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Alex Lillo

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  1. Pretty sure the 4th one was a config I dropped there trying to manage my fps, while I was not able to access the menu. And yes my FWL was different, either I was running an old version or my installation was corrupted.
  2. EDIT: Reinstalled FlywithLua, it's all fine now. I was pretty sure I had the latest version, but seeing @cibrut's screenshot made me doubt it. So if anybody else is not seeing it, reinstall FlywithLua in case you're not running the latest version. ============== For some reason it won't appear on mine: And I have the following: X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts\EnhCloudsController.lua X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Modules\EnhCloudsController\Lua\ (4 .lua files in here)
  3. I have that controller installed (checked 3 times already to make sure I have installed as per instructions), and can't see the menu either. I'll have to check one of the configs that people share because it's awesome but pretty intensive, and I can't access easily the settings.
  4. That's the best satellite image I've found so far 😅 Forgot to say that my intention is to submit this to the gateway, so I'm using only libraries from Laminar.
  5. Hi all, Just started doing sceneries a few days ago, and I wonder what's the best way to do what it looks a dirt loading/parking area (highlighted below). Can't find any texture that matches that, and the sand ones are for bigger areas. Should I just not do it? It seems to me as some sort of parking area for trailers and cargo stuff, as it's connected to the airport entry road with some sort of building, and then via a "taxiway" to the runway.
  6. Thanks for the answers. Seems like the added grass texture was the reason for the "airport area" to expand and make the road disappear. I'm pretty sure I tried to remove it, but maybe I just hid the polygon, not removed it. For the rest of the comments: I have not used "always flatten" I have not added any exclusion zone @Janov regarding the "the "straight line" between the two grassy textures", that was me as I wanted to simulate the different type of grass within the airfield perimeter, as seen in the picture below. But it makes the adjacent road disappear so I'll have to live without it. 👇 notice the difference in grass around the runway, that's what I was trying to simulate with that polygon. Without the grass polygon seems to work fine. 🙏
  7. Hi all, First time working on an airport, in this case a small airfield in Venezuela that I use in FSEconomy. I was about to submit it but I have now noticed that the nearby road is now missing, but the cars are still going. Problem is that the road was there before on a previous version, I did extend the parking area with a gate and it was fine, road was there connected to the airfield entrance and gave a really nice impression. Suddenly the road is gone and I have no idea why. Tried to remove fences, nearby trees, barrier, moved things around, to no avail. I can't make that road appear again. Any idea why would that happen? I've attached a screenshot from XP11 showing where the road should be, and an aerial photo for reference.
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