop

os attached. Tf your Post- |
s to accept these. for
notify the State
Sone ; State besa


The. te requires at
2 e ; {
oe be inspected |
sped in corrosive sub-
ation: ore being een

ma |
: he |/
Peondue before ||

ob nade, Post- |

' goose feathers; also clean wool;

dz Verbena plants for giadioh |

pulps er ee >

Mrs R A Whitmire, R 1 Carnesville ;
Ga Round brooms made of broom corn
wrapped like, straw brooms .-
Mrs J A West, R 2 Daiton Ga,- New
quote |



price /


Miss DL A Wamilton, R 1 Carnesville |
Ga. Pure {Jersey cow with first or sec-
ond*calf, 3 to. 4 gal milk per day; must.
be PocshnAbie

Gas Rate: Stapleton Ga Red Polled

or Shorthorn bull, reasonable

Miss Hattie Brand, Dooling ~ Ga

a Young fresh 4 in. milk cow 3 or 4 gal; pay =

i cash or exe mule oer corn for same

MES VCs llington, R 6 Covington Ga
Carload steers and heifers, _ Angus
Shorthorn or Herefords

Miss L M | Davis, RL Silver Creek

Holstein bull 12 er 15 mo

chens or pullets- oe Ws


Moultrie Mill & Elev Co. Moultrie Ga
j Har and shelled corn car lots

V. Brabham, Macon-Ga. Ear corn car
10ts, x

J B Cowart;- R > Ball cain Ga
10 bu sound shelled milling eg quote
del price J
; Zachry Bros, West Point. Ga 1 -car
slipshuck corn at $1 bu

Mrs Kate Shipp,
arcorn car lots or less Fa :
| J Bray, Oglethorpe Ga 100 or 200
bus shelled corn, white eee.

J A Chauncey, Screven Ga Porto
can sweet potatoes car lots; fill grade
and load -
Dasheens, West Indian nine Casava;
quote lowest price 7 :
Fo Ne Martin, Lincolnton: Ga .6 or
bus Porto Rican sweet potatoes | for
bedding; exc College No 1 or Cleveland
\ mseed for same, bu]:


| Amber or Orange eane seed

Barney Gal

P C or crossed with Duroc Jersey 6 wk]
-Old gilt pig; exc Buff Orphington or W |:

Bowdon Juanetion Ga

'good bright peanut hay; 1 car velvet!

/ Mrs L B Hodges, Cyrene Ga

Hawkinsville Ga

& ee a Pee

Sane BAe R
1, 50 Pine St New 3 York

Mrs F S Wilson, R 1 Carnesville Ga.
Straw color or Crystal Wax - Bermuda
onion plants; exc 1 lb nuneraed, peaches ~
for 100-plants
W EF Woodring
Onion sets by sacks

L Blanks, Milledgeville Ga

Ese st jllijay Ga

30 bus

EE Carter, Hazlehurst Ga Best
variety Prolific Little Cob weevil |
iresistant seed corn for, South Ga; send
sample; also N Cc Seed peanuts; send.

J Carden, Seville Ga Willowleat
or Okra leaf cottonseed ;

Mrs M B Phillops, 9 Lillian he At-
lant ta Ga Green Globe collard seed

-C Ia Jeanes, Union City Ga 50 to 100 _
M Porto. Rican potato slips, Apr 15 to
May 10th del \ ;

Major Crow, Wlowery Branch Ga 25
M Big Stem Jersey. potato plants a,
20 to May ist del at $1 M Cr

J Hobson, Jasper Ga Soudan grass
seed; also red clover seed, reasonable;
also 500 apple trees ;
Lore Co Waeldrip:. & Forsyth Ga Seed;
peanuts: exc Wannamaker or King ~
Imp cottonseed for same bu for bu S

G W Neal, West-Point' Ga 1 dz Lom-s
bardy Poplars; 1-2 ee WwHllwst 2-0
pink dogwood Mie

O D Buchanan, R 1 akala Gale
90 day velvet! bean seed; 1-2 bu Iron
peas: for seed; oe samples and quote

Farmers Warehouse, Bante aie Gai
No 1 Runner seed peanuts; eae del.
price. - . ;
LJePerry, R1 Fairaount Ga Cane
seed, any kind .except Marly Amber;

OS best price on 6 to 10 bu


Hl Wallis, Bowdon Tanation Ga 500
baby chicks to raise on halves to 10
wks old : : :

CC Bi Jones, Folkston, Ga M: B, Big
type turkey hens 1924 hatch; state wt ;
and price. cs

Mrs H Le Alliston, Rupert Ga 1 =
R I Red cockerel Fesb or Mch hatch
Donaldson strain; free from. nee, or
smut. color feathers.

