
INSPIRA™ Breast Implants

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

New Breast Implant by AllerganAllergan Corporation recently released the INSPIRA™ line of new silicone gel breast implants to complement their NATRELLE® Collection of gel-filled breast implants. The advantage of this new implant is that it is filled 95 percent volume with TruForm™ (cohesive) gel. The advantage to this is that the INSPIRA™ breast implant creates more fullness, particularly in the upper part of the breast, which leads to improved projection. This implant will also help to decrease deformities such as rippling or wrinkling. The implants are available featuring 400 different options for a more customized fit.

If you are considering breast augmentation and want more information regarding your breast implant choices, including the new INSPIRA™ breast implants, contact Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is a board-certified plastic surgeon with years of experience performing breast augmentation. To schedule your complimentary consultation, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form today. We look forward to helping you achieve the breast results you desire.

Protect Your Skin!

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

An article published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that most adults rarely use sunscreen. With summer officially underway, we want to emphasize the importance of protecting your skin from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. A recent post by Revision® Skincare concerning Intellishade® resonated with us, and we wanted to share this information with you. Have fun this summer, but be safe and remember to protect your skin!

Protect Your Skin

Plastic Surgeons Are Hand Surgeons

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Many people do not know that plastic surgeons are also hand surgeons. In addition to aesthetic plastic surgery procedures, such as breast augmentations, tummy tucks, and facelifts, plastic surgeons are also well trained to work on patients with hand traumas, including work-related injuries and repairing tendons, nerves, and fractures. Plastic surgeons are also well qualified to perform elective hand surgeries for conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, ganglions, and Dupuytren’s contracture.

In addition to aesthetic plastic surgery, Dr. Benjamin Schlechter also specializes in hand surgery. In fact, Dr. Schlechter was recently featured in the article in the Reading Eagle regarding his hand surgery specialty. We encourage you to read the full article below.

Plastic Surgeons Are Hand SurgeonsReading Eagle: Bill Uhrich | According to Dr. Benjamin Schlechter, “The problem is that many people are unaware that hand surgery can be done, not only by orthopedic surgeons, but by plastic surgeons.”

Plastic Surgeons are Hand Surgeons

The Best Season for Plastic Surgery

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

When Is the Best Time of Year for Plastic Surgery?

Best Season for Plastic Surgery

Have you ever wondered when is the best season for plastic surgery? Believe it or not, plastic surgery is cyclical, with certain procedures being more popular during certain seasons of the year. Read more about the best seasons to undergo specific plastic surgery procedures in Dr. Schlechter and Dr. Jacob Bloom’s article North Shore Aesthetics Offers Plastic Surgery for All Seasons that was published in Lady: A Woman’s Guide by 22nd Century® Media on April 30, 2015.


North Shore Aesthetics Offers Plastic Surgery for All Seasons

North Shore Aesthetics Offers Plastic Surgery for All Seasons

Breast Implant Warranties Improved for 2015

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 3.00.43 PMThere is a lot of confusion among patients as to what their breast implant warranty covers following augmentation surgery. There is a distinction in warranties between saline and gel implants, and a slight difference among the various manufacturers; Allergan, Mentor and Sientra. Registration for the warranty varies between medical practices, but whenever there is a fee to the patient for an upgraded warranty, the patient is responsible for doing that themselves online within 45 days of their surgery. Beginning with saline implants, there is lifetime replacement coverage for a rupture, or deflation. In this situation the companies also provide a contralateral implant (for the non-affected implant) within a comparable size range. For the first ten years if something does happen to the implant the manufacturers may also provide financial assistance as well, to help cover the cost of the doctor replacing the defective implant. To obtain or increase the financial assistance there may be a fee of $200, this is often referred to as the enhanced warranty. It is important to understand that while the implant itself is covered by warranty for the lifetime, the financial assistance ends after ten years. It is highly recommended that all patients with saline implants purchase the enhanced warranty when available, as the standard plan may offer no financial assistance, and even if it does the standard financial assistance is not enough to cover the surgeon’s fees.

