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Science Notes On Respiration

Published in: Biology | Science

Respiration Notes

Tan C / Kuching

14 years of teaching experience

Qualification: Degree

Teaches: Mathematics, Physics, Science, Additional Math, Chemistry, Additional Maths

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  1. Chapter 1 Respiration Learning Objectives: 1. Understand structures of Human Respiratory system. 2. Understand the definition & equation of respiration. 3. Understand definition and & mechanism of breathing. A. Human respiratory system 1. Human use respiratory system for breathing. 2. The human respiratory system consists of Nasal Cavity Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole Alveolus Rib Lung Intercostal Muscles Diaphragm Bronchus Bronchiole Alveolus Capillaries Bronchus Bronchiole Il Page Nasal cavity Trachea Intercostal muscle Rib Left lung Diaphragm
  2. 1st (Nostrils) Air inhaled through the nose and taken through nostrils, the nose hairs trap dust. 3rd (Trachea) Trachea does not collapse because it is kept open by therings of cartilage 4th (Bronchus) Trachea branches into a left and right bronchus 2 Page 2nd (Nasal Cavity) Inhaled air entering nasal cavity Mucustraps bacteria and other foreign particles in the inhaled air 6th (Alveolus) The bronchioles end at alveolus (looks like a bunch of grapes) 5th (Bronchiole) The bronchus then branches into smaller tubes called bronchiole Nostrils Nasal cavity Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole Alveolus B. Definition of Respiration A food oxidation process in the body cells to release energy. Glucose combines with oxygen in the cells to produce energy. C. Equation of Respiration Digested product of carbohydrates Human needs enery to survive GLUCOSE + OXYGEN ENERGY + CARBON DIOXIDE + WATER Comes from the air around us Waste products
  3. B. Definition of Breathing 13 Page Take in 02 Give out c02 Breathing is a process which involves an exchange of gases with the environment. Blood Capillary Give out Carbon dioxide (C02) Take in Oxygen (02) Alveolus 02 C02 in out Environment Fl Chapter 3 Matter Process where particles move from HIGH concentration to a LOW concentration medium. The oxygen enters the blood capillary by diffusion The concentration of oxygen in alveoli is high The concentration of oxygen in blood capillary is low Therefore, oxygen diffuse into capillary from alveoli
  4. C. Breathing Mechanism Inhalation External intercoastal muscle contracts Internal intercoastal muscle relaxes The rib cage moves upwards and outwards The diapragm becomes flat Volume of thoracic cavity increases Air pressure in thoracic cavitylower than Page Exhalation External intercoastal muscle relaxes Internal intercoastal muscle contracts The rib cage moves downwards and inwards The diapragm becomes curves upwards Volume of thoracic cavity decreases Air pressure in thoracic cavity higher than the atmospheric pressure the atmospheric pressure minor Digitations of serratus anterior muscle EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MEMBRANE EXTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLE INTERNAL INTERCOSTAL MUSCLE
  5. Exhalation Volume decrease Increase* Volume of bell Inhalation Glass tube (Trachea) Y tube (Bronchus) Air space inside the bell jar (Thoracic cavity) Balloon (Lung) State of balloon 1- Volume Increases decreases Page 5 Glass jar (Rib cage) Rubber Sheet (Diaphragm) Observation Action The rubber sheet was pulled downwards The rubber sheet was pushed u wards Discussion Air pressure in the lass •ar Inference Air the balloons. Air the balloons. 1. Name the parts of the human respiratory system that is represented by each of the following. The parts in the model Air space inside the glass jar Rubber sheet Y- shaped glass tube Balloons Glass jar The parts in the human respiratory s stem
