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7 Side Effects of Consuming Too Much Petai, One of Which Triggers Rheumatism

7 Side Effects of Consuming Too Much Petai, One of Which Triggers Rheumatism Illustration (credit: - Although petai emits an unpleasant aroma after consumption, its deliciousness cannot be denied. Petai, which is a type of vegetable, is often enjoyed raw as a side dish or processed as an ingredient in vegetables. Its savory taste makes petai a favorite food for many people. In addition, petai also has benefits for the body, such as its high antioxidant content which can prevent hypertension and diabetes.

However, you should also be careful. This legume-type food also has negative effects if consumed excessively. It can be said that consuming petai excessively means eating more than 2 boards in one meal. That's why it is advisable to consume petai in moderate amounts. Because if you go overboard, it can trigger diseases such as rheumatism.

Not only that, there are several other diseases that can arise from excessive consumption of petai. What are they? Instead of being curious, let's take a look at the complete review below.


1. Increased Uric Acid

The side effect of consuming too much petai is that it can cause an increase in uric acid. This is because petai contains purine substances. The presence of purine substances is actually the source of the increase in uric acid levels in the body. If the level of uric acid in the body is high, the body will experience unbearable joint pain. Therefore, it is advisable to regulate the amount of petai consumed so as not to exceed the limit.

2. Appearance of Tophi

The side effect of consuming too much petai can cause the appearance of tophi. For some people, this disease may sound unfamiliar. Tophi itself is a small lump that is white in color and is formed due to the accumulation of uric acid under the skin. If the level of uric acid is high, tophi will be very painful.

3. Triggering Rheumatism

The tempting taste of stink beans often makes someone addicted to continuously consume them. However, consuming a large amount of stink beans can trigger rheumatism. This causes sufferers to feel pain due to inflammation and swelling of the muscles and joints. To avoid this, occasionally you can combine it with other side dishes that are equally delicious.

4. Headache

Have you ever felt dizzy after eating stink beans? If so, it is a side effect if you consume stink beans excessively. To overcome this, you just need to avoid it. Because if a headache arises, usually dizziness and nausea will also occur, leading to vomiting.

5. Bad Breath

After eating stink beans, a person will experience the side effect of bad breath. It's no wonder that many people avoid stink beans because of the odor they produce. Especially if you consume them in excessive amounts. This stink bean odor can disrupt someone's appearance and lower their level of self-confidence.

6. Risk of Kidney Disorders

Furthermore, consuming too much petai has the side effect of increasing the risk of kidney disorders. This is because petai contains a high level of amino acids, which can cause health problems in the kidneys. Although petai is small in size, consuming it excessively can have negative effects on the body's health.

7. Stomachache

Unbeknownst to many, someone can experience stomachaches if they consume raw petai. Especially if it is consumed without being clean. This is because raw petai may still contain petai worms and bacteria. In addition, the complex carbohydrate content can also produce gas in the stomach, causing a stinging sensation and bloating.

Those are the various side effects of consuming petai excessively. Although it may taste delicious in the mouth, you should also pay attention to your body's health and avoid consuming it excessively. Hope this is useful.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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