Screen Shot 2015-02-03 at 3.01.11 PMThe warranty for gel or silicone implants is slightly better coverage. Again, the implants themselves are covered for life if a rupture or defect occurs. It is possible for the doctor to get a contralateral (other side), implant at no charge as well, within a comparable size range. The financial assistance for most companies is $3500 to help cover the surgeon’s fees, if there is an issue during the first ten years following surgery. The improvement in the warranty beginning in November 2014, is that the companies will not provide a replacement implant at no charge if the patient has a capsular contracture, which occurs in 15% of all implant patients according to the national data. The restriction is that it must be within the first 3, or 10 years depending on the manufacturer, and it must be what they refer to as Baker lll/lV, which means the severity of the contracture must be on the higher end. It does not cover a very mild case of capsular contracture. The grade is determined by the physician. Some companies also provide financial assistance for capsular contracture, others do not, so be sure to have an understanding after your consult of exactly what the warranty will cover regarding capsular contracture. To further complicate things for the consumer, one company does offer an enhanced version of the capsular contracture warranty, so that if an additional fee is paid by the patient after surgery, the warranty time period extends from 3 to 10 years of coverage. If an enhanced warranty is offered on the gel implants it is highly recommended that the patient purchase it. Always ask the doctor with whom you are consulting with how often he encounters these situations, as it can vary greatly. The staff at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery is very thorough about reviewing the warranty coverage for the implants with each patient.

State of the Art Treatment of the Aging Face

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

State of the Art Treatment of the Aging FaceDr. Benjamin Schlechter has returned from attending the 2015 Aesthetic Surgery Symposium held in Las Vegas, Nevada. This 3-day intensive program reviewed techniques to improve the aging face. Internationally renowned presenters lectured on and showed new cutting edge techniques. Included were new techniques for rejuvenation of the upper and lower eyelids, face, neck and forehead. The premise for the aging face involves loss of skin tone, volume loss, and descent of the tissues. Obviously, the treatment of the aging face involves restoring volume, ascending the tissues and improving the quality of the skin.

Over the past several years, a hot topic in the plastic surgery cosmetic surgery circles has been fat grafting to the aging face. This meeting presented a plethora of information regarding this exciting subject, as well as, the science to support the procedures. Most interesting was the topic of micrografting and nanografting fat to the aging face. This involves sterilely harvesting one’s own fat, preparing it, and then injecting it into areas of volume loss. Studies have shown that the areas treated with fat grafting have improved volume, skin tone, color and elasticity. Of note, fat grafting also appears to help improve acne scarring. The mechanism for this is not completely known, but studies have shown that adipose derived s remain viable in the grafted fat. It is believed these cells have a role in improving skin tone.

Also presented were new, less invasive face lifting techniques. This procedure still requires an incision that is camouflaged around the ear. The approaches involved a 2-layer correction of the aging tissues. The results appear to be long lasting and very natural looking.

As we age, the eyes tend to be the first area of our face to show aging. New techniques incorporating fat grafting to the upper and lower eyelids were presented. This involved the more traditional blepharoplasty procedures, as well as, techniques that involve no external incision. There is evidence to show that nanografting of fat to the lower eyelids helps to improve dark circles.

In terms of improving facial skin consistency and integrity, it has been shown that good skin care in conjunction with laser resurfacing is quite beneficial. This can be in the form of aggressive CO2 laser resurfacing or less aggressive fractional resurfacing. Laser treatments and skin care can be an ongoing process to maintain skin. This equates with going to the gym to keep your body in shape. It’s not once and done. The Picosure laser with focus lens array has been shown to be a non-invasive facial skin treatment that significantly improves skin texture and discoloration. This may also help improve acne scarring. Again, periodic treatments are necessary to maintain the quality of your skin.

Also presented at the meeting in great detail was the use of fillers (ie. Juvederm, Restylane, Perlane, Voluma, Radiesse, Restylane Silk, and Sculptra) and neurotoxins (i.e. BOTOX, Dysport or Xeomin) to shape and improve the face. The neurotoxins are used to help erase wrinkles, but can also be used to help shape the brow, corners of the mouth, or to decrease the bulk of certain muscles of the face to create a more contoured, defined look. The choice of a certain filler is dependent on the desired results. For instance, Restylane Silk was recently FDA approved for treatment of the lips. This hyaluronic acid filler is composed of smaller molecules to create a softer, natural full look. The goal of treatment with these products is to create a nice, natural rejuvenated look. Different fillers are used for different purposes.

Treatment of the declote was also touched on in the lectures. Treatment using micro and nano fat grafting, along with skin care has been shown to improve the wrinkles and texture of the sun damaged chest.

