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Medical Scheduler Salary in Costa Mesa, CA

$28,967 - $31,648
2% of jobs
$31,649 - $34,867
9% of jobs
$37,500 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$34,868 - $37,549
13% of jobs
$37,550 - $40,767
22% of jobs
$40,768 - $43,449
16% of jobs
The average salary is $44,180 a year
$43,450 - $46,668
11% of jobs
$47,700 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$46,669 - $49,350
6% of jobs
$49,351 - $52,569
7% of jobs
$52,570 - $55,251
4% of jobs
$55,788 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$55,252 - $58,469
3% of jobs
$58,470 - $61,688
2% of jobs
Costa Mesa,CA Average
$28,967 $44,180 /year $61,688
$21 /hour
$2,414 - $2,637
2% of jobs
$2,637 - $2,906
9% of jobs
$3,125 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers.
$2,906 - $3,129
13% of jobs
$3,129 - $3,397
22% of jobs
$3,397 - $3,621
16% of jobs
The average salary is $3,681 a month
$3,621 - $3,889
11% of jobs
$3,975 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$3,889 - $4,112
6% of jobs
$4,113 - $4,381
7% of jobs
$4,381 - $4,604
4% of jobs
$4,649 is the 90th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.
$4,604 - $4,872
3% of jobs
$4,872 - $5,141
2% of jobs
Costa Mesa,CA Average
$2,414 $3,681 /month $5,141
$21 /hour
$557 - $609
2% of jobs
$609 - $671
9% of jobs
$721 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$671 - $722
13% of jobs
$722 - $784
22% of jobs
$784 - $836
16% of jobs
The average wage is $849 a week
$836 - $897
11% of jobs
$917 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$897 - $949
6% of jobs
$949 - $1,011
7% of jobs
$1,011 - $1,063
4% of jobs
$1,072 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$1,063 - $1,124
3% of jobs
$1,124 - $1,186
2% of jobs
Costa Mesa,CA Average
$557 $849 /week $1,186
$21 /hour
$13.93 - $15.22
2% of jobs
$15.22 - $16.76
9% of jobs
$18.03 is the 25th percentile. Wages below this are outliers.
$16.76 - $18.05
13% of jobs
$18.05 - $19.60
22% of jobs
$19.60 - $20.89
16% of jobs
The average wage is $21.24 an hour
$20.89 - $22.44
11% of jobs
$22.93 is the 75th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$22.44 - $23.73
6% of jobs
$23.73 - $25.27
7% of jobs
$25.27 - $26.56
4% of jobs
$26.82 is the 90th percentile. Wages above this are outliers.
$26.56 - $28.11
3% of jobs
$28.11 - $29.66
2% of jobs
Costa Mesa,CA Average
$13.93 $21 /hour $29.66
Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
Top Earners $55,788 $4,649 $1,072 $27
75th Percentile $47,700 $3,975 $917 $23
Average $44,180 $3,681 $849 $21
25th Percentile $37,500 $3,125 $721 $18
Medical Scheduler Salary in Costa Mesa, CA Comparison by Location
United States
Costa Mesa, CA

How much does a Medical Scheduler make in Costa Mesa, California?

As of May 1, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Medical Scheduler in Costa Mesa is $21.24 an hour.

While ZipRecruiter is seeing salaries as high as $29.66 and as low as $13.93, the majority of Medical Scheduler salaries currently range between $18.03 (25th percentile) to $22.93 (75th percentile) with top earners (90th percentile) making annually in Costa Mesa.

The average pay range for a Medical Scheduler varies greatly (as much as $4.90), which suggests there may be many opportunities for advancement and increased pay based on skill level, location and years of experience.

Based on recent job postings on ZipRecruiter, the Medical Scheduler job market in both Costa Mesa, CA and the surrounding area is very active.

To estimate the most accurate hourly salary range for Medical Scheduler jobs, ZipRecruiter continuously scans its database of millions of active jobs published locally throughout America.

Find your next high paying job as a Medical Scheduler on ZipRecruiter today.

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related Medical Scheduler Jobs in Costa Mesa

We found at least 5 jobs related to the Medical Scheduler job category that pay more per year than a typical Medical Scheduler salary in Costa Mesa, CA. Top examples of these roles include: Project Scheduler, Construction Project Scheduler, and Project Planner Scheduler.

Importantly, all of these jobs are paid between $70,917 (160.5%) and $81,662 (184.8%) more than the average Medical Scheduler salary of $44,180. If you’re qualified, getting hired for one of these related Medical Scheduler jobs may help you make more money than that of the average Medical Scheduler position.

Job TitleAnnual SalaryMonthly PayWeekly PayHourly Wage
Project Scheduler$125,842$10,486$2,420$60.50
Construction Project Scheduler$122,337$10,194$2,352$58.82
Project Planner Scheduler$121,127$10,093$2,329$58.23
Microsoft Project Scheduler$116,936$9,744$2,248$56.22
Senior Master Scheduler$115,097$9,591$2,213$55.34
About Our Data
ZipRecruiter salary estimates, histograms, trends and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third party data sources.
Medical Scheduler Salary in Costa Mesa, CA. Average salary is $44,180 or $21.24 an hour