M H Flint, Mt Airy Ga 10 Mch hateh:
1925 pullets Thompson Ringlet or Aris-
tocrat strain B Rocks and 1 cockerel;
well developed, no culls. 3

Mrs Willie Johnston, Grayson Ga 15
W Leghorn. hens or pullets, pure breed
exc dry oak and hickory wood at $4
cord fob Grayson for same. e se

Miss Ruby Morrison, R 1 Hillsboro
Go 50: day old chicks to raise on halves
to 8 wks old: S Bl Minorcas preferred.
Mrs Lillian Herring, R-5 Cuthbert Ga-
Few Lta Brahma to raise from this
year on halves; will return old stock
and half raised. at end of year; also:
day. old chicks to raige on halves oOchZ
wks old; also few rabbits guineas and
bantam chicks on /sdme terms; also

i duck, eurkey, and geese eggs to set and

raise on halves.
J = Mims, Hazleshurst Ga 500 i
1000 day old chicks B Rocks to: raise |

on halves to 12 wks old.
Rock cocks Mch hatch preferred.

J M Sexton, R 1 Carters Ga S C Medi
teranean or Pepa. sivain S.C BI Minor- \
ca baby chicks. |
2B GS Hicks, Xa1 eas 300 to. 500
chicks each month during year to Taise *
on halves; any breed or mixed.

Mrs A R Bailey, Blakely Ga 100 to
200 Barron of Tancred strain S:C,W



| Leghorn chicks, or Everlay strain Br

| Leghorns to raise on halves to. broil-
ers. : i
Mre T M Taylor, R38 Cuthbert Ga 13
B Rock pullets Feb or Mch: hatch 1925.

Mrs F-R Vincent, Fruitland Ga 25 or
30 Ancona hens not over 18 mo old Exe ,
for same. E :

R Blackwell, \Farrar Ga Pure bred -
Toulouse geese. \

Bertha Beasley, R 6 Dublin Ga. 100

or: more baby chicks to raise on halves

to 8 wks oldj'any pure-breed. 1G

Mrs WB Bryant, R 4 Greensboro Ga
Pair white African guineas; vere. 8 Ge
W Leghorn Tancrd. strain eges or pay
cash for same; also
ehicks any pure breed to raise. on Hate
ves: to 8 wks old.

irs: Js Ps-Corley, Metiche ger Ga. pan
rot that wil} talk: state age and. price.

Mrs S G Rogers, Pata Ga 25 lights |
breed young hens at market price.
Ga 500 to

50 to 100 baby ~.



' breed.

RY Reds preferred.

\W. Legharn hens: and

_ cockerels S en
cheap. for >

yvolet |

or less. .

POULTRY, Eccs. & PET sToc

Mrs C W Duggar,. Vidalia Ga 20 or |

25 Dark or Light Br Leghorn pullets

Mot over 10 mo old; must be good laying

strain. 7

Ceasers Mthewson, Eapeville- Ga- 500.
pure pred chicks to raise on halves to 8
wks old; Reds, Rocks or ang standard

E Hall, R 4 Decatur Ga 8 or 10

Kersey Bl Giant pullets or young hens
no culls; reasonable,
_ Miss Bessie Stringfellow, R it Gas
seta Ga 2 day old baby chr icks to-raise _
on haives to 6 wks old; 100 W Wyan-
dottes, 100 ME Rocks and 209 W. Legh-
orns. ;

4 Swafford, R 1 Cumming (ja 10
hens and 1 cock, Partridge Wyandottes.

fed: cry stal White Orp-ngton cock, pure
Bt y= Address. Box 216, Perry Ela.
M-C Pric, Stapleton Ga 10" or 412
- Dark Corn sh Indian Game pullets and
{ormneleerel same breeds muillets now Jay-

ing, prize stock preferred; state best del


W A Pierce, Maysville Ga 100 bahy
echieks to raise on halves to 10 w ks old,
Bec 6 es eed.

