PAL V Liberty flying car 012

Elevate your life

In the world's first flying car

Going for a business trip, a romantic dinner, or a weekend getaway? With the PAL-V Liberty, you decide when and where to go.

Ok, time to get elevated!
Step 1

A business meeting in London

The PAL-V App will guide you to the nearest takeoff location and tell you where the best place is to land. No need to file a flight plan in most cases and, if needed, the App has it covered!

PAL V Liberty flying car London 007

Step 2

Take your car for a FlyDrive

Experience sportscar-like driving on your way to an airstrip near your location. Who will you take with you?

PAL V Liberty flying car London 008
Step 3

Convert your Liberty and take off

Within 5 minutes you convert the flying car into flight mode. Sit back, relax and enjoy a scenic flight through the skies.

PAL V Liberty flying car Conversion 001
Step 4

Back on the ground

Touch back down at an airstrip, within 5 minutes you're back on the road for the final leg of your journey. Driving your flying car straight into the city centre of London.

PAL V Liberty flying car London 001
Step 5

Arrive at your destination in style

Forget the hassle of arranging transportation to your final destination. Simply park your Liberty at your destination, an arrival in style!

PAL V Liberty flying car London 002
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Experience it for yourself!

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