Bobby Ghosh, Columnist

Can an EV Really Be a Muscle Car?

A charger for a Charger? That just doesn’t sound right.

Is it time to rev those EV engines? 

Photographer: Bill Pugliano/Getty Images North America

In the greatest car chase ever committed to celluloid, for the 1968 thriller Bullitt, the audience is prompted to root for the Mustang Fastback GT390 over the Dodge Charger 440 Magnum R/T. The Mustang, in a classy olive green, is as sleek and sexy as its driver, Steve McQueen, who plays the eponymous hero-cop. Stuntman Bill Hickman, playing one of the bad guys, drives the Charger, its sinister black livery echoing his suit and driving gloves, its severe lines mirroring the squareness of his jaw.

After 10 minutes of mounting tension, the chase ends with the Charger slamming into a gas station and erupting in a fireball. The Mustang careens off the road, but our hero brings it under control just before it can tip into a ditch.