Page 4 - Mum's_5.12.1943_flipbook
P. 4

 _ 1000German
Troops Killed
the assaults and have poundei and damaged" the German posl tfons since, it was said,
Reds Hold Initiative.
The Red army generally Ucl<] tho> Initiative everywhere along the line, and the governmeni newspaper Jzvestla said editorial-
The Lowgll 'Sun 'Wednesday May \2 :l.943
NearLeningradly "the 'war with Hitlerite Ger- many has entered Its decisive
in mid-January, appeared to be
only a, scouting operation, in force, munique snid.
Intended to 'establish a new Ger- Resumption of Germnn attacks man sector line and not ,tl>e be- on the Russian, Donets river posi-
Ii\ any OAsr, the backKromid substitute a compromise for Ihe Body."
tions near Lisichansk,- gateway to ginning of an out-and-out offen- Voroshilovgrad, was reported
Ihe service nine weeks ago.. Ho
of future operations appears orous opponents of the Ruml-type Hitler Girds for to cull (U for a supremo at-
tempt lo crack Hitler's "Euro- plan as -Sen. Tom Connaljy, D.,
: given," George prcdlctcd, -"thn treasury may aslt 'for even
"offyn, present assistant head li- While accounts of unrest inEu- brarian. •
pe mounted, the Netherlands
ews agency Aneta reported today On the first ballot, the voting
To America's 6/10O/OOO Farmers ...they give you what counts most
phnse." '. - ' '
The battle for 'Novorossisk ap
parenlly had resolved Itself inton
Russian attempt to' pulverize the
Kochler, who (tied yesterday nl his home, .xvas Also cred-
to use their film sobriquets as their legal names.
proponents today .mapped a drive
Entire Russia
Battle Line Surges
: With New Activity
"MOSCOW, May 12 (£>)—More 56 enemy planes were destroyed In
To Be Adopted by Week-End, Indications Show
0 1 U 10 IS,?/!, '"" S,'J
enactment.process! 1
ihan 1000 German troops have the area yesterday against a Joss been killed on the Leningrad front of 11 Soviet planes.
in the.'last 24 hours, Russian dis- Keep Up Firing .
lamps and olhcr safety de- The scnale begins debate today anted her to pay the income tax den said. "It was wished up-
S S ^ S ? '^
attended St, Joseph's high Russians guns opened up after fantry assaults were beaten off,i; school.
Texas, who called the skip-aryear attle of Germany pean fortress" wide open this provisions "nothing but billions of Confining Kroni Front I'njuc
ill said County dated August i i«iii>' and recorded with Middle
sive. The German attempts failed
after two attacks. Three waves of Nazi tank and in
summer, and d) tar an offen- dollars worth of psychology," con- sive against Japan employing
the most powerful forces yet ceded that the senate probably thrown inlo rncitic fiyhtiiiR. would adopt such a plan.
Military exports emphasized that Senator's' "Compromise".
the cleanup in North Africa was George's:compromise, if offered, n major contribution to .projected would suggest waiving only 75 per
gton talks probably would cen- r less on military problems than i "the political situation which is arked by Stalin again being ab- nt."
Heglstry o[
in Europe. Final conquest of Af- ng the remaining 25 .per cent in
lownlown restaurant heard a talk, T1 he; Mysterious Malady," by John
Red army fliers pounded Ger- The expectation was rather that it is believed that Allied airpow- Other jlig Features uartcrs had long been described f Ireatmcnt in sanatoria were southeasterly corner thereof, on the on the eastern front, now is northerly side al said Marshall man supply and communication alks based, on the situation sur-er—freed of combat responsibilities The other' principle feature o( an unspecified point In the lighlights touched by the speaker, rrf,e al! a l "' """' o r formerly centers at Bryansk and Orel, and rounding the European invasion in Tunisia—can control the skies he bill, starling collection of 1943 est; that Prof. Albert Speer, Nazi vho conducted a question box and or Jonathan Pierce; thence running orum later in which the most northwesterly on said pierce land mister "of munitions, reported to lommon queries of the man in the one hundred ten (HO) reel to land liter yesterday on the construe- or James ir. lioivden: thonce south- on of "theAtlantic .wall"; and trcet regarding tuberculosis were erly nn saia Bowden land ninety- aken up. Robert T. Morse, presi- two (02) Tect, more or less, to said at-"victory without compromise" lent, was in the chair, and turned .Marshall Street; ihcnce easterly on ould remain-the goal for'which said MrtrshalL ninety (90) feet to
enemy tanks' knocked out and about SOO Germans killed in the last 24 hours, it was said.
