135 American M3 Lee Crew, Tunisia, 1942

American M3 Lee Crew, Tunisia, 1942

(Feb. 17, 2023) This week, 80 years ago, the American GIs had their first encounter with the German “Desert Fox” (der Wüstenfuchs) — Field Marshal Erwin Rommel — the tough veterans of his Deutsch-Italienishe Panzermarmee, the vaunted German 88 mm artillery guns and the monstrous new Tiger tanks. The Americans learned some valuable lessons.

After the defeat of Field Marshal Rommel’s Deutsch-Italienishe Panzermarmee in Egypt and the Allied invasion of French North Africa, on the other side of the African continent, the Axis had, belatedly, transferred nearly a quarter million men and 850,000 tons of supplies and equipment, with the permission of the French government, to the French colony of Tunisia.

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