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Canada_SK_CJN5 1.0.0

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10 Screenshots

About This File

Saskatoon/Corman Air Park, (TC LID: CJN5), is located 10 nautical miles (19 km; 12 mi) southeast of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
The airport is home to the Light Flight Flying Club. The club owns three aircraft, two ultra-light Husky Norseman and one Piel Super Emeraude. The Norseman were locally built at the airport in 1988 while the Emeraude is a kit aircraft.
The airport also hosts the CAVOK Ultralight Flight School.
Saskatoon is the largest city in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. Saskatoon experiences a borderline cold semi-arid/humid continental climate, with typically warm summers and long, cold winters.
Wikipedia 2018
Corman airport Facebook Page is here
Personal comments:
While the awesome beauty of Canada's British Columbia cannot be disputed and flying in this region is an unforgettable experience, the prairie provinces of Albert, Saskatchewan and Manitoba hold their own. Looking down from a few hundred feet in the air over the Canadian prairies, one is struck by a breathtaking realization of the vastness of this country and the sparseness of its population; by the practicality of welcoming thousands of war torn  migrants and refugees. Calling Saskatchewan the breadbasket of Canada is not a superlative when one realizes that the wheat alone grown in these three provinces can feed most of the world's starving population if politics weren't an issue.
According to a report published in 2016 this airport was bought by a couple who is planning to spend a lot of money improving this  airport.
This airport has a single short dirt runway, 2,600 ft 792m in length running 09/27 and at an elevation of 1,690 ft / 515 m. It lies in the heart of wheat country and like most of the other airports in mid and south regions of Saskatchewan is situated in an  un-relentlessly flat terrain.  The region is well represented in X-Plane and flying low at dawn or sunset with an unlimited vista of vast fields in all directions is a pleasant experience. Knowing when to land before being hypnotized by the experience is a skill to be cultivated however.
Right at the suburbs of  Saskatoon International, CYXE,  this airport is practical for quick landings and takeoff close to the largest city in this province and without the delays usually encountered at larger airports. North Battleford, CYQW is under 150 km to the NW  and  Rosetown, CJX4 to the SW is even closer. I would suggest an evening trip to either one or both of these airports and appreciate the glowing fields of wheat in the setting sun.
In a separate download you will find FMS flight plans to some other airports in the Saskatchewan series, all originating from this airport. Put these plans in your X-Plane 11\Output\FMS plans folder.
Enjoy your flight.
Put unzipped folder, Canada_SK_CJX4 in X-Plane, Custom Scenery folder. Restart X-Plane. If scenery does not show up, make sure that it is above Global airports and any Mesh Scenery you may be using,  in the scenery_packs.ini file. Remember to disable other sceneries of the same airport, if you have any. If the scenery does not look like the pictures, then you must have picked up another scenery in your Custom Scenery folder.
If you receive any error messages during loading, please update X-Plane to the latest version.
Do not be misled by the tiny size (Less than 30 kb)of the file. This is a LEGO-BRICK scenery and uses the megabytes of art assets  already included in your installation of X-Plane. It will compare favourably, at times better, to other (much larger sized) sceneries of this area and will probably exceed your expectations. I believe that in order to enjoy a flight simulator you shouldn’t need to fill up your computer with gigabytes of data or  rely on many third party libraries unless of course you fly exclusively in one small area.
Important Note:
Even though there is no tower at this airport and all traffic is CTAF (Common traffic advisory frequency), I did put in a tower in order to animate AI aircraft. Without it there would be no traffic. In all other details and placement of buildings etc. I have tried to keep this as realistic as possible, artistic license notwithstanding. Note: The version I have submitted for future releases of X-Plane on the Gateway site will only have CTAF frequency but in all other respects, the scenery is identical.
I am trying to recreate  smaller, often neglected Canadian airports that do not get much TLC in X-Plane (or in any other flight Simulations). I like to be as realistic as possible with the limited library I work with. I do not have the tools to recreate the details that make an airport look as it looks in  "real life", for example, the discarded fast food container stuck in the fence; the puddle of oil; the crack in a hut window; the bald patches of grass and a myriad other details that you would see in real life. The photos I download and the satellite maps I use as reference are not always up to date and even if I wanted to painstakingly recreate every actual structure, this is impossible to do with the library I use and still keeping it a LEGO_BRICK airport which I want to do so that it is included in future releases of X-Plane. Therefore, in order to keep my airports as appealing and interesting as possible, I do include trees, where no trees may be at the moment; the odd store and gas station or fuel supply.
Of course, it takes away a little from  reality but (strangely enough), this actually adds to the realism in a scenery.
Equally Important
Please take the time to rate and leave a short comment or constructive criticism so that I'd know I am on the right track with these sceneries. I understand that one normally doesn't return to the download page after you've installed the scenery but try anyway. Comments do motivate scenery designers!
Also please report any bugs or problems you come across while using this particular scenery.

Thank You and  Enjoy the scenery!
MSF ( Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières)
Like yourself, this organization flies all over the world and they do tremendously good work. If you like this scenery, please consider giving a small donation to MSF.
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