Lawson, ty 3
az os for hatching: Br Leghorns pure
breed heavy laying str vin: exe -good
so 4d shelled corn at $.25-bu for same.

Mrs Bula Bennett, R 1 Bowdon Junc-
tion Ga 6 hens and 1 cock S RI
Reds to. raise from on halves; return
old stock and half raised; or 50 baby
chcks to raise on halves to 8 wks old,

= an Gat or 3

Mrs J H Braswell, Norristown Ga
Pew Dark Cornish game cockerels 4 yr
old, pure breed.

Thamas. Bros. Stephens Cn 1S 6
1 eoekerel Tan-
ered strain not over 18 mo old.

Mrs W J Ross, R 2 Lake Park Ga

500 W Leghorn baby chicks to. raise on

halves te 8 wks old.

J Moss, R 2 Jasner: Ga 26 hens and 2
I aes eds Smith ae

R H Carney,
Jouse geese, pure
Pekin ducks pure breed:
ner ducks, pure breed Indian Runner
ducks, pure breed. ~ y

A Wr White, Ashburn Ga 200 to. 500
chicks to raise on halves to 8 wks old,
any large breed.

Dalton Ga Pair Tou
breed; me [trio VW:
Indian Fun-


Y Brabham. Macon Ga Field peas;
peans and SOY beans ae lots or

ee Reaintardt, Waleska Ga 90 day
WE Febineei Calne Ga Sound Brai
and Tron peas: send sample and price.
Mrs J: % Curry. Stockton Ga 1 bu
Pla running velvet. beans: 1 bu two
cron peas; eXe syrup, for same. 3
teorgia~ Brokerage. Ce.- Cordele - Cx
Velvet heans in pod car lots. ts
_ Murphy & Palmer, Sandersville- Ga

WeAS Seeiiegl OF pod, car icts


Bennetts Bonded Warehouse, Hast-
man Ga 20 bus new crop Otootan soy
Poaus at $7.25 bu del: all varieties seed

~yelvet heans in pod or shelled.

Rowland Co. Athens Ga Cow
all ev ACHES:

Prverett Seed Co. 2 ents CE
Nel et beans: Otootans Soy. beans;
sample and price.

O- Turner, R 2 Royston Ga Pe AS; XG


a Bunch

for same.

5 ah Ga 5 bu

WM Yeargin, R
pees, PUTS and

cream sugar ecrowder

O M Greene, Iron City Ga 3 pu Fla:
runner velvet beans.

HC Janard.& Co. R 1 Panioneea Ga
White and yellow crowder peas; send.
saraple and price. Cee

Smith, Omega Ga half bu sugar
crowder peas; send sample and price.

( .Collins, R= 3 Comer -Ga Field
pons any variety; exe sundried - peaches
-for same. :

M G Pound, Sparta Ga Velvet beans
shelied or in; pod; state quantity and .
price. Cera ee :

Dp L Goolsby, R4 Abbey te Ga 5 bu
cow peas, running Faery: also tbu
ae peas. : ss
ye! _ Smith, McRae Ga Old time
Ria ae ae beans,


W.-H Robinson, Cairo Ga Sound seed-
oe state quantity and price.

ee Brabham, ee Ga Sees send

ish pe

: side

ing 2B


state eee cand .

White spanish peanuts ear: dots OF,

=" Bennett, R 2 Screven oe 3 pus
large improved ked Spanish peanuts 3)
to 5 kernels, : cee SS =

Jj S Hall, Middleton Ga 2 bu large
rel skin peanuts; send sample and:
price. i

VE Fartoy,
sanuts, 1 bu;
tomseed for same.

Pprpitt Produce Co.

nah Ga Average. seedling
tp del, 2

3. Midville Ga Span-
exe seed corn or cot-

Box 794, Savan-
pecans at 13


RB Huff; Bowdon Ga Ga cane syrup.
send sample and price.
M C Moore, Lithonia Ga halt bbl or
1 bbl good homemade syrup; send sam
ple and price.


TPR Oa atdt. Waleska - Ga Jno
Deere corn and. cotton planter good
condition; also Champicn Blacksmith
blowers good cond tion; exc Oliver Hill-
turn plow pre petigally new Noo!
for same.

AOC Thomas: Fs
skidder- for -Fordson
w ithout cable.

