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TGPZ Lauriston Airport 1.0

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About This File

Carriacou, Grenada.






This is part six of eight in a project building all the airports of two Caribbean nations - St. Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), and Grenada.


Built and tested in XP9.7, but there may be some backward compatability. Should work in XP10, since the terrain is flattened and the airport is stock XP9 layout. But not tested.


Requires OpenSceneryX library. Requires TURNING OFF "runways follow terrain".


If you do not already have the libraries used in this package, you may find download links in the Master Library List:  http://forums.x-plan...showtopic=90776



ABOUT THIS AIRPORT - Carriacou/Lauriston, Grenada

A simple airport, but rich surroundings, and a cute little terminal in tropical pink, white and turquoise that backs up on the Caribbean. You can just taste the conch chowder. Served commercially by Twin Otters and Islanders, but most small GA airplanes can handle it easily

Requires "runways follow terrain" to be turned OFF - otherwise the runway is as bumpy as the Himalayas. No other terrain fixes were needed.

Uses OpensceneryX houses, ships and forests, but I also got tired of having to use OSX hangers for their tropical red roofs, so I built a collection of my own tropical house objects, and also recycled a couple of commercial custom building objects from the St. Vincent scenery. Also some texture polygons to replicate the dirt roads and bright grass along the runway.

Traffic patterns: Landing on 10, just follow the curve of the bay shoreline from the tip right around until you are lined up with the runway. On takeoff, make an immediate low-altitude turn of 45 degrees or so to the north to avoid overflying the town of Hillsborough.


BTW - in flying between the SVG airports, which require "runways follow terrain" to be ON, and the Grenada airports, which all require RFT to be turned OFF, I found a quick way to change that setting in flight. Just open Rendering Options, change the runway setting, and also just click on something like "Forest Density" (you don't even have to actually change it - just bring up the menu and reselect your current setting). When you quit Rendering Options, the scenery reloads with the new runway setting. Take off from Union Island SVG, make the change in the air, and land 5 minutes later in Carriacou with a nice flat runway!

What's New in Version 1.0


  • Listing edit. Content unchanged.
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