Kate Noble on Tina Fey

Tina Fey is getting a lot of love this month from not only the blog, but also readers and others on Twitter who are following Girls Who Wear Glasses month. But I’m particularly happy to share today’s post from the fabulous Kate Noble, who lives in LA and who I like to think has a glamorous Tina Fey-esque life. Kate’s The Summer of You is one of my very favorite books, and I am so so excited for her next… Let It Be Me  (out next month)!

And, of course, I’m always happy to give Tina (and Kate) more facetime on the blog!

Welcome Kate!


It is no exaggeration to say I want to be Tina Fey when I grow up.  She is our generation’s Dorothy Parker.  She successfully ran the writer’s room at Saturday Night Live before becoming the anchor of Weekend Update before leaving to run her own show *about* running a show wherein she played the lead, Liz Lemon.  And winning a bunch of Emmys for it.

(Liz Lemon is my 2nd choice for who I want to be when I grow up, by the by.)

And she did it all in glasses.  Not bothering to hide her four-eyed nature with contacts (like I do) or laser eye surgery, Tina Fey said, “nope.  This is me.  I’m gonna do my job and be awesome and not conform to your standards of what you think I should look like while I do it.”

tina-fey-glassesShe killed it hosting the Golden Globes with pal Amy Poehler. She is impassioned and articulate about what it is to be a modern woman – for proof, look no further than her “If I have one more gray-faced man in a two-dollar haircut tell me what rape is…” quote.  On those occasions that existing words are inadequate, she makes the right ones up. (“Blergh”, anyone?)  She’s a leader, a mom of two, and an exasperated professional.

Oh, and she’s funny.  Like, for reals funny.  Like, trying to choke down a special sandwich at the airport before going through security to run after the guy who could be the one, because She Can Have It All! funny.

If I seem to be fangirling, Tina Fey deserves it.  And certainly some of her superpowers must be stored in her sleek glasses.   They tell everyone to take her seriously, but lets them be surprised by her wicked sense of humor.  She makes me feel that with focus, talent, a solid mid-western work ethic, and a sense of humor… I can achieve anything.  I, too, can have it all.


And you deserve it all, Kate!

Your turn, reader…let’s talk about funny! What do you think is the funniest show on TV? For me, it was 30 Rock for a long time…and now I have to find something new!

One commenter (US Only) will win a copy of Kate’s If I Fall!

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Published on March 05, 2013 05:47
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