The barracuda, a fun fish to catch from the shore

© Perrotte-Duclos Antonin

All year round, the barracuda is a species that deserves our attention as shore anglers. Its moody behaviour makes it an interesting fish to look for when learning the behaviour of a carnivore.

The moment of truth

Very present on our Mediterranean coasts, this predator with sharp teeth moves in schools of several individuals. However, it is not always easy to make them bite. Its tendency to follow the lures to the feet of the fishermen makes it all the more fun to fish. This fish with such a particular behavior is mainly fished at night. Nevertheless, the most interesting hours are sunrise and sunset. During a short period, barracudas will be active and it is not uncommon to make several catches in a very short time. This period can last only 15 minutes in a day, so you have to be ready and in the right place to enjoy it.

Quand la luminosité baisse, les barracudas s'activent
When the light decreases, the barracudas become active

Port areas

From the shore, the best places, winter and summer, are the harbors. The light created by the street lamps attracts the forage fish that barracudas feed on. The harbor entrances are often transit areas for these fish that enter at nightfall and leave at daybreak. It is during these movements that barracudas are the easiest to lure.

The rocky coasts

If you don't have a harbor nearby, don't forget that barracudas still need to get close to the shore to feed. Again, they take advantage of low light conditions to surprise their prey. The rocky coasts exposed to the open sea are good areas to meet barracudas. The submerged rock heads create counter currents that these fish take advantage of to save their strength while waiting for a small fish to pass by. Barracudas are often lazy, they will prefer an area sheltered from the waves and wind, but they will always stay within fin range of exposed areas to intercept their prey.

Un barracuda qui c'est laisser leurre
A barracuda that let itself be lured

Stay safe

Barracuda fishing, although very entertaining, can create risks for the fisherman. These fish have many sharp teeth and do not hesitate to move frantically to defend themselves. Moreover, barracuda lures are mostly equipped with three treble hooks. Handling one of these fish should be done as gently as possible to avoid injuries and hooks. To do this, I strongly recommend that you equip yourself with a rubber mesh landing net to make it easier to grab the fish. A long pliers will also allow you to unhook the barracudas while keeping your fingers at a reasonable distance. A good headlamp will be necessary to practice this night fishing, you can also take advantage of it to see the barracudas follow your lures to the edge. Even if these fish love the lights of the street lamps, it is preferable not to illuminate them too much with your lamp during the period of activity to avoid frightening them.

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