Tho Volkhov Front
Allies Hold New War Council
forthcoming as lo (he specific na- ture of Ihe Washington discussions. speculation ran free. Informed persons here saw no reason to be-
sector Soviet scouts were carryinjj lieve, however, that previously-laid their attacks beyond the German strategy would be shifted—for in- lines. slance, to provide for concen-
CLOSING OUT South of Leningrad, on the Volkhov front, Red: arniy artillery thundered in an apparent at- tempt to prevent any big move- ment of Germans into front line positions, while southwest of this
"In Washington, the prob- lem'therefore will probably ho
Kiev to punish the foe. tary, since the problems of the discourage attacks on shipping. (The German controlled Vichy icace come constantly nearer as Applies to Cruisers
layroll deduction, has''unanimous committee approval.
•adio said the Red army has been Mlicd armies advance. It was The time saved on the shorter
George said a carry-over of 25
per cent of Ihe 1942 tax against
every taxpayer, large and small,
would net the treasury more than
52,000,000,000 in the next two There was no immediate elab- Ray ed simultaneously herewith."
run equals hundreds of thousands reserves and forecast that the erence brought about a working new tons,of shippingspace. This nain fighting \voulri shift from the igreement between French Gen- applies equally to cruisers and Kuban to the central front west deslrgyers used in-convoy duty and of Moscow. Tals Giraud and de Gaulle—a' po- is a result some may be shifted
bringing up large troop and supply
•ccalled that (he Casablanca con-
itical rather than a mjlilnry' ne- (The Berlin radio declared cessity.
;o the Pacific or used to protect North Atlantic convoys.
•alion cither on Hitler's sudden mond L. Bourgeois, program chair- Terms of Sale: 550 'In cash to
tlmt Russian KUns had opened Informed London observers,
up a drumfire on Orel, hmp;o
between the central ami south- en Ihe other hand, said flatly
ern fronts, 'preliminary in that war strategy was the supplies under.British control in
years. lie feared that complete •turn from the eastern front or man for the day.
f Berlin radio's reference to the
tlantic svall, but it seemed clear
at Hitler would take a personal Lawyer Gets <nd in preparations for the next
Hied blow.
he paid by tho purchaser at th« time, and place ot sale, balance to be paid within ten days oC sale. . . . .
The Na2is-tried to bomb Rostov which Hitler dismembered, Benes here is Ihat one of the first
and Bataisk, cities now used by was expected to present his plans major Pacific strokes may be an "But if nil the Incllvldiml in- the Soviet command for all of for a post-war federation of cen- American sea-air drive to throw come taxes for 1012 arft for-
their operations in the Donels tral and eastern Europe, friendly the Japanese off Kiska and Attu basin and in the Kubati, but they to' Soviet Russia. Islands at the western tip of the
ore Patriots Executed •cn, voted for Mrs,Eleanor M.
were said to have failed.
Whether he would join the Aleutians.
more." . '
V_^hesterfields deliver the goods to smokers who know what they want, because they're made from the world's best cigarette tobaccos, blended together by an important manufacturing secret in the one Right Combinationthat completely Satisfies,
Any drink that con grow in populariry'for 59 years—as Moxie has—must be good. Sparkling, refreshingwith a tangy not-loo- sweet flavor Ihot really quenches thirst, Moxie today is pleasing more people than ever before.
Your War Bono" dollars bock up ovrfigblers. Imesl al least len per cent every P°Y d
Th«r« art five lull gloii.i In Iht family-ill. Moxl* bolll.. And
i 1913, LiGcm 4 M»TJJ Touoco Co.
Mask Developer's Funeral Planned
SOMEKV1U.B, M*y !^ (INS) — Private fungal M-IV- ices were planned today for Ernst F. Koehlcr, <W, well known consulting fnsliv'cw and developer ot the Kft* mas>< used hy the United Slates in the first World war.
SenateBegins Debate Today onTaxM
: R. Lee
Mother Spat
Author's Kin Wanted Her . to Pay Income Tax for Her
VOKK, May 12 (INS)— yi>8y Rose Lee, the strip-teaser ithor and her mother, Mrs. Rose hpmpson were having, difficulties
Germanpositionswithairat itedwithdevelopingthefirst (lay,...... HoldenwasbornWilliamKX^{°ndCVel<">ed'"
lacks, sustained artillery fire am: infantry sorties.
The midnight communique ''said
six cylinder motor car onftino. He formerly operated fac- tories in Hudson »nd Marl- boro manufACturing minors
Mrs. Thompson, In domestic re- Bccdle. Miss Marshall's real lions court said Gypsy haa cut name was Ardib' Anderson.
her- allowance. Gypsy denied "I never did like the name at charge and said-her mother Brenda Marshall," Mrs. Hol-
w^'iSt'Br ^^
vices. on n skip-a-year pay-as-you-go-tax osv clue on Ihe money Gypsy al- on me early In my screen ca- plan with every indication that ady had givenher. reer by a studio."
