Too many fat cats, husky hounds: 1 in 3 pets are overweight, obese

Ole is a large cat that was content sitting in his cage Friday, May 18, at the Tri-County Humane Society. In a 2017 report, researchers found one in three pets was diagnosed as overweight or obese.

ST. CLOUD — Put that Milkbone down, sir. It's likely your favorite furry friend doesn't need it. 

A 2017 report by Banfield Pet Hospital shows our pets are becoming more like us: fatter. They are facing the same challenges as 70 percent of Americans who are overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

One in three cats and dogs in the U.S. is overweight or obese. That number has more than doubled in the past 10 years.

There's been a 169 percent increase in overweight cats and 158 percent increase in overweight dogs. 

"We see pets on the way to being killed with kindness," said Vicki Davis, executive director of the Tri-County Humane Society.

It seems to be something we're especially good at in Minnesota. The state ranks first in the country for dogs and cats diagnosed as overweight or obese. 

Besides simply being more to cuddle, a pet with excessive weight is more likely to have health problems.

Laura Lund, animal care manager, plays with a larger cat named Callie Cat Friday, May 18, at the Tri-County Humane Society. In a 2017 report, researchers found one in three pets was diagnosed as overweight or obese.

"It's tough on their bodies," Davis said. "Especially small dogs. Their spine can't support that much extra weight on those tiny, little legs." 

Obesity in cats and dogs has been linked to more than 20 ailments. And a healthy weight can delay the onset of many chronic diseases.

Overweight and obese pets are more likely to have diabetes and have issues with their spine, knees and hips, Davis said. It can exacerbate arthritis or problems of old age. 

"We have seen little dogs, tiny dogs that are overweight, and they jump off the couch and break a leg," Davis said. "Their little legs couldn't support them." 

And it's more likely to cost you money. 

Owners of overweight dogs spend 17 percent more on healthcare costs and 25 percent more on medications than owners with healthy-weight dogs.

Owners of overweight cats spend 36 percent more on diagnostic procedures compared to owners of healthy-weight cats.  

The causes are similar to humans, too. Too much bacon. 

Well, that, and inactivity, too much food and not the right kind of food. 

So what can you do about? 

First, talk to your vet. They can tell you if the weight of your pet is concerning for its breed and give you some strategies to help Fido out. 

Stay away from people food. Just don't.

Consider low-calorie food. This is America. We have plenty of choices. 

Change what is considered a treat. For instance, try raw green beans or another vegetable that they like," Davis said.

"It can work," Davis said. "It's all about the presentation." 

Downsize the treats. "You don't have to give your dog the 3- or 4-inch Milkbone," Davis said. "Break it up into four or five pieces. 

Laura Lund, animal care manager, checks on Mary, who is a little overweight Friday, May 18, at the Tri-County Humane Society. In a 2017 report, researchers found one in three pets was diagnosed as overweight or obese.

Feed less food overall, with your vet's blessing. 

Actually measure the amount of food you're giving. See what the food packaging says and start with those guidelines. Find an extra measuring cup and keep it with the food, always. 

Free feeding is OK, in some cases. 

"If it's not causing a problem with the pet's weight," Davis said. "My cats are very good about it." Cats who were strays are more likely to overeat and to be protective of their food. 

Make sure your pet has plenty of water, especially in the summer. That may mean more than one dish, if they're outside. A bowl can easily get knocked over. 

"What I always recommend, I like to see one of those kiddie pools," Davis said, full of water outside. That way the dogs always have enough water and have a cool place to play if it gets extra hot. 

Know your pet. Find out what works best for them.

"No one is intentionally trying to harm their pet," Davis said. "People just like to feed things."

It's just that sometimes we give into the puppy-dog eyes or late-night harassment from our cats.

So rethink your own habits. Go on an extra long walk. For many of us, we could use the exercise just as much as our pets.