Sunburn Blisters: How to Beat Them Naturally.

I had actually never had sunburn blisters before. I had never really had any problems with my skin from the sun except the occasional burn and despite being fair skinned and blonde I do tan quite well and so this was all a first for me.

For those of you who do not know what they are; they are little sweat filed bumps all over the skin, which can’t escape because the pores are clogged, for me it seemed to be a layer of dead/sunburnt skin preventing the sweat from exiting my body as it should. Very common in very humid climates.

I did some reading online to find natural remedies, not just natural, but remedies I could find on the tiny island of Caye Caulker were I currently reside.

The first thing I tried was potato which I already had at home, cut into thin slices and simply placed on the areas with the blisters. This I found helped the skin peel quickly, which obviously needed to happen.  I used this the first few days, but the rash kept popping up in new areas so I wanted to try something new.

Vinegar which I read has a similar Ph to our skin makes a great toner, so I started rubbing this all over the areas with cotton balls and pouring it on and rubbing it in before i’d jumped in the shower for the day, but always letting it air dry first, I didn’t see too much of a change from doing this. (Try a small patch of skin and dilute in distilled water if necessary).

Next I tried baking soda, before bed I simply rubbed the dry stuff all over where the blisters were popping up, this seemed to help.

Next I took it one level further and mixed the baking soda with the vinegar to create a paste, I applied the paste anywhere the blisters were appearing, let it dry and then kept it on for a few hours before I jumped in the shower. Messy; Yes! But this worked wonders!! The rash didn’t come back after 1-2 applications.

I did avoid the sun between 10-2 while this was going on and would only ride my bike into town after 2 pm each day.

I did find a natural sugar scrub made by a local with beliziean sugar which I have been using every other day since the rash has gone away to stay exfoliated, I also purchased a green tea/aloe natural lotion from the same “Lisas Soap Delights” here in Caye Caulker.

At home I am a fan of Simple Sugars to keep my body exfoliated, which I clearly wasn’t doing enough before coming to the Island.

Let me know how these work for you and comment below!

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