Missing Airports Sent to Zendesk

LJAJ (Ajdovscina) can be scratched off the list, as well.

See the list at the very beginning of this forum thread.

Done, thanks.

Casa Madero Airport (San Lorenzo) is missing, that airport is owned by a friend that was the grandson of Francisco Madero, and owns tens of thousends of acres to wind in the Middle of the desert. This airport can be put in the Mexico Update in a few months. It is the only airprot in Parras between the large cities of probably states of Torreon (Laguna) and Saltillo, so it’s significant.


As for the missing elements in France, it’s not Google or Bing that are lazy, it’s simply French law that prohibits the publication of aerial images for a large number of public installations (military airports and ports, nuclear power plants, prisons, etc.). The full list was published in January 2020 (https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/jorf/id/JORFTEXT000041459817/)

Now, if Asobo (aren’t they French) wants to recreate them, they’re all officially mapped in the SIA (https://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/dvd/eAIP_10_AUG_2023/Atlas-VAC/FR/VACProduitPartieframeset.htm) and all th eones missing in Google, Bing, etc. are fully documented there with full coverage in PDF files, like this one for LFOJ (https://www.sia.aviation-civile.gouv.fr/dvd/eAIP_10_AUG_2023/Atlas-VAC/PDF_AIPparSSection/VAC/AD/AD-2.LFOJ.pdf)

Good luck !

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I have updated the list with a large number of additions. Due to the size of the update, I removed the Group category as it would take too much time to update. This will be the last update I make to the list for MSFS2020. I’m looking forward to seeing what MSFS2024 brings to the table and how much World Hub helps improve airports in the sim.


I’ve sent them FGSL (Malabo, Bioko Airport, Equatorial Guinea) which wasn’t on the list, and FGBT (Bata, Equatorial Guinea) which was on the list already.

It looks like FGSL is in SU13. Is it missing for you?

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Oops, my bad. I think I only checked for the one in Bata, and got confused.

Was the FGSL just added in the latest update or was it there before? My mind’s playing tricks on me, haha.

add LVGZ and LNMC

LTFM Istanbul missing. The runways show up but that’s it. I’ve turned Bing maps off etc.

Please add.

City: Whale Pass, Alaska, United States
Name: Whale Pass Seaplane Float Harbor Facility SPB

Zendesk Request is tabled as #201777 Missing Airport - 96Z - Whale Pass SPB (Alaska):


LZOC is not “Hrochot” airport, the correct name is “Ocova” airport

@XeOperator In case you still update the list… the following entries can be removed after WU15:

  • BGCO

  • BGUQ

  • BIMK

WU15 was released yesterday, and the list of missing airports has been updated. To my surprise, over 130 airports appear to have been add in Brazil! Not sure if it’s an oversight on my part, something related SU14, or World Hub, but they appear to be in the build I have (

Thanks again to the team that continues to add these airports to the sim.

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It’s not a mistake on your part, we made a little extra with WU15 by adding these Brazilian airports. :hugs:

For a little more clarification. It’s complicated to add as many airports as we like. Sometimes it’s simply because the aerial view is of poor quality, or because it takes time to find all the necessary information (altitude of the airport, name of the city on which it depends, etc.).

In any case, we are reading this thread and It’s useful for us, thank you, a lot, for keeping it up to date.

Cheers :smiling_face:


You can also find some more on www.fs-creation.net.

It’s here : https://fr.flightsim.to/discover/LTFM

Troll Airfield at Qeen Maud Land Antartica
Lat: -71.955278 Long: 2.4675
RWY: 07/25 3206m 9927ft Blue Ice
Elevation: 1220m 4002ft
Airfield Owner: Norwegian Polar Institute
Norse Atlantic Airways Boeing 787 landet and departet the airfield on Nov 16 2023

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