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Worldwide, more than 300,000 people are diagnosed each year with a primary #brain or spinal cord tumor. Treating brain tumors is highly challenging due to the sensitive structures situated closely to each other. Accurate contours of anatomical structures enable the #RadiationOncology team to create precise plans for irradiation, avoiding unnecessary dose delivery and subsequent possible toxicity. #MVision AI offers both CT and MR models that can be used for treating brain cancer. The structures included in these models are based on international recommendations from RTOG and publications by Brouwer, Scoccianti, Mir, Kong, and Eekers. MVision AI supports #healthcare professionals in creating complex and adapted treatment plans in a significantly shorter time. As a result, their patients have the chance to receive quality treatment without delay. #braincancerawareness #guide #verify #contour #gbs #radiotherapy #ai

Sumair Gill

Connecting the AI Health Network


An essential tool for treatment planning, when combined CT/MRI plans are becoming the standard within radiotherapy. I would love to see this applied for SRS treatments!

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