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Jeph Jerman and Tim Barnes

Fylkingen 021017

April 2, 2021

From Jeph Jerman

Tim Barnes and I have been playing together off and on since 2004, when we did a tour of the Northeastern U.S. with Sean Meehan and David Daniell. we kept in contact during long stretches of little to no activity until 2014, when Jon Abbey invited us to record an album for his erstwhile label. We recorded what would become matterings in the desert near my home, and in Kentucky, where Tim lives, throughout that year. After the disc came out we started touring in earnest- all over the midwest and both coasts, playing material from teh record.

In 2017, we were invited by John Chantler to play at his Edition festival in Stockholm Sweden. Our second “real” record as a duo had just come out, but seemed to us impossible to reproduce in performance, so we decided to semi-improvise around a set of pre-existing sound constructions with live percussion. This recording has all the hallmarks of our set for the following grueling European tour: thick fogs of distorted sound, disintegrating loops of unintelligible speech and spastic abuse of a couple of snare drums and an assortment of found objects.