SNOWFLAKE – Navajo County residents, including children, face a number of serious problems that affect the county’s health and well-being. The problems facing children in particular were the focus of a community forum held May 20 in Snowflake, and attended by 135 community leaders.

The problems were identified in the Navajo County Public Health District published the results of their 2018 Community Health Assessment (CHA) which described the physical and social conditions that affect the health of Navajo County. The assessment compiled the 2017 survey results of over 108,000 residents.

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(3) comments

show lowian

for 20 years the only option is to run from Navajo County and find a place that actually cares about domestic violence and child abuse. Restraining orders are not enforced and only put you in more danger than not getting one for absolutely no reason. Judges don't care when presented with evidence and experts testifying that a child is being abused. Instead they want the want more time with the abuser so the child can be abused. The laws of Arizona are not upheld at any point. There is no one a person can count on. Other than leaving and getting themselves and their children help with the PTSD they suffer from which is not "cureable" and the trauma stays with them for the rest of their lives.


I am a summer homeowner in the county. I have had personal knowledge of the issues in this article. I am happy Navajo County is taking baby steps to remedy the neglect of family values. Unfortunately, there appears to be a culture of no follow up in the government departments. The excuse is NO Money. This applies to complaints made about junk, trash and debris in yards, dogs running wild and child neglect, and selling drugs. Not necessarily in this order because children are of utmost importance. If $$$ is the issue, raise taxes to fund much needed services. There seems to be a serious case of hopelessness in the families. There is very little opportunity for work so selling drugs is the best source of income. This plague on the area needs to be addressed. We can all work for a good day and a better tomorrow for this community.



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