RH Carney? Dalton Ga Few good in- 4
cubators good condition; will rent good
incubator for 3 hatehes 10 or 200 ens
Ca) OE

HEC: Waldrip,
Blower: exc Bradley corn
planter with attachments. :
. P Clayton, Quill Ga Circular rip and
erosseut saw machine to run Dy hand;
power; Parks make - preferred; jgood!
condition. ~

W EB -Warthen, Davisboro Ga Walk-
horse. cultivater, Avery make

Srown Bros. Montezuma Ga Sawmill:
second hand: 1 Jog, cart, good eandsiond
and cheap; also second hand engine 30
to 40 H P, cheap. l

J D Covington, Lumpkin Gas Two Es
horse Oliver G = B- Ss s eel beam. goed;
condition. =

3. Cc Nease; MarlowGa 2 horse Pian-i
et. Ir cultivator good condition and
cheap. : vis :

W EE Whisnante,
tonseed culler. - 5 : 2 es

@ A=Smith, sR 38 Stockbridge - -Ga
Light Draft spring tcothy Seca ats
ft wide for use with Tractor; or also Ma
mmoth incubator 1000. to 3000 _capa-
city, = oe

J O Strem, R 1 Milan Ga 50 or 65 eggs
bitde Brown - Hen incubator and brood-
er good condition, cheap for eash or
@xe te 4 Red chickens for same.

S$ Ff Chapman. Bronwood Ga!

Smal breoder 100 to 150 chick oil bur-}

ning and reliable make; also Putnam

brooder, or stove; exe Donaldson strain

R I Reds or pay cash for same. :
W Brown, R.1 Ranger Ga Sanders

or Oliver: D-75 two -dise Tractor plow,
good condition and eheap.

Ll. Rehberg, Cairo Ga 400 to. 600
ege ineubator, Buckeye or Queen make,

mh Te Adonis. Rod West = Green = Ga:
{International riding cultivators
with spring trip shovels and disc gangs

8S Cown, Perry Ga Cole dbl hopper
corn and cotton planter with guano dis-
tributor, attachment; one 60 tooth dbl
section drag harrow: also round dise
harrow any size or cut. ee ie

Pp-E Rhodes, Baldwin Ga Cole corn
and cotton planter; state -cond tion and
Price. == LE Soe oy

C A Wells, care Ga Tech Atlanta Ga
15 BH P Farqvhar slab burner boiler |
and engine; also late. model No 0 Geiser

T B Dixon, Waverly Hall Ga Black-
smiths Bench drill good cend: tion and
cheay, give deseription and price.

Pp A Newton, Machen Ga Small boiler
for dairy: _purposes.


RH Carney; Dalton Ga 10 lbs good
home made tobacco. ~
Mrs $8 G Rogers, R 2 Daisy Ga 20 or
30 reds roll high wire netting...

O D Buchanan, Dacula Ga R 1; Two
single iron beams No 25 Avery plow
stocks; pay -eash or exc 2 wooden beam
farmers Friend plow stock for same.

J A Chauncey, Screven Ga 2 heavy
well made home made baskets 100 Ib

capacity sweet potatoes, with handles
cut in sides.

Brown Package & Veneer Co. New-
nan Ga Clear logs preferably sum or
other hardwood; can _ use some pine;

c wee cars Spiuaire point

Ga Loe
with or

Tractor, 5

Seed: Forth Ga Shep
-and cotton


Mansfield Ga Cot-


|- old;

}man with 2 or 3 boys; also sawmill Ja

+ balance time on

part of ero
ae price. : a also! Jet have

are s Make

ale hoe one who
hou 2 porse | WwW white pee 7
good conditiy second hand AY
and bean planters, 192 Sti
J- A Porters Shirley Hil
yourds about | at size. to h

ANTED a on small farm.

_. Man to- run 2 HOSE: crop

Secand nad or used :

and fixtures,

condition ang che:

ok Je Heare, We

2 extracted honey in an

tainers at {5c Ib del.
Jan White, Dublin :

306. 1b de
Wo A: ee Gatrevil
frame hee hives eee


GW Beavers, R 2 Cumming n
not able to do hard jabor. desi ives. po
ition making hamper baskets or spl
tne boards...