What was most refreshing was that I have been performing many of the procedures utilizing these newer techniques and technology in my practice for quite some time. This coincides with my philosophy of providing state of the art care and the latest in technology.

Eyelid Lift or Brow Lift: Which Do I Need?

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Eyelid Lift and Brow Lift, Wyomissing, PA

Woman looking up in the air with her finger on her head (thinking)(Aging, sun exposure, and repetitive muscle movements tend to cause wrinkles and loose skin in the upper face. Drooping tissues can hang over the eyes and impair vision, and creases in the skin can make a person appear mad, sad, or tired even if they aren’t feeling that way. People with aging in their forehead and eye areas sometimes wonder which plastic surgery procedure is ideal for rejuvenating their appearance. Here is information to help determine whether an eyelid lift or a brow lift will best improve your appearance or if perhaps BOTOX® is the right choice for you.


Eyelid Lift

Eyelid lift surgery, also known as “blepharoplasty,” removes stretched skin and repositions or removes fatty tissue to create a more defined and rejuvenated eye appearance. It can be performed on the upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Upper blepharoplasty uses an incision along the natural crease of the lid, and lower blepharoplasty may use an incision just below the lower lashes or a transconjunctival incision within the lower eyelid.

Blepharoplasty is ideal for correcting the following:

  • Loose, sagging skin on the upper or lower eyelids
  • Folds on the upper lids
  • Puffiness in the upper lids
  • “Bags” in the lower lids
  • “Crepe-paper skin” below the eyes
  • Drooping lower eyelids that pull the skin down and reveal white below the iris


Brow Lift

When it’s the actual eyebrows that hang down and hood the eyes, a brow lift, or “forehead lift,” is needed. Dr. Schlechter generally uses the endoscopic technique for his forehead lift patients, which employs a surgical video device called an endoscope and other surgical instruments inserted through small incisions along the hairline. Through these small incisions, Dr. Schlechter can tighten loose skin and adjust the underlying muscles that contribute to frown lines. Dr. Schlechter also performs coronal, temporal, trans-palpebral, and suprabrow lift techniques. Dr. Schlechter will determine the best technique to improve your unique condition during your consultation.

Brow lift surgery is ideal for correcting the following:

  • Horizontal lines across the forehead
  • Deep vertical furrows between the brows (“frown lines”)
  • Loose skin on the forehead
  • Low-hanging brows



BOTOX® Cosmetic is a neurotoxin formula that is injected into the muscles that cause fine lines and moderate to severe wrinkles, and it can give a little bit of lift to the brow area. This option is not for those with significant sagging in the upper face, and results generally last three to four months, so repeat treatments are needed to maintain results. BOTOX® injections are ideal for those who want quick rejuvenation without the risks and downtime associated with surgery.

BOTOX® Cosmetic is ideal for correcting the following:

  • Vertical furrows between the brows (“frown lines”)
  • Fine lines at the outer corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”)


Combining Procedures

Dr. Schlechter recommends that his surgical patients receive BOTOX® treatment a month in advance of brow lift surgery to ensure their muscles are relaxed for the procedure. If needed, Dr. Schlechter may recommend that brow lift surgery and eyelid lift surgery be performed together to achieve complete facial rejuvenation.

If you would like to rejuvenate your facial appearance, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your complimentary consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Benjamin Schlechter. During your consultation, Dr. Schlechter will evaluate your needs and desires to determine the best procedure(s) to meet your goals.

Vectra 3D – What to Expect Following Plastic Surgery

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

3D Imaging for Plastic Surgery

Preoperative imaging can give patients an idea of what to expect following surgery

People are sometimes hesitant to undergo plastic surgery because they are unsure of how they will look after the procedure. They are often concerned that the surgeon will not fully understand the particular changes they want and will not achieve the appearance they desire. Some potential patients worry that the changes made will be too drastic or that their alterations may not look balanced with the rest of their unique features. Fortunately, here at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery we have a way to help relieve these pre-procedure anxieties.

Vectra 3D Imaging

Dr. Schlechter offers Vectra 3D Imaging to help his patients feel more comfortable and confident about undergoing plastic surgery. This state-of-the-art technology helps Dr. Schlechter plan your surgery to try to achieve your desired results. It helps take the guesswork out and allows Dr. Schlechter to better understand your goals and expectations.