In the lower Kuban valley, ap
palchos said lociay, as the entire parently northwest of Novoros ENDS TRAINING—Paul Dus- Kooscvelt-ChurcMIl discvisslons was it will be adopted before the week- Lawyers advised bolh Gypsy and
battle line surged with new ac- sisk, a Germnn fortified key posl not disclosed. Also on the scene, rs. .Thompson to refrain Irom
tivity from that northern sector tion was reported captured and a sault, seaman second class, has all hough not us a member of the end. aklng statements, however, and ister of stale to the Middle East; about n billion dollars more than to the continuing struggle around company of German troops killec ended his Navy boot training a> oilicial parly from .England, Is Chairman Walter F. George, p., e court proceedincs were con- Vice Admiral Sir Ralph Leatham, for the entire war year 1918. '
Novorossisk, on the Black sea. in yesterday's lighting. Rod arm> The action before Leningrad, nrtillcry kept up its heavy firing whose 515-day siege was .broken during the night, the noon com-
Lord Beaverbrook. London p u b -.a,, of Ihe scnale finance commit- ucled in camera. commander-in-chief of the Levant; Sampson, N. Y., and recently lisher nnd former British cabinet . Tho title of Gypsy's last ld Marshal Lord Gort; Gen. Sir visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. member. tee'may make one last attempt lo hook was "Mother Finds a rlenry M. Wilson, commander of
:he Ninlh army of the Middle Sasl; Lieut. Geri. Sir Henry R. ?ownalt, commander of Middle Eastern forces; and Sir Charles .Vooley, governor of Cyprus.
Lionstlub Hears SunStaff Member
Josoph T. Dussault of 26 Jamos for the discussions Is certain 100 per cent forgiveness feature
street. .He is 17 and entered to he military, Mitt the pattern of the bill. But even suchvig-
LOWELL—The I^iojis club at Us operations in the Pacific as well as cent of the 1942.taxes and colloct- how to bring Stalin's do facto, uncheon meeting yesterday in a
already recognized demands in
unison with the understand-
able wish of the. Angle-Amer-
cutting the distance from Ameri- Debate'.will'-start .when George icans to maintain an outward ;pring diagnosis campaign of the ,,'T1'0 '?"!' '" saW Chelmsford, In cnn east coast ports to the.Middle -eports to the senate thai his semblance of the already -owell Tuberculosisassociation. tliat part known ns i.jast -
rica's Mediterranean coast line, it .wo installments, March' 15,, 1944, was said, will reopen the Mediter-
ranean to United Notions shipping. and March 15, 1945.
., described
Artillery duels continued west Irating against Japan rather than East, southern Russia and India by iinancc committee has approved rather palo Atlantic charter." Case finding work in Lowell in- of Rostov, and in the Sevsk re- Germany. about 5000 miles. Despite Axis i bill embodying 100 per cent for- Earlier, the German people were .uslries, the human problems of gion northeast of Kursk. Political Angles possession of Sardinia and Sicily, giveness by n vote of 13 to 8. Id that Adolf Hitler, whose hcad- ong-term patients, and methods
combers ranged as far west as votiid be political rather than mil- over those enemy air bases and axes July 1 through a 20 per cent
lorgiveness would require also Ayould permit abundant oil costs of the war program.
, Reopening Ihe Mediterranean ncome 1ivies this year to meet
prime purpose of the confer-- the Middle East'to replace Ameri- La l-'ollcttc's Argument
Present holder of said" mortgage.
Vprll 26. 1343. a2Sm512
Botweci'. Bon Marchis and Enterprise Store.
Real estate,apartments, boarding houses, hotels, nil classified for your convenience.
opening a now assault to
wrest the'tpxvn from the Ger-
The punishment inflicted by the the Invasion plans undoubted-. U.,S. east .coast reserves, ease the
rnce although conceding po- can shipments to North Africa.
The same argument was- raised
yesterday, by Sen. Robert M. La The "victory without compro- Library Post
Folletle, Prog., Wisconsin, in a ise reference was the Berlin ra- Continued FroTn Front Pnfie
. ..,'.'' ." ,
litical problems Involved In
This, should relieve the drain on
Russian air force, on railway cen- ly were being discussed—-'as demands on .tanker space rfhd al- one-man minority report. He said os public comment- on Gen ion became vacant through the
ters has been felt so severely by well as co-crdination of Kus- ' low increases, where necessary, in the Germans that they have Rlan and other Allied moves. gasoline and oil shipments to Eng- switched from train to truck trans- In connection with the internal land.