  6. 6 Page 2. From the observation from the activity , state the process that happens in human beings. When rubber is pulled down When rubber is pushed up Conclusion 1. Inhalation occurs when diaphragm moves 2. Exhalation occurs when diaphragm curves 3. The diagram shows an activity to study the breathing mechanism. x bell jar (a) What is represented by (i) Glass tube (ii) Balloon (iii) Rubber sheet glass tube Y-shaped tube balloon rubber sheet bell jar (b) Which activity, X or Y, shows simulation of inhalation? (c) What happens to the air pressure in the bell jar in activity Y? (d) What happens to the air in the bell jar in activity Y?
  7. Page 7 Quick Check 1. Differentiate breathing and respiration 2. Name 3 organs in respiratory system (ii) (iii) 3. The exchange of gases to the surrounding called 4. What is the name of the process which releases energy from glucose? 5. Complete the pathway of inhaled air in the human respiratory system. Nostril Lubang hidung Nasal cavity Rongga hidung Blood capillary Kapilari darah Bronchus Bronkus 6. State the equation of respiration.
  8. 8 Page 7. Complete the table to show the differences between the exhalation and inhalation mechanisms Exhalation Parts involved Outer intercoastal muscles Inner intercostal muscles Movement of rib cage Diaphragm muscles Volume of thoracic cavity Pressure in thoracic cavity Movement of the air Inhalation
  9. 19 Page Multiple Choice Questions 1. Diagram shows a part of the passage of air through the human respiratory system while inhaling. Trachea P Q R Which of the following represents P, Q, and R? B c Bronchus Bronchiole Bronchus Alveolus Bronchiole Bronchus Alveolus Bronchiole Alveolus Alveolus Bronchiole Bronchus 2. The difference in oxygen concentration between the alveoli and the blood capillaries enables oxygen to diffuse into the capillaries. Which of the following shows the gas concentrations in the alveoli and the capillaries correctly? B c Alveoli High oxygen content Low oxygen content High oxygen content Low oxygen content Capillaries High oxygen content Low oxygen content Low oxygen content High oxygen content 3. What is produced during respiration? A B C D Glucose, carbon dioxide Water, carbon monoxide Water, carbon dioxide Glucose, water, urea
  10. 4. Diagram shows some of parts of the human respiratory system. What are represented by J, K, L and M respectively? B c D Trachea Trachea Bronchus Bronchus Bronchiole Bronchus Bronchiole Bronchiole Alveolus Alveolus Alveolus Diaphragm | 10 Page Diaphragm Diaphragm Intercoastal muscle Intercoastal muscle 5. Which of the following takes place during inhalation? A B C D Diaphragm flattens Rib cage moves upwards and inwards Pressure in thoracic cavity increases Volume in thoracic cavity decreases 6. Where does the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen take place? A B C D Alveolus Bronchus Bronchiole Diaphragm
  11. | 11 Page Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the process of gaseous exchange & transport of oxygen in the blood. 2. State chemical substances which are harmful to respiratory system. 3. State illnesses affecting respiratory system. D. The Process of Gaseous Change Oxygenated blood to pulmonary vein alveolus wall plasma red blood cell oxygen thin liquid layer • alveolus wall carbon dioxide carbon oxygen dioxide Deoxygenated blood from pulmonary artery blood capillary Alveolus • thin liquid layer wall of blood capillary Atr tn and out Blood in Capillary network on the surface of alveoli Blood out Blood Capillary 02 C02 in out 1. The oxygen in the inhaled air dissolves in a thin film of liquid of liquid on the alveolus wall. 2. As the blood capillaries situated very close to alveolus wall, the dissolved oxygen easily diffuses through the alveolus wall to enter the blood stream.
  12. | 12 Page 3. Carbon dioxide diffuses from the blood capillaries into alveolus to be eliminated. 4. Why alveolus is very efficient in gaseous exchange? It has a thin wall - Gases diffuses easily across the thin wall It is moist - Gases can dissolve in the moisture and diffuse easily across the wall Surrounded by large network of capillaries - Increase surface area for exchange for gases A large number of alveoli in the lungs - can effectively transport the oxygen and carbon dioxide from the lungs E. Transport of oxygen in the blood 4 Key : blood capillary alveolus red blood cell body cell oxygenated blood - - deoxygenated blood 1. In the blood the oxygen combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin. Oxygen + Haemoglobin + Oxyhaemoglobin 2. When oxhaemoglobin reaches the body tissues, it decomposes to release oxygen. 3. The oxygen then diffused into the cells and used for respiration. (Refer page 2) 4. The carbon dioxide produced is carried out by deoxygenated blood (blood without oxygen) to the lungs to be eliminated.
