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Soju Vs Sake – What is the Difference?

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If you have an interest in oriental cuisine, then you’ve likely heard of soju and sake. These are both alcoholic beverages that are enjoyed as a drink and in Asian cooking. 

But what is the difference between soju and sake? We explore the similarities and differences between these two beverages so you can discover which you should try. 

What is Soju? 

Soju is a colourless distilled alcoholic beverage that originates from South Korea. It is commonly made with rice, wheat or barley. Original soju recipes only used rice, but following rice shortages in the 1960s, soju started to be made from other ingredients, such as sweet potato, wheat, tapioca and barley. Now there are many types of soju available to drink. 

The alcohol content of soju can range from 16.8% – 53% alcohol, but is typically around 20%. Due to its lack of colour and alcohol content, soju is sometimes referred to as “Korean vodka”.

What is Sake? 

Sake is a Japanese alcoholic beverage brewed from rice. While it is commonly known as a rice wine, the process used to create it is closer to brewing beer than wine. The bran is removed from the rice, and the rice is then fermented to create an alcoholic liquid. 

 Sake contains approximately 16% alcohol by volume.

How Does Soju Taste? 

Soju is fairly neutral in taste; it’s slightly sweet with a light, fresh flavour. Some say that the flavour is similar to vodka, but most modern soju offerings are milder and sweeter than vodka. 

The flavour of soju will also depend slightly on the ingredient it is made from; for example, a soju made from sweet potato will have a sweeter taste than one made from wheat.

You can also find flavoured soju, which of course, changes what it tastes like. There are a wide variety of flavours, including apple, peach, citrus, grape and pineapple. 

How Does Sake Taste? 

Sake is known as Japanese rice wine as it is most similar to a dry white grape wine, with a mild and slightly sweet taste. It has a hint of umami to it, and some sake drinks are drier or sweeter depending on the brewing technique. Ozeki is a popular sake brand with a range of sake products with different flavours. 

You can find several more varieties of sake each with different notes at out Japanese online store. Our range includes options with hints of peach, strawberry and yuzu. 

How Should You Drink Soju? 

Typically, soju will be drunk neat, served chilled in small glasses that you sip from. In Korea, soju is often enjoyed alongside food, and works particularly well with spicy dishes. Soju is used as a palate cleanser between spicy or fatty dishes to refresh and ensure you are getting the best flavours from your food. 

How Should You Drink Sake?

Traditionally, sake is a ceremonial drink that is served in a small glass. Despite the size of the cup, it shouldn’t be drunk like a shot; instead, it should be sipped on like you would wine or tea. 

Sake can be served hot or cold, and is often enjoyed alongside appetisers, light sushi or at izakaya bars.

You can also get sparkling sake, which is typically served cold and likened to champagne. 

What’s the Difference Between Soju and Sake? 

While soju and sake have similarities in appearance and flavour, there are many differences between these two drinks. 

Style of Drink

While sake is known as a ‘rice wine’, soju is likened to vodka. The style of these two drinks is different, although they are drunk in similar ways, with drinkers sipping the beverage from a small glass. This is largely down to the production method of these drinks; soju is distilled while sake is brewed.

Alcohol Content of Soju and Sake

Soju has a higher alcohol content compared to sake. Soju ranges from 16.8% – 53% alcohol by volume, while sake is around 16%. As such, soju tends to be a stronger alcohol and is sometimes used in cocktails and mixed beverages, whereas sake is usually drunk as it is.

Ingredients of Soju and Sake

Sake is a rice wine and tends to be made solely from rice, whereas soju can be made from a variety of ingredients, including rice, wheat and sweet potato. 

Aroma of Soju and Sake 

Soju has a distinct scent - it has a neutral but strong alcoholic aroma, similar to vodka. Conversely, sake is mild and sweet-smelling, with notes of fruits and rice present. 

Flavour of Soju and Sake

A classic soju is neutral in flavour; however, there are many flavoured varieties of soju, meaning this drink has almost unlimited flavour options. Sake, as a wine, has more limited flavour options, although varieties of sake do exist. A standard sake drink tastes creamy, refreshing, and light. 

If you want to buy soju in the UK, then look no further than Oriental Mart. Here we stock a wide range of delicious soju flavours, from original to green apple, yoghurt or pomegranate. 

Think sake is more your taste? You can find sake in the UK here at Oriental Mart too!

Written By:

Sara Yang

Sara is based in the UK but loves nothing more than creating and sampling dishes from all around the world. Her favourite is Asian cuisine and she hopes to inspire more people in the UK to try authentic East Asian dishes.

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