Gardening Plants & Flowers Fruit

How Long Does It Take to Grow a Pineapple?

Growing Pineapple

Charlotte Bleijenberg / Getty Images

How long does it take to grow a pineapple? It takes on average about 18 months up to three years to produce edible fruit from seeds, seedlings, or from the crown of a pineapple. If you live in USDA zone 9 or higher, you can grow pineapple in the garden. For everyone else, start a plant with the scraps of a store-bought pineapple, a sharp knife, a large pot, potting soil, and a lot of patience. Learn more about how long it takes to grow a pineapple so you can decide if it's the right project for you.

Amount of Time it Takes to Grow a Pineapple

Anyone can grow pineapple as a houseplant and, if you live in a climate that stays warm year-round, you can plant outdoors with success. Purchased slips or seedlings give a bit of a headstart but not enough to reduce the time to harvest by much. Once a rooted crown is planted it begins to grow within two to three weeks in either location. Getting started is the easy part. Waiting for your plant to do something besides get bigger requires a long-term commitment.

Pineapple Houseplant

Potted pineapple plants can grow up to 5 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide. They require lots of sun, at least 6 hours daily, and temperatures between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit, so you need to dedicate an indoor spot for a large plant, for at least the next three years. One advantage of a potted plant is greater control over the growing environment. You can move it outdoors during warmer weather. Or, try an ornamental pineapple plant, also a bromeliad, to grow indoors or out.

Garden Pineapple

Climate is the biggest variable for success in growing pineapple in the garden whether you start with purchased slips or a rooted crown. Even if you live in zone 9 or higher, temperatures need to remain consistent. When the mercury drops to 50 degrees Fahrenheit, plants can go into dormancy which means you'll be waiting even longer for fruit. Spring plantings mature to bloom more reliably than pineapples planted in fall, but it still takes from 16 to 28 months for flowers to appear. Fruit development begins about six months after flowering and can take another six months for fruit to develop and ripen for a total growing time of up to 34 months.

How Pineapples Grow

Pineapples are perhaps the best-known plant of more than 3,000 plants in the Bromeliaceae family. From tillandsias (air plants) to the pineapple, itself, bromeliads have some of the most interesting growing habits in the plant kingdom.

Pineapples are not propagated from seed. Wild plants grown from seed are pollinated by hummingbirds and bats but the resulting fruits are small, seedy, and of lesser quality. Seeds also are small, hard, and difficult to germinate so growers start with slips, suckers, and crowns. A ratoon crop (second fruiting) also can develop on some pineapple varieties.

Once planted in the ground or a pot, the pineapple develops through three growth phases with the first phase lasting longest. Fruit characteristics depend on variety and growing conditions but most plants are short-lived and die back after three years.

Vegetative Phase

Once rooted in, the pineapple plant begins to grow quickly, developing long, waxy green leaves (up to 6 feet) that can be spiny or smooth. This stage lasts the longest, up to 24 months, and is most likely to leave you wondering if your plant will ever do anything besides produce leaves.

Fruiting Phase

When the plant is mature at 16 to 24 months the stem grows longer with an enlarged tip. Your plant is entering into the fruiting stage. Flowerbuds appear surrounded by smaller, tighter leaves, called bracts. Encouraging flowering can be a little tricky and you want as many flowers to develop as possible. A slight drop in temperature helps initiate this phase. A ripe apple placed in the leaves produces ethylene gas which helps other fruits ripen, and it is also called the "ripening hormone." Commercial growers use similar hormones or chemical solutions to hasten flowering.

The bloom is an inflorescence of up to 200 individual self-sterile flowers that produce fruit without pollination. The syncarp (fruit) is made up of more than 100 individual flower ovaries (berries) that become fused. After flowering, it takes an additional six months for the fruit to fully develop, and only one fruit is produced per year.

Sucker Growth Phase

The parent or original plant does not, technically, produce a second fruit. However, slips or suckers can develop and produce a second fruiting in about 18 months. If allowed to remain on the parent plant, the second fruiting is called a ratoon crop. Secondary fruits are smaller so this method is not commonly used by commercial growers. Removed two to three weeks after the initial harvest, pups produce a better quality fruit when grown out as new plants.

Methods for Growing Pineapple

Commercial pineapple production is big business with standardized methods cycling constantly to yield an annual harvest. Some of this methodology could be applied by home growers, but getting started with your first harvest still takes about three years.

Growing Pineapple from Crowns

The pineapple crown already has roots that can be encouraged to grow a new plant. A store-bought pineapple works fine but choose a ripe fruit with healthy, green leaves and avoid those with dried, brown tips. Sometimes the crown can be twisted off by hand but slicing it off with a sharp knife might be easier. Fleshy fruit and bottom leaves are removed exposing the central stem or core. The crown is then left in a shaded spot to cure for about a week.

The cured crown can be rooted in water but this step isn't necessary unless you want to watch the roots develop. They will grow in soil with the stem planted 3 to 4 inches deep. In six to eight weeks, roots develop and the pineapple can be transplanted outdoors in zones 9 or higher or potted up into a large 3 to 7-gallon container. The size of the pot often determines the size of the fruit. A planted crown moves into the flowering stage in about 24 months depending on conditions.

Growing Pineapple from Slips and Suckers (Pups)

Mature plants produce several types of offshoots including slips and suckers. Both are small plantlets that develop as the parent plant matures. Slips grow near the base of the stem and don't regrow after they're removed which also directs the parent plant's energy into developing fruit. Suckers continue to develop in the leaf axils of the parent plant. Both slips and suckers are easily twisted or pulled off and immediately transplanted. Waiting until they grow to 6 to 8 inches long usually results in a new plant that matures more quickly and can move into the flowering stage at 14 to 16 months, six or more months earlier than a planted crown.

Growing Pineapple from Ratoons

Depending on the variety, pineapple plants may die back after the initial harvest or they can produce a second fruit called a ratoon. This fruit develops from a slip or sucker left on the parent plant. Fruit development takes about 14 months producing a smaller fruit that is often sweeter. All other pups can be removed from the original plant to direct energy into the second crop. If more are left on the parent plant, multiple smaller fruits develop. A ratoon crop can be ready to harvest about one year after the initial harvest. A third harvest is not recommended due to the decreased size of the fruit, so plants are usually cut down after producing a single ratoon crop.

Harvesting Your Pineapple

Here's how you know when it's time to harvest a pineapple:

  • Look to see that the bottom third of the skin (or peel) has changed from green to yellowish or golden brown.
  • Sniff the pineapple to see if it has a slightly sweet, tangy fragrance.
  • Tap or flick the skin with your fingers; if it's ready to pick, it will sound solid. A hollow sound indicates an immature plant that's not yet ready to be picked.

Use sharp shears to cut the pineapple off the stem and leave it at room temperature to ripen up more.

  • How many pineapples will one plant produce?

    Each plant produces one pineapple in the middle. The plant will die after producing the fruit but will have produced multiple pups.

  • What is the lifespan of a pineapple plant?

    A pineapple plant can live between three and seven years, depending on when it produces its fruit.

  • Do pineapples grow back every year?

    A pineapple plant does not necessarily grow back every year. Instead, it completes its lifecycle, which ends after it produces a fruit and pups.

  • Is growing pineapple hard?

    Growing the pineapple plant is easy but it's waiting for an edible fruit and pups to appear that may be challenging.

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  1. The Other Pineapple. University of Florida Extension.

  2. Ethylene and the Regulation of Fruit Ripening. University of Maryland Extension.

  3. Pineapple. Univeristy of Florida Extension.