Gina Ross, the current Mrs. Hawaiian Islands United States 2023, will be representing Hawaii at the Mrs. America’s United States pageant in Ablemarle, North Carolina on August 10-12th, 2023. Before she leaving on her journey, she dropped by Living808 to talk about the upcoming event.

For Gina, the AUS National pageant is more than just a competition. She shared that it’s an opportunity to emphasize the importance of self-care through health and fitness, promoting self-confidence and personal empowerment. As a wife and mother, Gina knows firsthand the challenges women face in prioritizing their health. Her message centers on being kind to our bodies to lead fulfilling lives, allowing us to flourish in our careers and various roles in society.

Gina’s business, Fit for a Goddess, epitomizes the spirit of pageantry. For 18 years, the studio has been empowering women through dance and fitness. Regardless of age, background, or experience level, Gina’s classes induce movement and positivity, creating a nurturing and supportive atmosphere. With pole fitness as a challenge, women gain strength, flexibility, and self-confidence while building a positive sisterhood support system.

The Living808 team wishes Gina lots of luck next weekend!