KENTWOOD, Mich. (WOOD) — In the fall, there’s plenty of Falcons who light up the scoreboard in East Kentwood for the football team. But in the spring, one student has it covered.

“I played Madden, and like at first, they didn’t know that I was the ‘Madden God,'” said sophomore Kymen Cartwright. 

Kymen Cartwright wasn’t always this confident. Just over a year ago, he kept his Madden skills to himself.   

“My dad came to me and told me there was an esports program going on. At first, I didn’t believe him,” he said.

But the ‘Madden God’ was new to the club, and quiet.  

“I did feel nervous at first, but I kept going and it got easier and easier,” explained Kymen Cartwright.    

It can be hard for the student, who has autism, to fully express himself sometimes. But at East Kentwood’s PlayVS esports team, he lets his play do the talking. 

“It makes me feel more confident. For the people that count me out, that just builds my confidence better. At the end of the day, if I win? I prove them wrong. I silenced the haters,” he said.

“Five or six wins in and this kid is undefeated,” said his coach Bill Dixon. “It’s a cool story. It makes me and a lot of people cheer for him because he’s overcoming a couple of obstacles that not everybody has to deal with.”

A year in and the ‘Madden God’ is competing nationally for a scholarship this month.   

“When (Kymen’s dad) did mention that there’s a possibility that Kymen could go to school for his, and he could get a scholarship that kind of opened me up to, ‘OK, maybe you can play this game a little longer if you can get some money,'” said his mom, Charlese Cartwright. 

Scholarships are great, but the confidence Kymen Cartwright found with a controller in his hand is priceless.   

“I love it. It gives a lot of courage and spirits,” he said.

“We’re so proud of him. We’re so excited to see what he future holds for esports, and also what it holds for Kymen,” his mom said.