  13. | 13 Page Quick Check Fill in the blanks with suitable words on transport of oxygen to the body cells Oxygen Low haemoeglobin blood capillary heart lungs alveolus body cells 1. During the inhalation, the concentration of oxygen is high in the the 2. Oxygen diffuses from the alveolus into blood capillary and combines with but low in to form oxyhaemoglobin 3. The oxygenated blood is transported to the the body except the 4. In the body cells, the concentration of oxygen is and pumped to all parts of 5. Oxyhaemoglobin in the blood capillary decomposes to release which diffuses into the 6. Explain why alveolus is efficient in gaseous exchange. Features of alveoli 1. 2. 3. 4. Explanation
  14. | 14 Page 7. Diagram shows the exchange of gases X and Y between the alveolus and a blood capillary. (a) Name gases X and Y x Alveolus Alveolus Blood capillary Kapilari darah (b) The wall of the alveolus is thin and moist How does this help in gaseous exchange? (c) State the characteristics of the alveoli in increasing its surface area for the exchange of gases.
  15. | 15 Page 8. Diagram shows the transport of oxygen in the human body. ungs Peparu Heart Jantung Body cells Sel-sel badan Key I Petunjuk -—-.> Deoxygenated blood Darah terdeoksigen Oxygenated blood Darah beroksigen (a) State what happens to the deoxygenated blood in the lungs. (b) What is formed when oxygen combines with haemoglobin. (c) State what happens when oxygenated blood reaches body cells which do not have enough oxygen. 9. Briefly explain the diffusion of gas 10. The following reactions may occur either in our lungs or kidney. Identify the organ in the table Haemo lobin reaction Oxygen + haemoglobin -5 oxyhaemoglobin Oxyhaemoglobin *haemoglobin + oxygen Or an
  16. | 16 Page Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which features of the alveolus and blood capillary increases the rate of exchange of gases between them. c Alveolus wall Condition Dr Dr Moist Moist Thickness Thick Thin Thin Thick Rich in blood capillaries No Yes Yes No 2. What happens when the blood reaches body cells? A. B. C. D. Oxygen combines with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin Oxygen from the body cells diffuses into the blood Oxygenated blood is formed and transported to the heart Oxyhaemoglobin is broken down and oxygen is released 3. The following statements are on the transportation of oxygen to the parts of human body. P- Oxygen combines with haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form oxyhaemoglobin Q- Oxyhaemoglobin breaks down to release oxygen R - Oxygen dissolves in the moist lining of the alveolus and diffuses into the blood capillaries S- Oxyhaemoglobin transport oxygen to all parts of the body Which of the following is the correct sequence of the transportation of oxygen? B OR, P, S D S, OR, P
  17. | 17 Page F. Chemical substances which are harmful to respiratory system Chemical substance (a) Cigarette smoke (b) Acid gases from the factories (c) Vehicle fumes Nicotine Tobacco tar Acid Carcinogens Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide Carbon monoxide Harmful effect on the respiratory system Causes addiction Causes bronchitis, throat cancer and lun cancer Blackens the lungs Damages alveolus cells and lungs cells Causes lun cancer Corrodes lungs cells Causes coughing, asthma and bronchitis Stimulate the growth of cancer cells Damage the breathing channel and lungs Reduce the ability of blood transport oxygen
