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Dinobot (PCC)

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The name or term "Dinobot" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Dinobot (disambiguation).
The Dinobots are a series of Autobot drones from the Power Core Combiners portion of the movie continuity family.
The modern Stone Age family.

The Dinobots are four robot dinosaurs who can combine with their Commander Grimstone to power him up in battle.

The Dinobots include:



Power Core Combiners

  • Grimstone with Dinobots (Power Core Combiners 5-pack, 2010)
Part of the fourth wave of Power Core Combiners 5-pack figures, the Dinobots are a team of four prehistoric creatures, packed in with their Commander Grimstone. Each one has a square socket for a Power Core Combiner connection; when attached via the blue plugs on a Commander figure, the creatures automatically transform into a super-robot limb, and snap back to beast mode when disconnected. Despite the universal connector, each drone can only form one limb type (but can be swapped from left to right):
  • Pachycephalosaurus Drone — Leg (Grimstone's right)
  • Ankylosaurus Drone — Leg (Grimstone's left)
  • Spinosaurus Drone — Arm (Grimstone's right)
  • Parasaurolophus Drone — Arm (Grimstone's left)
Wave 4 only barely made it out to normal retail at first, meaning most fans had to get the Dinobots from online stores. In the latter half of 2011, the later Power Core Combiners 5-packs started showing up at discount chains like Ross, TJ Maxx and Marshalls.
This mold-set was also used to make Grimmaster's "Prime Mode" drone-limbs.

  • Power Core Combiners Special Value Offer (Value Pack, 2011)
Grimstone and the Dinobots were also made available as part of a Walmart-exclusive Black Friday "Value Pack", combining a 5-pack team with a Commander 2-pack via packaging tape and a couple of stickers, for the whopping price of ten bucks, merely a third of what the two toys would normally cost.
So far, Grimstone has been found with the Icepick/Chainclaw, Leadfoot/Pinpoint, Salvage/Bomb-Burst, Skyhammer/Airlift, and Undertow/Waterlog 2-packs attached.


  • The box mistakenly identifies two components of this combiner. It identifies the Dimetrodon drone as a Spinosaurus and confuses Grimstone's Styracosaurus form for a Triceratops.
  • Dimetrodon is not actually a dinosaur. As a synapsid, it is actually a mammal-precursor. Inclusion of non-dinosaurs within the Dinobot roster is not a strange new development.
  • The components of this match the species of those of the Triceramax Megazord from Power Rangers Dino Thunder; a Styracosaurus core and Ankylosaurus, Pachycephalosaurus, Parasaurolophus and Dimetrodon limbs. However, the two that form arms here are legs on the Megazord and vice versa.


  1. "You will also notice in my quick photoshop render to display a spinosaurus I really wanted a Grimstone combiner face plate to replace the existing Paleotrex chest plate. I really enjoyed the old power core combiner dinobot Grimstone toy back when I painted the prototypes so the figure has always stuck in my mind."—Mark Maher, Instagram, 2022/05/11
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