Exploring the world in the Beechcraft Bonanza

Leg 60, Niafunke, Mali to Agadez, Niger

DAY10_21.PLN (3.1 KB)

More desert, really there is a lot of it

10-21 Niafunke GANF 5:10 AM
10-21 Goundam GAGM 5:27 AM
10-21 Tombouctou GATB 5:46 AM
10-21 Kidal GAKL 7:40 AM
10-21 In Guezzam DATG 9:23 AM
10-21 Arlit DRZL 10:07 AM
10-21 Manu Dayak (Agadez) DRZA 10:59 AM

Flight time 5:49, 5 stops

There are not many airports in the desert, long flights.

First up, Tombouctou aka Timbuktu

Home of the Djinguereber Mosque, build from earth (banco) mixed with straw in 1327

Regular maintenance keeps it looking great, scaffolding is build into the design

Following the river Niger passing Bamba down there on the left

It’s not supposed to be this full, I guess they had heavy rains up stream

Kidal at the end of the road RN18

More desert views between Kidal and In Guezzam

Soothing colors, very relaxing

It goes on and on and on

Plenty time to add the good parts of earlier flights to https://worldtour.flights/

In Guezzam, brief hop into Algeria on the border with Niger

Niger is 10 miles left of the airport

View down below

There are pictures of the streets flooding, though not often, it can rain pretty hard here

Into Niger, on the way to Arlit

Arlit is a big industrial town next to a huge Uranium mine (Arlit Mine) It looks kinda ugly in FS 2020, a mess on google as well. Ugly mine, so a nice colorful picture of the surroundings instead

However this is what keeps the lights on if your country uses Nuclear power

Continuing on towards Agadez

Better detail here, the awesome landscape is back

Aïr Mountains on the horizon

So much color in the desert

One more before reaching Agadez

Agadez on the rather dry river Teloua

Another town made with banco, mud bricks

As well as the 16th century Grande Mosquée d’Agadez

Tomorrow back North a bit, into the Aïr Mountains