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Firefighters rescue 900-pound pig from pond

Firefighters said they used a ladder and a large tarp to rescue the pig from the 5-foot-deep water


Photo Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue


PEMBROKE PINES, Fla. — Firefighters in Florida said they were called to rescue a 900-pound pig who fell into a pond on her way to her new home.

Pembroke Pines Fire Rescue and the Southwest Ranches Volunteer Fire Department said they were called to a pond behind the home of Strawberry the pig’s owner in Southwest Ranches to rescue the animal, who fell into the water while being transported to her new home in Wakulla, WFOR-TV, Miami, reported Wednesday.

Firefighters said they used a ladder and a large tarp to rescue the pig from the 5-foot-deep water.

The firefighters said the pig was not injured, and they helped load her into a trailer for the 450-mile trip to Wakulla, the South Florida Sun Sentinel reported.

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