Celebrity News

How did Grey's Anatomy deal with Dr McDreamy's death?

Image may contain Human Person Patrick Dempsey Clothing Apparel Coat and Lab Coat
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Last night saw the 'aftermath' Grey's Anatomy episode which left viewers in a state of shock, confusion, heartbreak, meltdown and other TV-related emotional states, following the death of Dr McDreamy (aka Patrick Dempsey) the week before.

While some fans are clearly still grieving, others felt the episode answered some questions and helped pull themselves together.

We'll continue to watch how this one plays out.

On 24 April 2015, we wrote...

WARNING: This story features a Grey's Anatomy spoiler, but if you have the internet (which we suspect you do as you're on this website) or any form of social media channel, you'll know about this shocking news already.

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We're still struggling to come to terms with the death of Grey's Anatomy character Dr McDreamy (sorry Dr Derek Shepherd), after he was in a fatal car crash in last week's episode.

We won't go into detail, but he narrates his own death, describing the inability of the staff looking after him.

"I'm going to die because these people aren't properly trained," Derek's voiceover says.

Patrick Dempsey, who plays the role, said being on the show has been a "remarkable ride".

"The worldwide impact has been extraordinary," said Dempsey. "It is incredible how devoted and passionate the fans are, and I will forever be grateful and humbled by the experience."

That's all very well and good Dempsey, but look at the angst and destruction you've caused on Twitter. Women are weeping all because of your career choice.

As the show's creator Shonda Rhimes said in a terribly dramatic statement today, McDreamy was an example of "what young women should demand from modern love".

So long, McDreamy, it's been beautiful.