• Your Premium Source for Water Technology Products

    Quality Source where you can get the high quality product with finest after sales service.

    Leader brands from Europe in one store

Welcome to Quality Source

Quality Source is a leader supplier that has been operating in UAE . We offer a wide range of high-quality products for all your domestic water technology and plumbing needs:

  • Water Heaters
  • Water treatment equipment
  • Water faucets
  • Water Supply Systems
  • Manhole covers, Gratings and Grill accessories

We are committed to providing you with the highest quality products and services at the right price. We offer fast and affordable delivery to your home or to the construction site.

Please see our online catalog . We will be happy to help you.

From Europe to your doorstep ..

Our Products

Clage .. Energy Saving Instant water heater

BWT .. the global leader for water technology solution

REHAU .. a leading global provider of advance polymer and composite for industry and end-users

Tiemme .. Experience, innovation capacity,  creativity and exclusive made in Italy products for plumbing and heating system

in one Store!

Electronically controlled
instantaneous water heaters

More than 65 years of technology experience

Made in Germany

In 1951, Claus-Holmer Gerdes started selling mini instant water heaters. Today, Clage second-generation, owner-operated mid-size company in the northern German, Hanseatic city of Lüneburg.

More than 270 employees are responsible for development, design, production and distribution of the energy-efficient hot water heaters with a high standard of quality.

In 2017, CLAGE was awarded as one of the top 100 most innovative companies of Germany’s small and medium-sized enterprises!

BWT mission is to develop the best water treatment products and services. ensure hygiene, safety and health in people's day-​to-day contact with water. BWT research is to develop innovative solutions, and work to further enhance its products.

POU Filtration
Clean and perfectly hygienic

The new BWT Woda-Pure series turns ordinary tap water into high quality drinking water. Get safe drinking water directly from the tap.

▪ Pure water - free from particles, odour, chlorine, bacteria, etc.

▪ Innovative Mg2+ Mineralizer technology for perfect coffee and tea

▪ Flexible solution - proven by experts

POE Filtration

POE Filtration
​E1 Single Lever Filter

The E1 Single-Lever filter from BWT is a masterpiece of precision and fully compliant with all standards for hygienic and safe drinking water.

Installed directly at the point of entry - where the municipal pipeline enters the house, it protects your entire domestic water installation against foreign particles such as rust and reducing also the risk of mould and bacteria growth. Very easy filter exchange in a matter of seconds. Innovative technical know-how combined with contemporary design to create a new generation of filter technology: Manufactured according to highest hygienic production conditions, extremely user friendly and award winning technology.

Multi-layer Filtration

Multi-layer Filtration
Multi C

Many modern filtering methods have their origins in nature, for example the multi-layer filters. During seepage, the water flows through different layers of soil from sand, gravel or other rocks and is filtered slowly into clear ground water on its journey.

BWT has developed it’s expertise over many years in the large scale process business for municipalities and the industry. This proven process know-how has now been transferred and condensed in a domestic filter system: The BWT Multi filter range! If it comes down to remove dirt particles, bad odour and tastes, such as chlorine compounds, but also iron, manganese or even heavy metals e.g. lead copper, nickel and arsen.

BWT can offer the right filtration product specifically designed for your needs. The excellent water quality is achieved by the ideal combination of the correct filter media appropriately operated.

Depending on the type of target and water issue we offer different high-end filter media compliant to German DIN standards - for safe and perfect results.

UV Filtration

UV Filtration

If you are unsure of the microbiological quality of your source water or if you are looking for additional security from municipal water source, the BWT has the solution in the new residential series of BWT UV systems: Bewades blue

▪ Intuitive handling via color display with clear text messages - One look info

▪ Very robust online sensor (optional) monitoring permanently the systems performance and alarming if the water is unsafe to drink

▪ High grade stainless steel reactor, very hygiene and corrosion resistant

▪ Reliable, robust UV lamp for durability and long life (9,000 hours)

▪ Electronic controller in a splash proof case, virtually eliminates common water damage issues

▪ Complete set - ready to install, inclusive wall mounting kit

Plumbing and Drainage

RAUTITAN: The universal multi layer composite pipe system for drinking water

RUPIANO Plus: Quite and reliable drainage system

Made in Germany
Rautitan Manifold


RAUTITAN is the number one choice for modern installations with 800,000,000 meters of pipe sold worldwide.

Drinking water

Hygienic, long-lasting reliability and simple installation: The RAUTITAN MLCP system is a trusted solution for drinking water installations worldwide.

Rautitan Manifold

Rautitan Manifold

Smart manifold

A compact, versatile and innovative solution for apartments, flats and houses.



Quiet and reliable

A complete solution from family homes to large commercial buildings. RAUPIANO Plus pipe, fittings and accessories are available in sizes DN 32 to DN 200 and compatible with HT- and KG  systems – offering noise and fire protection as well as reduced installation times.