  18. G. Illnesses affecting the respiratory system Illnesses 1. Emphysema -Result of abnormal growth in the cells that lines the tiny air channels in te lungs causing these channel to be blocked. 2. Bronchitis -inflammation of the epithelium (cell layer) of the bronchus caused by air pollutants such as cigarette smoke. | 18 Page Alveoli with emphysema Microscopic view of normal alveoli Inflamed primary and secondary bronchi Chronic bronchitis is caused most often by exposure to airborne pollutants such as cigarette smoke
  19. | 19 3. Lung cancer -Unusual cell growth in the lungs 4. Asthma -Inflammation of the breathing channel Page Cancerous mass Lymphatic spread B'fediastinum (area that separates lungs) Muscle wall During Asthma Synwtoms Tightened Ir&ned/ Üway ' F airway wall Airway x-secØon Muws
  20. 20 Page Actiyity Aim: To study the effects of smoking on the human respiratory system Thermometer Termometer Rubber tube Tiub getah Cigarette Glass tube Tiub kaca Rokok IJ-tube Tiub-u Observation Substance Cotton Universal indicator Thermometer Moist cotton Kapas lembap Observation The white cotton turns The solution turns from to The temperature To vacuum pump Ke pam vakum Conical flask Kela/ang kon Universal indicator Penunjuk semesta Inference Cigarette smoke contains Cigarette smoke is Cigarette smoke is
  21. | 21 Page Discussion 1. Which part of the human respiratory system is represented by cotton? 2. What causes the cotton to change colour? 3. Name the gases present in cigarette smoke that cause the colour of universal indicator to change. 4. What inference can be made about the effect of the temperature of cigarette smoke on the respiratory system? The and the lungs. temperature dries up the walls of respiratory tract 5. State three harmful effects of smoking. (a) It causes (b) It causes the (c) It dries up the walls ofthe and bronchitis to harden and the lungs. 6. State the substances of cigarette smoke that cause the following effects. (b)Tar contains Conclusion Cigarette contains damage the lung tissues, and causes addiction and rapid heartbeats that cause cancer. which blackens the lungs, which dries up the lungs. which
  22. 22 Page Quick Check 1. Fill in the space with the harmful effect or disease that is caused by a particular chemical substance found in cigarette smoke. Corrodes lung cells Causes addiction Blackens the lung Causes lung cancer Cigarette smoke 1 2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words Carcinogen Acidic solution carbon monoxide cigarette Haze alveolus wall Pollutant Tar Sulphur dioxide Nicotine Sticks to the Effect on the respiratory system and damages them. Reduces the oxygen supply to the body cells Forms trachea and alveolus tissues. Causes addiction to which corrodes the and lung cancer. Blocking respiratory passage, causing difficulty to breath.
  23. 3. Fill in the blanks to state the ways to improve air quality. recycle public laws 23 Page open (a) Avoid burning of trash (b) Encourage car pool of (c) Reduce, reuse and (d) Implement Multiple Choice Question transportation. waste materials. and regulation to control air pollution. 1. Diagram shows the set-up of the apparatus required to investigate the effects of smoking on the human respiratory system. Which of the following observations are correct? Thermometer Termometer Rubber tube Tiub getah Cigarette Rokok U-tube Tiub-u Glass tube Tiub kaca Moist cotton Kapas lembap I The cotton wool becomes brown Il The universal indicator becomes yellow Ill The thermometer reading decreases IV Water vapour is formed in the conical flask A B 1 and 11 1 and 111 c D To vacuum pump Ke pam vakum Conical flask Kelalang kon Universal indicator Penunjuk semesta 11 and IV 111 and IV
  24. 24 Page 2. Which of the following can be practiced to improve the quality of the air. A Allow smoking in public areas B Encourage use of public transport C Use leaded petrol D Carry out open burning 3. Diagram shows the set-up of an experiment to study the effect of smoking on the lungs. Lighted cigarette Rokok sedang menya/a U-tube Tiub-U Cotton wool Kapas Which the following represents lungs? A B Cotton wool U- tube C D To filter pump Ke pam turas Conical flask Kelalang kon Litmus solution Larutan litmus Litmus solution Conical flask