Desoire to form ane
who has good farm and capit ul ti
nance grewing 50 or more acres in
Irish Potatoes, followed wit! eas
hay, then set cabbage; prof _ sharin
bas's: 20 yrs experience; Address C

care State Bureau of Markets, tlantay ; G
S . [hands Pe share croppers} Dp:

Ga: + a
G-Re Moss, ies: LaGrange: St New-!$30 mo, board and washin
t eo Williams, Ty Ty Ga Mi

nan Ga Position as overseer of arm; |

15 yrs experience in farming and over- for farm work and assist:

seeing in Seuth Gaz can begin at once. raising at $15 to. $20 mo ar
Married man with small family, ex-| -J M Diffee, Cordele Gas

perienced in truck and plant gro wine pecan nursery experienc; 1

desires. to farm with someone willing to} share er oppers HISG- 1510: 2h

_finance same; prefer near anarkets; Ad geass ge age, a

idress H No 18 es Pla e,

lanta Ga.
as teacher

= 3 enter. Farm : Tiftaon. G
Hh rs armers to raise cotte:
P jtatoes on shares; also W
JM Carver, R-4- Kirkland

Jenkins, Borne :
ths rural. school high seh ;

i eraduate; 1. <ded yrs


see grade. ;
S A Griffin, Ellenton Ga 2 sition on igade. aig ee men, experienced

fers an. drive truck. |bua ne M fine seedling -peca
J i -studdard,- Union Point Ga. Good SO" 2. Me persimmon; good
1 horse farm on shares; Sober and man who can graft and pu
hard worker. Major Cro ow Plant Farr
Rh oM Fillingame Morris Station Ga Branch Ga 1 or 2. young sin
Position as overseer on farm; 30 yrs men willing to work on. fa:
can manage any. tend of 'Mch. dst; pay $15 mo and boa
: 3 a time.
ae Pilcher.
man for: dairy farm work;
how: to to. milk and take ea

work. :
-M icemp. et Lawrenceville Ga Posi-
tion driving Tractor. :
: Position on-farm fon gigeelt ant chil
dren 14/12, 9 yrs old to attend COws,
chickens} also make crop and gathe :
same; near chureh and school Write
Mrs W M G@ No 65 toners Ave: Tal.
lapoosa Gay = = family to handle 3 or 4
D Gunn, R 2 Arabi Ga Experienced truck; good home and wages
sawmill man with sen foe oe 5

Savanah Ga R

aie, ee foreman,

holise near epee state salar: 3
J Ho Marshall, Experiment Ga Des eee =
sires contract with someone to run saw| G Ee Wilson, a se er
see Dy. MG Parties to. furnish timber, es croppers for. half sae
Fast price BAGS
BHCR. 3 ee

S.C Blackwell, RR 1 Byerett City ce
Cord and stove wood cutters; 500. cords: I:
to cut $445 cord. os
MOM Miteked, Culloden ee Fan mily
to work 1 horse farm on shares, or ;
mean for wages at $20 mo and board.
Jt Mims, A Hazlehurst Ga Sawyer
for Frick mill and shingle mill: prefer

2. mos; eats condition. of mill and iy.
eS yrs 6x
. [snare ones. or wage
J H Wynn, Glenwood G
work: on farm at $23 mo an
-RBE&C R McR Rae, Boston
andse. for. farm work: =
trd and pay good wages. -
fe ae Stewart, (Gardi Ga Fa

Tees, ule ana feed. al
ave in

Gor, Also oy 15 yrs old t6 wo a Pecan Groves

farm at $20mo and board. ~ =
J TU Benne He Re2 Screven Ga Man. or
boy to farm at $15 to $20 mo and hoard.

J W Sellers, Rs Baxley Ga Boy _ 14 -
to 16 yrs old for plow hand; Pay reas-
onable wages.

CG B Jones, Folkston Ga if Married.
couple without children to live, with |
family; man to help on small pay
salary or 50-50 basis,

UL Hall, R 6 Wrightsvilk
hand; pay good wages. 2
= VES BW. Lott, Nev
young men to. tale halt cFop and work |

ho can take care 15 Fo
salary. Be :

oa 16 6 20 yrs old tor
Work; live as one of aes
ee $20. mo; prefer one wh
Ford truck and Fordson Tract
J I Powell, Gresston Gi
rork. small | 2 herse crop 0

wages; good Jand and-mule
near ear and school.


J B Butler,
