Bijdrage van Frans de Lange

Profiel weergeven voor Frans de Lange, afbeelding

Directeur Stichting GlobalRize

Werken bij GlobalRize wordt een steeds grotere vreugde met zoveel prachtige collega’s wereldwijd!😊🙏

Profiel weergeven voor Nahiri Nahiri Jean Charles, afbeelding

Ph.D, African Literatures/Studies | Translator at GlobalRize | Transcripteur & Traducteur à Transcripteo | Professeur d'anglais | Teacher of English (EFL & ESP).

[Language & Team Representative] It was such an amazing experience to attend the GlobalRize International Conference held from the 20th to 25th of March in 't Harde, in the Netherlands... How great it was, it is, to have people gathered together from different corners of the globe, from different linguistic backgrounds to speak a unique language, the Gospel of Jesus Christ😊. I attended as a Language & Team Representative from the French Team. It was the right place to have new perspective on "From Screen to Church", wich was the main focus of the conference. Reaching the world with the love of God via internet, our mission 👌🏾. #GlobalRize

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