port, and the Soviet fliers switch; European problems expected to at- To Be Greatly Eased
that any additional tax burden rancisco Franco's recent call for •csignation of David P. Connors, would fall on individuals with in- eace, which some observers had now managing editor ot The Sun. come ranging from 51,500 t'o ?25,- elieved might have been Berlin- He was elected on the votes of 000 a year. spired. "It is only natural," the (layer Joseph ,T. Sweeney, chair-
THURSDAY 9 A. M, nd along with them to begin end an invasion, it-was noted that Since shipping is the key to
pounding the roads. - _ President Eduard Bcnes of Czecho- United Nations power in. any sin- ask for higher excise and corpora- scussions should be occasionally Donahoe, Atty. George C. Eliades
Germain air. force attempts 'to slovakia was due to arrive in gle •war theatre, experts said the tion taxes this year in connection oiced. - and John H. McNabb on the second interrupt Soviet preparations for Washington late today, also for strain of speeding Ihe Pacific with President Roosevelt's call for The Axis itself termed the next ballot taken- last night, The two renewed operations against Tagan- conferences with . Mr. Roosevelt. campaign will Ihus be greatly at least 316,000,000,000 additional iase in the global war, nhe bat- other trustees, Judge John. C. rog, 40 niiles west of R6stov, have Head of Ihe London-harbored gov- eased. revenue, cither through taxation e for Germany." .eggat and Rabbi Joseph W ar- come to'naught, the Russians said. ej-mnent-in-exile of the republic Informed but unofficial opinion or savings or .both.
t's Mr. and Mrs. William "lolden Now. . .Legally
Holden, film actor now an engrossed bill repealing legalized Army lieutenant, and his'ac-
tress wife, Bronda Marshal], benno In Massachusetts, senate received court approval today
(INS)—It's legally, Mr. nnd
Mrs. William Franklin Hoi-
den from now on. feating a motion to reconsider the
ffa nd'li'ngu! i . Kcnney Qf The-Sun staff, who lar the premises descaribed In said
appeared in the interests of Ihe inortKiiKc, lo wit:
ermany and her partners arc he meeting over to William Le- the point of beginning;. •
riving. 'ine after the luncheon, Tiie Subject to prior mortgage to (h« peaker was presented by \\oliin-n Co-operative to lie record-
roadcast went on, "that in the
George expects the treasury to urth year of global war such man ex-oflicio; Dr. Frederic F.
vas the same except Ihat Mayor es had executed at least 38 Sweeney voted for his 'secretary, utch patriots early in May when ~eorge H. Keefe. Four votes
artlal law was proclaimed In verc necessary to elect.
olland. Mr. Downey lives with his fam- _Ari Aneta report yesterday said ily at 106 Luce street. He has > Dutchmen had been put." td one, daughter, Martha. He is a eath May 2, and 10 others sen^ graduate of the Lowell high school
enced. Today's report said'those and/Boston University law school 0 had been put to death and two and was a member of the armed ther agricultural workers charged forces in the last war. He Is a /ith fomenting a strike, executed member of Lowell Post 87, Ameri-
German civilians in Bulgaria are can Legion.
eing forced to leave the coun- It was announced that Ihe new
at German occupation author-
ry, reports reaching'Cairo loday librarian would assume his duties aid. Nazi authorities, these re- Monday. His salary will be J3200 orts declared,. ar~o 'using.pressure per year.
o Increase the.'number leavingfor
he fatherland, and 600 already €oiUTnnn>vcnUh of . ..(IN ave left and. another thousand Middlesex, ss. Probate Court lay go shortly. - To all persons Interested in tin o Elaboration estate -ot X3rncc L, Iloyt. of Lowell
in said Counly, under cxmscrvator- There. was no elaboration on Shi|K
hese reports, but In the past Gcr- The conservator of the propcrt> nany ;has taken steps to remove of snid Orace TJ. Hoyt has presence
to said Court for allowance his first ler nationals from areas where ncroun t.
Ighting was anticipated. It you desire to obiect thereto M.eahwhile, an indication of you or your-'attorney should flli vhat might have touched off the written appearance in said Court
at Cambridge' before ten o'clock In Jerman radio's "fishing trip" re- the forenoon on the.tweiity-nrsi port that Prime MinisterChurcl ilny oC May. 1013, the return das
and possibly President. Roosevelt of this citation.
Witness. John C. r,cggal. Esquire
as -attending a Cairo conference I'lrst Judge of said Court, this came from"Reuters, third day or May in the
A conference is under way there thousand nine hundred and fortj--
he British news service said, at tllrcp.
LOIITNG r. JORDAN', Register.
ended by R. G. Casey, British min m5-12-19
Speed Beano Ban
UOSTON, May 12 (INS)—De-
American war expenditures for the first quarter of 1943 were
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