Getting started in German

Group Photo Of Students Standing In Front Of the Reichstag Dome

Take the placement exam

Whether you are new to studying the language, have prior experience in German, or would like to learn more about the country and culture by taking courses on the region in English, we have classes and programming available every semester.

A German major or minor is very easy to combine with other disciplines, such as political science, history, English, economics, business, science, journalism, mathematics, music, and engineering.

Please feel free to reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) in German, Professor Judith Benz, with any questions. We look forward to hearing from you.

Courses in English

If you are a first-year student, the best way to learn about the German-speaking world is via one of our University Seminars. We offer one every semester.

If you are a sophomore, junior, or senior, try one of our upper-division courses, which can help you fulfill a variety of Core requirements, including the Integration, Writing-Intensive, or Catholicism across the Disciplines options. We also offer a lot of interdisciplinary classes for students who are interested in fields such as German history or philosophy.

Embarking on Your Language Journey

Few things in life are as transformative as learning a new language. And by becoming proficient in German, you also unlock a host of interesting study abroad opportunities.

If you have never before taken German, we offer at least one section of Beginning German I every semester.

If you have had some German in high school, please take our placement exam. This is required even if you took an AP or SAT II exam. Please contact our DUS if you have any further questions.

Questions? Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the DUS in German:

Professor Judith Benz