If you only have a vague idea of what you want from a procedure, the Vectra 3D Imaging system allows the opportunity to get an idea as to how various changes may look on you. Additionally, this advanced imaging system helps you understand what is and is not achievable with plastic surgery.

Vectra 3D Imaging is most effective at imaging the breasts and nose.

How Does Vectra 3D Work?

The Vectra 3D Imaging system takes a detailed, three-dimensional picture of your features. Then, the Sculptor™ software allows Dr. Schlechter to make specific and detailed adjustments to your image. These adjustments will be based on an in-depth discussion between you and Dr. Schlechter about what you hope to achieve with your procedure. If the image of your anticipated results does not match what you want, additional adjustments to the image can be made until it more closely resembles your goals.  Patients have to understand that almost anything can be achieved on a computer screen, and this may not be the case in an actual surgical situation.  Dr. Schlechter will help guide you to perceive and understand realistic results.

If you are interested in enhancing your appearance with plastic surgery in the Lancaster, PA area, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to request your complimentary consultation. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is highly experienced performing a range of procedures with a variety of techniques for subtle or significant enhancements to achieve the appearance you desire.

Breast Reconstruction: Closing the Loop on Breast Cancer

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer

Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, which was organized to raise funds for research and raise awareness of this disease. While just about everyone knows that breast cancer exists, not as many people know the repercussions of breast cancer and steps that may help to prevent it.

Breast Cancer: Did You Know?

  • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime
  • Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death in women
  • Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide
  • Death rates from breast cancer have been declining since about 1990, partly due to better screening and early detection, increased awareness, and improved treatment options.

While the above facts are becoming more widely known, many women are unaware of the options available to them after their cancer has been treated with a mastectomy. Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day was created to “close the loop on breast cancer” by informing women of their options for reconstructive breast surgery. BRA Day occurs annually on the third Wednesday of October (October 15th this year).

Breast Reconstruction: Did You Know?

After mastectomy, many women may feel an overwhelming sense of victory once their cancer has been treated, but many of them also miss what was once such a central part of their femininity. Breast reconstruction can restore a natural-looking breast appearance so that the battle with breast cancer does not have to end with something missing. At Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery, we have seen how rewarding breast reconstruction can be for women who want to look and feel whole again.

To learn more about your options with breast reconstruction surgery, please schedule a complimentary consultation at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery by calling (610) 678-9200. For your convenience, you may also fill out our online contact form.

Non-Surgical Facial Rejuvenation

By: Dr. Benjamin Schlechter MD, FACS

Stay Youthful Like a Real Housewife

Tamra Barney (now Tamra Judge), a star of the reality television series The Real Housewives of Orange County and the spin-off Tamra’s OC Wedding, is known as the “hottest housewife” and maintains a naturally youthful appearance despite nearing 50 years old. Although she confessed that she did have a prior breast augmentation, Tamra has previously rejected all questions about getting “work” done to her face. On a recent episode of Watch What Happens Live!, host Andy Cohen asked Tamra if she has had any plastic surgery or fillers. The drama-prone reality star continued with her denial by stating, “Zero, nothing” and “I’m honest…I don’t lie,” accompanied by a sly grin. Finally, after a little more prodding from Cohen, the blonde bombshell subtly admitted that she’s had “maybe just a little bit” of fillers put in her cheeks.


Injectable fillers, also known as dermal fillers, add volume to the skin to improve signs of aging associated with loss of skin elasticity and fullness. The procedure does not usually require anesthesia, treatment takes less than an hour, and patients can immediately return to their regular activities.

Injectable fillers can improve the following:

  • Wrinkles
  • Fine lines
  • Hollows
  • Skin depressions
  • Pitted scars

Facial Rejuvenation LancasterFillers for the Cheeks

There are several types of fillers, and certain ones work best for improving particular areas of the face. For the cheek area, Tamra likely had a filler with a thicker hyaluronic acid formula or collagen stimulator. These include:

  • Restylane®
  • Perlane®
  • JUVÉDERM™ Ultra Plus

If you are interested in attaining a rejuvenated facial appearance, please call (610) 678-9200 or fill out our online contact form to schedule your complimentary consultation at Spring Ridge Plastic Surgery. Dr. Benjamin Schlechter is highly experienced performing injectable filler treatment and can help determine the best type for your individual needs.

Our Location

Benjamin Schlechter M.D.
2603 Keiser Blvd Suite 207
Wyomissing PA 19610
(610) 678-9200

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