What is BRASA?

BRASA (or Brazilian Student Association) is a club that offers support for incoming Brazilian college students.

BRASA’s Mission

BRASA aims at promoting student networking with global actors in the economy, politics, and science, while also promoting the Brazilian culture on campus. 

Interested in Joining?

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be Brazilian or speak Portuguese to join the Club?

No! Anyone is welcome to join BRASA.

How many events does BRASA host throughout the year?

The club typically has 2 GBMs (General Body Meetings) and one big event per term. In addition, the club also hosts smaller events such as “destressers”, study sessions, and soccer games every term.

Meet the Executive Board

Mylla Santana

Henri Checcucci

Daniel Damasceno

Emily Azevedo

Miki Yasuda
Philanthropy Chair

David Pham
PR Chair

Pedro Nogueira
Director of Engagement

Gabriel Bohorquez
Director of Public Relations

Andre Rosendo

Jonathan Santos