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Canada_BC_CZMT 2.0

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11 Screenshots

About This File

Masset Airport, (IATA: ZMT, ICAO: CZMT), is located 1.5 nautical miles (2.8 km; 1.7 mi) northeast of Masset, British Columbia, Canada. In 2008 the airport began services using a 737 jet.
Air North
North Cariboo Air
Pacific Coastal Airlines
Destinations: Vancouver.
Masset is a village in Haida Gwaii (formerly the Queen Charlotte Islands) in British Columbia, Canada. It is located on the northern coast of Graham Island, the largest island in the archipelago, and is approximately 50 km (31 mi) west of mainland British Columbia. It is the western terminus of the Yellowhead Highway and is served by Masset Airport, with flights to Vancouver and Prince Rupert.
Wikipedia 2017
Personal Comments
A small airport in one of the most beautiful regions in the country. A half hour Cessna flight from Sandspit, CYZP also on Haida Gwaii island.
I would suggest starting off from Masset, CZMT (this scenery) at dawn and on a nice clear day, land in Sandspit, CYZP to the South, grab a sandwich and a coffee and fly low and through the valleys to the picturesque Bella Coola CYBD. Watch out for the Grizzly bears while you're there. If you're still in the mood for flying , Port Hardy, CYZT is around 200 km almost directly to the South, provided you clear the mountains and fly straight there. Otherwise, meander West through the valleys until you hit the Pacific and then SE from there.
Do not be misled by the tiny size (Less than 50 kb) of these files. This is a LEGO-BRICK scenery and uses the megabytes of art assets  already included in your installation of X-Plane. It will compare favourably, at times better, to other (much larger sized) sceneries of this area and will probably exceed your expectations. I believe that in order to enjoy a flight simulator you shouldn’t need to fill up your computer with gigabytes of data or rely on many third party libraries unless of course you fly exclusively in one small area.
Put unzipped folder, Canada_BC_CZMT  in X-Plane, Custom Scenery folder. Restart X-Plane. If scenery does not show up, make sure that it is above Global airports in the scenery_packs.ini file.
Remember to disable other sceneries of the same airport. I use the excellent freeware xOrganizer for this. If the scenery does not look like the pictures, then you must have picked up another scenery in your Custom Scenery folder.
Since it is a LEGO-BRICK scenery, you do not need any other third party libraries for this file.
Important Note:
Even though there is no tower at this airport and all traffic is CTAF (Common traffic advisory frequency), I did put in a tower in order to animate AI aircraft. Without it there would be no traffic. In all other details and placement of buildings etc. I have tried to keep this as realistic as possible, artistic license notwithstanding.
I am trying to create  smaller, often neglected Canadian airports that do not get much TLC in X-Plane (or in any other flight Simulations). I like to be as realistic as possible with the limited library I work with. I do not have the tools to recreate the details that make an airport look as it looks in  "real life", for example, the discarded fast food container stuck in the fence; the puddle of oil; the crack in a hut window; the bald patches of grass and a myriad other details that you would see in real life. The photos I download and the satellite maps I use as reference are not always up to date and even if I wanted to painstakingly recreate every actual structure, this is impossible to do with the library I use and still keeping it a LEGO_BRICK airport which I want to do so that it is included in future releases of X-Plane. Therefore, in order to keep my airports as appealing and interesting as possible, I do include trees, where no trees may be at the moment; the odd store and gas station or fuel supply.
Of course, it takes away a little from  reality but (strangely enough), this actually adds to the realism in a scenery.
Equally Important
Please leave a short comment or constructive criticism so that I'd know I am on the right track with these sceneries.
Thank You and  Enjoy the scenery!

MSF ( Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières )
Like yourself, this organization flies all over the world and they do tremendously good work. If you like this scenery, please consider giving a small donation to MSF. Thank You.

What's New in Version 2.0   See changelog


  • Removed main texture
  • Changed buildings using Terminal kit.
  • Changed orientation of main hangar.
  • Other minor changes.
  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1

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