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A former feral cat that now resides at the Carteret County Humane Society Animal Shelter in Newport takes a nap as a shelter worker takes care of business July 19. The nonprofit Humane Society offers a spay and neuter voucher program that involves volunteering a certain amount of hours in exchange for a voucher to help spay and neuter pets and help fight the growing cat population at CCHS and in the county. (Cheryl Burke photo)

NEWPORT — Like many animal shelters, the Carteret County Humane Society (CCHS) has been inundated this summer with cats and kittens, especially feral felines.

“We are overrun with cats and kittens right now,” CCHS Shelter Manager Rachel Hardin said July 17. “We can’t keep up. People just need to spay and neuter their cats.”

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This former feral cat gets a welcome pat from a Carteret County Humane Society Animal Shelter worker on July 19. The Carteret County Humane Society offers a spay and neuter voucher program that involves volunteering a certain amount of hours in exchange for a voucher to help spay and neuter pets to help fight the growing cat population in the county and at CCHS. (Cheryl Burke photo)

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Coyotes, here to help, working for free


Oh, what a knee slapper.

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